When you buy Windows 7 it comes with both 64 and 32 bit versions. Remember if your unnecessarily whiny about system resources, 64-bit will inherently take more than 32.
It uses more memory if you have more memory to use. Like I said earlier, it runs perfectly fine on 2GB or 1GB or less RAM (Which is NOT the case with Vista). If you have 4+ gigs to use, then it will use significantly more than if you had only 1; primarily to pre-cache programs you may commonly use. It will run things *faster* because they're pre-loaded in RAM rather than waiting for you to call on them and loading from the HDD like XP does. Win 7 runs fine on a 800Mhz Celeron based system for crying out loud! There is really no reason to not get Win 7, especially at the $30 price point...