wasSup guys!? from badboysupra..


Mar 22, 2007
Vallejo, Ca.
anywayz, just wanna say hi to everyone in here. I'm just new to this site.... but I aint no new comer to the Supra community .

Ive had 5 MKII's and 2 MKIII's under my belt.. and now I just recently purchased a White 1989 MKIII Turbo Targa Top w/ 5spd.

now I might keep this gem for life... (errr....hopefully :biglaugh:)

aite, peace.
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Mar 22, 2007
Vallejo, Ca.
yEe.. wasSup fellas!

@ arvin & SLO - yup I'll post some pix in a bit... but please forgive my dirty MKIII, I havent done anything to it yet since I bought it last Wednesday (needs new HG & other shiet!!).

@ HellsLegion - yeh I know you, I was supposed to buy your 7MGTE a few months ago. I guess I bought a whole car instead..... after a few months of selling my other '83 Super Red MKII P-type.

@ s0ulstar - Hiddenbrooke is a upscale neighborhood around Vallejo, I guess the main places in Vallejo is too HyPhy for them. hehehe.. anywayz, you can move up here if you like, we got a lot of tight cars out here... and hard ass Cops as well :p

@ vg7z - man dude, if you only knew me 7 yrs. ago, you would probably be ask me the same ????'s like what everybody asks. "is that your??.. which one was that??.... how many cars do you have???"

so far I had a:


1.) Black 1983 MKII P-type w/ all motor set up & full suspension (250K mile street car... mainly a "freeway" demon)

2.) White 1983 MKII P-type w/ NOS set up (15.7 N/A - 14.7 w/ NOS.. & a slipping clutch & a stock 230K mile motor)

3.) Super Deep Red 1985 MKII P-type - bone stock (220K miles... & I wrecked it after 3 months of owning it... hit a fire hydrant @ 85... in the twisties.. spinning out @ 90, then going 80 in reverse!... learned a lesson that night.. NEVER LEAVE A SUPRA STOCK!!)

4.) Black 1982 MKII P-type - never ever, ever drove left it stock!! (270
k miles. & I used it as a Drift/Street car. tried to do a 5MGTE hybrid, but I messed up on the re-location of the Oil Filter relocation kit hose.. low pressure on the high pressure side, and vice versa.. stupid manual!! so I spun a rod bearing, caused hella problems.. got tired of it and sold it for a cheap ass $1,000!!. my suspension alone costed me $1,200.)

5.) Super Red 1983 MKII - bone stock w/ 215K miles.. I only drove a total of 70 miles then sold it after 6 months of owning it.


1.) Black 1988 MKIII N/A - bought it for $200 coz of a bad oil pump pulley... but then sold it again for $300.. coz I was still itchin for a MKII)

2.) Homo Blue 1989 MKIII Turbo - bought it for $700 coz of a BHG.. it was OK at first, but... I just didnt like the color. after 5 months, I sold it for $1,500... to a kid who doesnt know how to drive stick. I wonder if he's still alive 'till now. JK!!

damn.. that was 7 Supra's.. not including my:

-2 Mercedes-Benz 190E-2.3 (junked the first one *my first car*, but I still have the second one *my long ass project car...maybe 'til I retire*..)

-I had a 1989 Corolla GTS AE92... sold that.
-then a '04 Matrix XR4WD... got repo'd (coz I got laid off @ Concord Hyundai & couldnt pay for it)
-and then.. a '05 Scion TC... that got totalled.. side swiped by a good 'ol mexican dude.

but anyway, to make my long ass rant short. I'm down with a:

-'07 Camry SE V6.. muthaf%^&#r's fast!
-'94 Ford Aerostar 3.0 V6 (my reliable work/touring van & thank god I still have this thing!)

and my newest toy... my White 1989 MKIII Turbo Targa Top w/ 5spd! (I promised myself, my brother & my girlfriend that I'll keep & take care of this thing... hoooopefully.)

whew!! and BTW: all of my Supra's had 5 spd tranny w/ LSD.. no slushbox for me buddy.

aite, peace.


Mar 22, 2007
Vallejo, Ca.
ok guys, I'll be posting some of my pix pretty soon... I forgot to upload some pix from last night (since that I dont wanna post a pix of my dirty ass car, so I went on to wash it last night!).

aite, peace.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
badboysupra said:
3.) Super Deep Red 1985 MKII P-type - bone stock (220K miles... & I wrecked it after 3 months of owning it... hit a fire hydrant @ 85... in the twisties.. spinning out @ 90, then going 80 in reverse!... learned a lesson that night.. NEVER LEAVE A SUPRA STOCK!!)

So, let me get this right:
You're doing 85mph, begin to spin, which takes you UP 10mph, then end up in reverse?........................:dunno:...................

:rofl: I've just got a vision of the beginning of The Fast & The Furious as the Snot Green Eclipse spins out like crazy. :biglaugh: Funny stuff.

And what the hell is a Fire Hydrant doing out in the middle of some twisty roads? .............lol

badboysupra said:
-'07 Camry SE V6.. muthaf%^&#r's fast!

I rode in one. They are very torquey... but come find me, I'll show you fast. :biglaugh:

badboysupra said:
whew!! and BTW: all of my Supra's had 5 spd tranny w/ LSD.. no slushbox for me buddy.

Why so negative on the slush box? :icon_bigg Scientific reasonings, please. :biglaugh:

Anywho, Welcome to the boards! You'll get hooked on SM very quickly. :)



Mar 22, 2007
Vallejo, Ca.
Boost Lee said:
So, let me get this right:
You're doing 85mph, begin to spin, which takes you UP 10mph, then end up in reverse?........................:dunno:...................

:rofl: I've just got a vision of the beginning of The Fast & The Furious as the Snot Green Eclipse spins out like crazy. :biglaugh: Funny stuff.

And what the hell is a Fire Hydrant doing out in the middle of some twisty roads? .............lol

I rode in one. They are very torquey... but come find me, I'll show you fast. :biglaugh:

Why so negative on the slush box? :icon_bigg Scientific reasonings, please. :biglaugh:

Anywho, Welcome to the boards! You'll get hooked on SM very quickly. :)


yeh bro, we have a twisty road up here in Vallejo, 2 lanes on each direction. I was racing my friend who was driving my new '05 Scion TC. I let him drove the TC coz apparently, I cant drive 2 cars at the same time. the TC was parked on my moms house and I need to get it down to my other house.

anywayz, we ended up racing.. on Columbus pkwy.. pretty windy road.. I got up to 90 mph then I totally forgot that I was driving a stock MKII with bald ass tires.. it was a slight right hander.. the rear end got loose.. I spun out.. now going backwards.. at 80 mph.. hit and went up the gutter.. and i was still in an angle.. hit the fire hydrant on my driver side door.. after I hit the fire hydrant, i spun again, now facing the right direction.. stopping in the middle of the road... w/ the fire hydrant only 3 ft. away from me.. i guess that the fire hydrant got stuck in my door and landed about 3 ft. away from me in the middle of the road.

not so F&F, and if it was... I'd probably take home an Academy Awards for the best realistic stunt ever.. and walkin away from it alive.

good thing though, I only suffered a slight cut on my left hand. since the driver side door got pushed in so much that I can barely put my left hand on the 11 o clock steering position.

and the funny thing too??? I still get to drive the MKII home, aside from the body / chassis damage. the left rear tire / rims blew up and caused the rims to crack its lip right after when I spun out, hitting the curb and going over it. so what I did?? I took off the spare tires and changed it.. then off I go. good thing i didnt get any ticket for it.

pretty unbelievable huh??

and as for the Camry, thats not the fastest car Ive driven.. how about a APU'd MKIV-tt 6spd?? doing 10.5 @ 130?? 180 mph on the I-5 freeway is scary already.

the Camry though, for its kind.. a 4 door semi luxury sedan w/ an N/A 3.5L V6 ad an 6spd auto. is pretty darn fast. 0-60 in 5.4??? faster than a 350Z. and 145 mph on a FWD car is pretty damn fast too. specially on a bone stock 4 door sedan.

also, Im not going negative on auto tranny's.. man I love em! but I like shifting gears on a unique sports car like the Supra. i do drive auto cars as well. but not for Drag racing or Drifting though.

my first car was a 1986 Mercedes-Benz 190E-2.3 and it was automatic.

aite, peace.


Mar 22, 2007
Vallejo, Ca.
ahh..no engine pix yet!! i just finished washing the engine bay and its already dark! man.. anywayz. I'll put some more nicer pix soon ;D

but for the meantime... here's some of my whips.


this is me... back in the days when.. pagers are the shit! and digital cameras are just for the rich people.
that 1986 Mercedes-Benz 190E-2.3 was my first car.






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Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Hehe, I'm only teasing you, man.

Besides, I can't make fun of a fellow Asian brother. :D

What are you, BTW?

There must be a thing for Asian Supra owners who live in Cali that say "Aight/aite peace".


-aight peace, :chicken:


Mar 22, 2007
Vallejo, Ca.
Boost Lee said:
Hehe, I'm only teasing you, man.

Besides, I can't make fun of a fellow Asian brother. :D

What are you, BTW?

There must be a thing for Asian Supra owners who live in Cali that say "Aight/aite peace".


-aight peace, :chicken:

hehe, no probs mayn! anywayz, I'm Filipino. I aint born here in the US though, I came here from the Philippines 11 yrs. ago.:icon_smil

anywayz, theres alot of MKIII & MKIV owners out here in Cali who are Asians. but mostly Filipino's fix 'em up a 'lil better :biglaugh: JK!! hehehe.

aite, peace.