Turbo A half cut :cry:


Apr 6, 2005
Wow, Ive stepped into honda-tech.com. I dont knwo how this became a 1jz debate again, *cough* turbo joe *cough* I havent experienced a 1jz, but im sure its great. Congrats on the clip, I am very envious. And also dont you remember the old saying, '' no replacement for displacement." Well sorry to inform you, its true.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Dont get me wrong. I LOVE the 7m. but there is alot you have to modify to make them reliable. (new oil pump from toyota, bend the pickup down, replace the crossover hardpipe with braided line, clevite 77 bearings, forged pistons, lap lathed head and block, Greddy MHG, ARP head bolts) and then you have a reliable stock motor. you build it up to a motor that is still not as reliable as a stock 1j motor. 20psi of oil pressure at IDLE, mhg factory, basically you are comparing a motor that was designed for boost, to a motor that boost was an after-thought.

ok this is my last off topic post in this thread.....

first off all you describe a full rebuild, no shit a 100000 mile motor could use a rebuild :). number 2, bending the pickup down takes all of uh 3 seconds? its not even needed. by the time you get to forged pistons you are a little far off from a "reliable STOCK motor.."

adjuster has detailed putting that braided SS line in there to replace the crossover which might work well. IMO youre putting something in there that is just gonna wear and need to be replaced after, oh who knows, 5000 miles? 10000 miles? SS braided lines dont last forever. especially ones assembled with reusable fittings. using a wear item INSIDE the motor dosnt seem to great now does it.....

just wait till your 1j hits 200000 miles, you might need a rebuild then also.

as for the 20psi of oil pressure at idle, if thats what the 1j is designed for thats great.

toyota spec for the 7m's oil pressure at idle is something like 4.3 psi. a little scary, YES! but thats how it was designed.

an easier solution to get some more oil pressure is to ditch the stock GTE filter bracket/oil cooler relief valve.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
NickSupra said:
Wow, Ive stepped into honda-tech.com. I dont knwo how this became a 1jz debate again, *cough* turbo joe *cough* I havent experienced a 1jz, but im sure its great. Congrats on the clip, I am very envious. And also dont you remember the old saying, '' no replacement for displacement." Well sorry to inform you, its true.

dont blame this on me. i was just poking fun with IJ. like he likes to do with me sometimes as well.

whether people want to take posts out of context or blow things out of proportion is on them.


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Turbo-Joe said:
dont blame this on me. i was just poking fun with IJ. like he likes to do with me sometimes as well.

whether people want to take posts out of context or blow things out of proportion is on them.
Yep TJ and I do this a lot! :)

No harm meant both are great motors!


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
youd think anyone with a turbocharged motor would be one of the last people to use the 'no replacement for displacement' cop out. thought i crossed over into some domestic V8 forum or something.

i guess the japanese car engineers were just a bunch of fools chasing a fools dream with their low displacement engines, right?



Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Hey Joe, didn't your 1j just devellop some problem with the #6 cyllinder or something? My 1j turbos are going bad, and I just replaced a bad 1j ignition coil tonight. I've seen plenty of dead 1j ecu's. 1j's have issues too, but people dont say anything because they want to keep the myth going.

Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
Jesus fuck....if you have a 1jz...stay the fuck out of the 7m thread, or just talk about the 7m in a helpful manner towards the thread creator.

this thread turned into a waste of 6 pages cause of people writing shit thats been read a bajillion times....writing it in a new thread does not make it new information...just makes it more irrelevent and completely useless.


Formerly 'Down but not out'
Jun 14, 2005
bigaaron said:
1j's have issues too, but people dont say anything because they want to keep the myth going.

Aint that the truth.

When we gunna see pics of this clip then?? What are your plans with all the goodies??


i wasnt speeding officer
Jun 3, 2005
perth West Australia
problems ive heard from 7m Vs 1j
7m headgasket and rodknock (after XXXXXXkms/miles.

1j ecu frying,ignitor modules dying,coilpacks packing up (pardon the pun hahah) harmonic balancers getting thrown off,powersteering fluid leaking onto the alternator,viscous fan not working properly,bhg yes thats right. bhg.happend to my friends soarer.not enough coolant and ther was only a couple blades left on his fan (that didnt work)
all this is from cars that are newer and more "hi tech"
I know this from 1j's because the importer of jz70's was in perth and i bought my ma70 from the dealership/importers.Also its has all happened to friends and other people that have bought 1j supras.

anyhoo back to the origional thead...pics of the clip and motor pls

ps IJ hows your built up rodknocking motor going? i'll bet them purrrty rods make a damn nice symphony with the nitrided crank lol