Tookwik's 7M-GTE COP ignition mod w/ stock and writeup


A HG job took HOW long??
Mar 30, 2005
Victoria, BC, Canada
im working at a sheetmetal company, and was planning to get some of my own parts CNC punched out of 14ga aluminum. if you guys are interested, i can make some covers... im only there until the end of march though, so its gotta be quick.

something like this (quick drawing in Solidworks, obviosuly doesnt match the valvecovers, but gives you the idea):

also, the P/N for the coils is F3000-131175, list at around $123 new, and the wires are F1020-138958, list at around $41
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Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
What would it cost to get those done? I used the four bolt holes from the stock coil pack and one bolt in the rear center where the heater hose bracket used to bolt into the rear most oil galley plug. Do you have a head with valve covers on it you can use to get it fitted right?


creepy-ass cracka
Jul 11, 2005
Redacted per Title 18 USC Section 798
Oops, missed this until now. That is nice work. From what I've seen on how you did this there shouldn't be any problems with it at all. In theory it's electrically sound and compatible with the stock TCCS. Looks good too. Nice job.


A HG job took HOW long??
Mar 30, 2005
Victoria, BC, Canada
tookwik4u89 said:
What would it cost to get those done? I used the four bolt holes from the stock coil pack and one bolt in the rear center where the heater hose bracket used to bolt into the rear most oil galley plug. Do you have a head with valve covers on it you can use to get it fitted right?

my valvecovers are smoothed, but i might be able to get a pair from the junkyard to measure. my engine is going back together now, so measuring them on the car wont be hard. cant tell you a price, not sure how much ill get charged. im getting a 48"x120" sheet of 14ga anyways, so adding a few of these covers wouldnt be hard.


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
Enraged said:
my valvecovers are smoothed, but i might be able to get a pair from the junkyard to measure. my engine is going back together now, so measuring them on the car wont be hard. cant tell you a price, not sure how much ill get charged. im getting a 48"x120" sheet of 14ga anyways, so adding a few of these covers wouldnt be hard.
Cool, PM me when you get some info on it...and thanks.

JJ.....thanks, I was hoping to hear comments from you and JDub.....I knew if there was something I overlooked, you guys would probably pick it up.

If you guys want to clean this and sticky in FAQ, feel free when you're ready.


Apr 5, 2005
Bay Area, CA
That is some awesome research and development !!! I still have the random miss at idle. I don't even really notice it anymore, just kind of accepted it. I have too many irons in the fire right now but will certainly try your new setup maybe by summertime.
Again, I appreciate your time and input on this issue.


Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
Perfect example of persistence pays found a very simple, elegant solution for cleaning up the engine bay.
The best part is it works well (I can't see any reason it wouldn't) and looks really good ;)

Nicely done!


Life is Boost
May 18, 2005
South, FL
This is huge guys, Congrats Tookwik, you are soon to become immortalized in the MKIII world :drink1: "The Tookwik MOD", Now you should get with the other supra Gurus as you have already started doing, so you guys can come up with a standard wiring, a standard way to secure the coils etc. I hope to see a kit available soon.

Thanks again


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I'm really impressed by this. Way to innovate man! It's always nice to see something new and well thought out for our cars.

BTW - My only negative comment would be that you need to vent that coil cover. We've had coilpack overheating problems on the 2JZ's in the past when people were using those big bling billet covers that were not vented.

All of the ones sold these days are vented, and that's the reason for it.

Looks awesome though.


Red T-shirt
Apr 6, 2005
Rockford, IL
Supracentral said:
BTW - My only negative comment would be that you need to vent that coil cover. We've had coilpack overheating problems on the 2JZ's in the past when people were using those big bling billet covers that were not vented.
I had a little discussion on this on SF, and I plan to have some vents before final install....good catch. Maybe some one can come up with a plate like this with vents, maybe even vents in the form of letters so it could say "7MGTE, SUPRA, TOYOTA", or whatever. I made this one by hand so its still in the rough stage.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I have a solution for bolting them down, hopefully I will make it up tomorrow and get some pics. Pretty busy at work today.

Also, if I didn't mention it in this thread, and you didn't notice in pics, you have to remove the cover in between the valve covers in order for the coils to fit. I don't run one anyways, mainly because I like to be able to see that my valley is free of oil and debris.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Nice f'n work man!

I was working with a 99 (I think) 4-runner at the beginning of last week.
The 3VZ has similar coils and is distributed waste-spark like that.
Shame I never thought about it working on a 7M.

I agree with Mike... Louvers would be ftw!


Mar 31, 2005
Spokane, Wa
I think something like this would be BADASS.

Sorry for the horrible drawing, I'm at my parents place with no Adobe.

Obviously the lines are vents, and I think having the 7mgte cut out where I marked with an anadized(red, blue, black, whatever) plate under it would look perfect.
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