Well, by "slicing," I mean "small incision in my belly button" and "another small incision a few inches below that."
The most painful part, I've been told, is dealing with leftover carbon dioxide in my abdominal cavity that will be pumped in there to give a better view of my innards. Whatever's left over presses against the diaphragm and causes pain in the neck and shoulders.
But my doc gave me Lortab. I think I'll be okay.
This is the beginning to then end of being in near-constant pain for the past 6-8 years. I've lost count at this point.
....and doc says no sex for 7-10 days after surgery.
It's a fairly simple procedure, and if I had a "normal" sit-down type job, I'd be back to work on Monday or Tuesday. But I groom dogs. Lots of bending, twisting, lifting, etc. My doc told me to take all next week off. Like I'm going to argue.