Actually it does put a strain on our health care system. Even if it is a small one it is a strain none the less. Remember that we have free health care here...sort of.
Our collective tax dollars pay for our health care. If some idiot on a bike with no helmet gets seriously hurt and has to undergo numerous operations and spend months in hospital it costs US money, and it WILL happen. It already does, we don't need to make the situation worse.
Illegals might put a strain on Texas' health care system but this is's a little different here, like...3000km different.
It is not nor has it ever been a constitutional right to ride a motor bike, it is a priveledge. Laws govern that priveledge to prevent stupid people from doing stupid things.
When there is a fatal crash it costs TONS of money in investigations. It is far more likely that you will be killed if you are not wearing a helmet. We end up paying for it. This whole thing is so stupid it's not even funny.