Dont get me wrong. I LOVE the 7m. but there is alot you have to modify to make them reliable. (new oil pump from toyota, bend the pickup down, replace the crossover hardpipe with braided line, clevite 77 bearings, forged pistons, lap lathed head and block, Greddy MHG, ARP head bolts) and then you have a reliable stock motor. you build it up to a motor that is still not as reliable as a stock 1j motor. 20psi of oil pressure at IDLE, mhg factory, basically you are comparing a motor that was designed for boost, to a motor that boost was an after-thought.
ok this is my last off topic post in this thread.....
first off all you describe a full rebuild, no shit a 100000 mile motor could use a rebuild

. number 2, bending the pickup down takes all of uh 3 seconds? its not even needed. by the time you get to forged pistons you are a little far off from a "reliable STOCK motor.."
adjuster has detailed putting that braided SS line in there to replace the crossover which might work well. IMO youre putting something in there that is just gonna wear and need to be replaced after, oh who knows, 5000 miles? 10000 miles? SS braided lines dont last forever. especially ones assembled with reusable fittings. using a wear item INSIDE the motor dosnt seem to great now does it.....
just wait till your 1j hits 200000 miles, you might need a rebuild then also.
as for the 20psi of oil pressure at idle, if thats what the 1j is designed for thats great.
toyota spec for the 7m's oil pressure at idle is something like 4.3 psi. a little scary, YES! but thats how it was designed.
an easier solution to get some more oil pressure is to ditch the stock GTE filter bracket/oil cooler relief valve.