I would be out of my league to even try to answer those questions AND I would be commiting a 'sin' according to my recently writings.
TONY!'s Sin # 3:
"Sin #3 Speaking on topics—especially serious and important topics—without knowing what you are talking about or knowing all the necessary facts needed before making a stance.
Nobody is expected to know it all, but in times of doubt or lack of information, people should ask rather than profess. People should recognize the limits and boundaries of their understanding, and if they can not determine their own boundaries of knowledge, they should be considered fools."
LOL, I wrote "The Sins" recently and that is a segment of it.
When I was overseas, there was a lot of things that I seen that really pissed me off.
So for each of the things I seen that really peeved me, I wrote a "Commandment" for.....sort of a code.
Enough of my off topic ramblings.