? Upgrade form WinXP to Win7


Supramania Contributor
I have three computers with WinXP Professional Corporate on them and all have legit and authenticated licenses. Can I go from a corporate XP license to a Win7 family license? Its probably a downgrade from Corporate Professional to the family pack but regardless I was toying with the idea of going to Win7.


New Member
May 26, 2009
If this is for a business, wait until xp is totally unsupported so most kinks get worked out.

Home use, Upgrade, why not. Windows 7 is very sexi, but remember it is still a new OS.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Definitely not a downgrade from XP unless system resources are super critical. Of course like someone else said I wouldn't change for a business until XP stops getting security updates or is unsupported by the company's software.

Win 7 upgrade DVDs are backward compatible all the way to Windows 2000. They also allow you to do a clean install (Don't have to install one, then install 7 over) which is very nice.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Keep in mind while Win7 is nice, there really isn't any real improvements over XP unless you want DX10. It takes a lot more RAM to run, ect...

(Running Win7)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Well, to be fair, security in Windows 7 is significantly beefed up as well over XP.

Not to mention it will natively run a VM of Windows XP for legacy support.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Yeah, that means running 2 OSes at the same time, not cool LOL

For the most part I haven't found anything that doesn't run on Win7 just fine, but I'm a gamer. Security is subjective as hell, if you know how to setup windows security isn't an issue...


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
UAC and the Firewall are not really subjective.

I run XP/Xubuntu on my netbook, and Windows 7 on my gaming machine. Snow Leopard for the computer I actually do things with. ;)


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
UAC only stops something from running, stopping it from getting on your computer in the first place is a better practice. Firewall? No biggy, install soemthing else or run a hardware one.

My computer is in no means slow, so I can handle the extra burden of Win7, if I was on my old hardware, HELL NO.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
It is a bit faster and uses less resources than Vista does. IMO it's a bigger incentive to move from Vista to 7 than XP to 7.

Poodles: How do you think bugs get on in the 1st place?? By RUNNING an executable! More often then not UAC will stop it before it does anything to your system as long as the user is reading the dialog. You talk about the extra burden of Windows 7 but then recommend running an additional firewall application... which is, somehow resource free?

One more note on 7 is that I have seen on several occasions (although not tried it myself) from reliable sources that it scales well, and runs very usably even on Atom based netbooks with as little as 1GB of RAM.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Think I'll wait for SP1 then upgrade, I played around with 7 on my new box and can't say I'm overly impressed XP is far snappier at much the same settings on the same hardware.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
fixitman04;1435784 said:
is it a real upgrade over vista?

IMHO, hell yes. Vista is like walking down the sidewalk and getting face to face with someone, you got right to go around, he goes that way too, so you go the other way and he does too. It's always in your face an aggrivating LOL

mkIIIman089;1435801 said:
It is a bit faster and uses less resources than Vista does. IMO it's a bigger incentive to move from Vista to 7 than XP to 7.

Poodles: How do you think bugs get on in the 1st place?? By RUNNING an executable! More often then not UAC will stop it before it does anything to your system as long as the user is reading the dialog. You talk about the extra burden of Windows 7 but then recommend running an additional firewall application... which is, somehow resource free?

One more note on 7 is that I have seen on several occasions (although not tried it myself) from reliable sources that it scales well, and runs very usably even on Atom based netbooks with as little as 1GB of RAM.

From asshats clicking on the wrong thing and dowloading dumb crap (email, pr0n, ect). You're also comparing apples to orange here as the page file for Win7 is MASSIVE compared to XP meaning you have plenty of overhead to install a firewall if needed. I never ran one with XP or 2003, I leave it running in 7 cause it's easy to disable if needed, but I have a hardware firewall as well. XP has a firewall as well...

IJ.;1435815 said:
Think I'll wait for SP1 then upgrade, I played around with 7 on my new box and can't say I'm overly impressed XP is far snappier at much the same settings on the same hardware.

7 is a bit of a hog, but definately better than Vista (see a trend here?). If you like lean and mean XP (or even better, 2003) is a better choice, but I like many of the features of 7 and have the power to run it (and it's faster than my old box with 2003 on it, and it would probably be faster still with 2003 on the enw hardware).


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
I've been using an "enhanced" version of Server2008, made to run as a "Workstation".

I had initially downloaded, installed and tweaked it because it was a free download from Microsoft, while I was waiting for my OEM Vista 64 Ultimate to come in the mail. When it got here, I did a complete wipe and installed Vista. Something about it just felt SLOW though! -So here I am, back and using Workstation 2008 with the little tweaks that allow it to basically run just like Vista was probably supposed to run.


I saw the Win7 upgrade box yesterday and really eyed it, but will probably be researching the hell out of it before I decide to upgrade.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 20, 2007
from what i understand you it would have to be a clean install since the file structure of the two are so different you wouldnt be able to do an upgrade ud have to back up all ure data and then do the install


New Member
May 26, 2009
RiyadYar;1436106 said:
from what i understand you it would have to be a clean install since the file structure of the two are so different you wouldnt be able to do an upgrade ud have to back up all ure data and then do the install

You can do an upgrade from Vista, Clean install from XP.


Supramania Contributor
So it looks like my license issue is ok.

My specs on all three computers are 3.4ghz P4's with 2 gigs of dual channel ram on Intel and Asus boards with SATA drives.
My Asus boards will recognize 4096mb of ram and I have two empty slots. Adding 1 more gig of of dual channel ram will cost me $50.00 from crucial memory. Is anyone running win7 32bit home premium with 2gigs of ram?