Trying to Solve Fuel cut - at wits end - this one will stump you


Offical SM Expert: Suspension & Vehicle Dynamic
SM Expert
Dec 16, 2005
louisville ky
ArmandoP;1007371 said:
There is no gasket ont he ISC valve. The waffle valve inside is facing the right direction. There has never been a gasket on there. After checking the TSRM though, it doesnt appear that there is a traditional gasket, only a rubber seal which is intact on mine..

... paper gasket goes between manifold and isc 22278-42010
rubber seal 90210 26001
check valve 25748-88341



Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Did you port the wastegate on the exhaust housing? I have virtually the same turbo (I have the 60-1) and it would spike pretty hard until I ported out the wastegate hole... a LOT.

Showed up on my Autometer boost gauge, though, which is plumbed into the stock sensor line.


Its pronounced Nu-clear..
Oct 9, 2005
Riverside, Ca.
Couple thoughts, You are still running stock ECU with no controlers right, I would think about other things that effect your Hz, like your HAC that could increase Hz that your ECU sees, I have seen those give bad signals.
You are running 11-12psi without boost cut, your boost cut hits at 13-14psi. Stock boost cut is about that. Your ecu is acting like stock AFM is attached still not a adjusted one, because it is sending the same signal as it would to a stock injector but you have 580's so it would be ultra rich yet have same fuel cut. I would try another lex AFM from somebody that knows theres works with 550's then see if that changes anything. Just a thought.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 4, 2006
replace the electronics with a know working set,

and if that fails, then i would unbolt the waste gate, and test once with no wast gate.

can you take some photo's of your inter-cooler pipe's and inter-cooler?

if you are using worm clamps, or thin couplers, i would replace them with 4ply couplers and T-bolts.

I can borrow a known good AFM and try it.
Im using Tbolts and 5 ply silicon with aluminum and titanium pipes. There is one spot where I am using worm clamps because the t-bolts were causing a leak, worms are sealing fine on last boost leak test.

Ill be out there in 5 minutes running all of these. be back soon with results.

wastegate door is not stuck shut, I can open it by hand with zero resistance once the actuator is disconnected. unless the actuator is causing it to stick...

I can try to remove the wastegate actuator and take it around the block though jut to verify.

Did you port the wastegate on the exhaust housing? I have virtually the same turbo (I have the 60-1) and it would spike pretty hard until I ported out the wastegate hole... a LOT.

I personally did not, however, I bought the turbo from gixxer750 who said he ran into boostcreep problems and then he ported the wastegate hole quite a bit and had no more boostcreep. he was also running the same style downpipe. searching under his name from a year or two ago will pull up the posts from when he was talking about that.

... paper gasket goes between manifold and isc 22278-42010
rubber seal 90210 26001
check valve 25748-88341

This will beordered ASAP. apparently Im not as good at navigating the BGB as I thought I was. Hopefully its this simple. THANK YOU!

I will do the above and also try another AFM and try to run it without the wastegatehooked up and get back with you guys ASAP.
Last edited:


Its pronounced Nu-clear..
Oct 9, 2005
Riverside, Ca.
Another thought, put the origional stock AFM back on and make a pull with that and see if it acts the same, my guess is that it will. Also If it isn't these things I would check your O2 sensor, at that rich it should be pulling Hz back out to counter the AFM signal somewhat. Also, fuel cut usually happens when your ecu sees 1450hz. I was having the same problem as you kinda, I had a maft pro with 550cc's and I would still see boost cut at 13.5 psi, even if I set it to limit the Hz that the ecu sees to 1350 I still hit boost cut, with no leaks and speed density, I had the worst time tring to figure it out. So hope this helps.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 4, 2006
just tried the three tests mentioned above and...
passed the fuelcut test
passed the AFM test
passed the closedthrottle and WOT TPS tests. I dont have feeler gauges here, so I will try those tomorrow or over the weekend.

I also tested my original AFM and it showed almost identical numbers to the lex thats in the car. I can swap them out and go fr a drive. brb.

Im hoping that ISC gasket solves the problem... for now Im willing to continue troubleshooting until it arrives.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
lol.. i had this same problem for like 3-4 months with my 60-1.. i would boost and immediatly hit like 14-15psi and hit fuel cut fast... the problem is a combination of the waste gate and the free flowing exhaust... i ended up doing somthing really odd, but it fixed the problem.. i unbolted the wastegate bell, kept the arm attached. i pushed it around to make sure it would open and it did. so the problem had to do with the boost pressure not pushing the waste gate open. so i only bolted one side of the wastegate bell back onto the turbo, this left alittle more slack in the wastegate arm so its not so tight, so the bell looked more like this / rather than this l ........ then i ran and my car boosted stock pressure at 6-7psi. i then added my boost controller back on and now i can run and hold about 12-13psi. hope that helps any!!


Supramania Contributor
Nov 4, 2006
Another thought, put the origional stock AFM back on and make a pull with that and see if it acts the same, my guess is that it will. Also If it isn't these things I would check your O2 sensor, at that rich it should be pulling Hz back out to counter the AFM signal somewhat. Also, fuel cut usually happens when your ecu sees 1450hz. I was having the same problem as you kinda, I had a maft pro with 550cc's and I would still see boost cut at 13.5 psi, even if I set it to limit the Hz that the ecu sees to 1350 I still hit boost cut, with no leaks and speed density, I had the worst time tring to figure it out. So hope this helps.

just ran with the stock AFM, and it spools alot slower and hits fuel cut at 8psi. so its not that.
Also, its worth noting that this car has run rich ever since I removed the emissions equipment long before I had fuelcut issues.
How did you eventually solve the problem on your setup?

The car is warm and I want some beer, so Ill be back at it tomorrow. I will order the ISC gasket in the morning (though several have told me it doesnt do much for sealing I still want it to be correct to remove that as a possibe cause) Tomorrow I will disconnect the wastegate and see how it runs with the flapper door... ummm... flapping. That should be pretty telling right there.

suprafanatic... do you have any pictures of what youre talking about? Imhaving trouble visualizing your solution.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Lexus AFM is supposed to have a ~25% larger cross section than the stock original AFM. If they are the same, you've just found your problem.

*edit* oops, you posted while I was reading the latest ;)

At what rpm are you hitting fuel cut?


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
i dont have any pictures of it unfortunatly.. but let me try to explain it better..
with the bell houseing droped down you want to only bolt the side closest to the motor back up. you know how you can pull on the bell housing but its hard cause of the tention? and when you bolt both bolts back in it pulls the housing tight and straight up and down with the turbo, however, if you were to only say tighten the bolts 1/4 of the way in, the wastegate arm would be pulling the bell housing at an angle from the turbo. that angle is what you need here, it will take away some of the tention on the arm. meaning it will open at less boost which is exactly what you need.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
suprafanatic;1007667 said:
lol.. i had this same problem for like 3-4 months with my 60-1.. i would boost and immediatly hit like 14-15psi and hit fuel cut fast... the problem is a combination of the waste gate and the free flowing exhaust... i ended up doing somthing really odd, but it fixed the problem.. i unbolted the wastegate bell, kept the arm attached. i pushed it around to make sure it would open and it did. so the problem had to do with the boost pressure not pushing the waste gate open. so i only bolted one side of the wastegate bell back onto the turbo, this left alittle more slack in the wastegate arm so its not so tight, so the bell looked more like this / rather than this l ........ then i ran and my car boosted stock pressure at 6-7psi. i then added my boost controller back on and now i can run and hold about 12-13psi. hope that helps any!!

You should be hitting fuel cut way earlier than you do, I don't understand.

Armando if you end up deciding to come down this weekend give me a call or shoot me a text. As long as I have an hour or so advance notice I'll have it off and ready to swap over.


Supramania Contributor
Nov 4, 2006
suprafanatic;1007689 said:
i dont have any pictures of it unfortunatly.. but let me try to explain it better..
with the bell houseing droped down you want to only bolt the side closest to the motor back up. you know how you can pull on the bell housing but its hard cause of the tention? and when you bolt both bolts back in it pulls the housing tight and straight up and down with the turbo, however, if you were to only say tighten the bolts 1/4 of the way in, the wastegate arm would be pulling the bell housing at an angle from the turbo. that angle is what you need here, it will take away some of the tention on the arm. meaning it will open at less boost which is exactly what you need.

my actuator has an adjustable shaft and I lentgthened it yesterday trying to lower boost. RIGHT NOW the flapper door is actually open by an RCH. I will try your suggestion tomorrow though. Im willing to try most anything to fix this thing at the moment.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
oh will if you can adjust the wastegate arm like that and you have it all the way loose then i dont know... only thing i can think of maybe theres a leak in the line going from the turbo to the waste gate. your problem has somthing to do with the wastegate not opeing FAST enough. if you are in 5th gear, and you boost slowly, will it hold boost somewhere?. or does it still hit cut?