I wouldnt know... the government didnt seem to think that myself or anyone in my immediate family needed any kind of finacial aid, as we were fortunate enough to have private homeowners insurance... so no playstation for me.. just the knowledge... knowledge that people are never what they seem... and it took a preacher to stand up and say the name Katrina means "to purify" maybe there is a reason and maybe not.. either way thousands of innocent ppl, big and small, rich and poor, black and white all devastated by this storm. unless you were here and saw how reckless the local government behaved, they knew that storm was coming they knew it friday morning but noone said a word until saturday and nor did at any time anyone in any office say HEY there are a couple of hundred buses maybe we can put a few people on them and ship out of there..your right it always easier to point the finger, but they are all equally as guilty in my eyes.