Look what you've done now Ken! Let them get LilMiss and Tanya in here, and we could be talking about crocheting instead of Supras in this thread.
BTW........Hey V!:biglaugh:
BTW........Hey V!:biglaugh:
ForcedTorque said:Look what you've done now Ken! Let them get LilMiss and Tanya in here, and we could be talking about crocheting instead of Supras in this thread.
BTW........Hey V!:biglaugh:
MKIII VIXEN said:Hmmmmmm...........:sarcasm:
Scott knows about crocheting. Are you making covers for your seats? :biglaugh:
xxxotiknightz said:No he's makeing underwear for jay.
suprahero said:I've never worn underwear.................:sarcasm:
xxxotiknightz said:I'll be real honest, I could have gone the rest of my natural life without knowing that information. :nono:
I got a Silver Sky Metallic SR5 TRD double cab 4x4 with the 5.8. I love black but its a lot of truck to washbuckshotglass said:My work truck (Tundra) is becoming my DD, until the Sup is running.
I'll give you whatever the trade in value is on that black Sup.
What color did you get?
I already have that option on mine Ken. Cost is pretty high but with the money tree it's no problem. :biglaugh: :love: the taillights, the black trip w/red lettering is perfect.ForcedTorque said:Ken,You are going to have an amazingly beautiful car! You had better invest into some sort of forcefield to put around it. They don't cost much more than 1-2 years of insurance.