To DDP or Not to DDP?

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
JSHeinrich said:
Please correct me if i'm wrong but someone convinced me that the ddp isn't worth the money because it won't last all that long. Reason being that the turbo produces so much heat that the ddp would eventually blow a hole through the pipe. I kicked around the ddp but that kind of steered me away form it.

I have good knowledge on cars but i'm in the process of learning about turbo systems 100% so i try and throw in as many questions as possible
huh? what you were told makes no sense o_O


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
89jdm7m said:
huh? what you were told makes no sense o_O
I don't think we've had a single incident of one breaking yet. I haven't heard of one, that's for sure.

Furthermore, it's only a new idea for the Supras - people have been using it forever on other turbo cars, and I haven't heard of any problems from them, either.

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN

Unless it were a China made product created from scrapmetal and aluminumumumum foil;), I don't see how "blowing/burning" a hole through it would happen...

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
smack 'em silly, and disreguard any further comments from said person :D

btw... i tried to rep you but it said "you cannon give rep for the same post twice":icon_conf


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
I love my DDP, if I had to pick again I would get the DDP. It's not like it's loud all the time, I can drive around all day and not hear the wastegate once but really, where is the fun in that? :D

I never had creep problems with my DDP, I put it in the car and my boost went up but I've never had boost creep problems.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
i <3 my DDP. mine's atmospherically vented. *(not recirculated)* and i love it. i wouldn't change it for anything. the turbo spools wicked fast. this DP along with a good intake, exhaust, and upgraded CT-26 makes a fairly potent street car combination.

as for problems with the DDP? none. i even had to drive my car through one salty as hell NY winter. (and i'll be damned if i wasn't boosting!) and it's perfectly fine. don't know where that myth came from, but your buddy screwed you into choosing downpipe that's not quite as good as the BIC ddp. :)



Supramania Contributor
Apr 12, 2005
Pomona, CA
Open wg ftw! The ct26 is not super loud with the BIC ddp, and it's kinda cool sounding. It only opens at full boost so you can kinda control when you want it to be quiet. Go with the BIC ddp recirculated if you don't want attention, it still performs basically the same.

If you want loud try 50mm open wg. When I hit full boost guys on Harleys turn around to see wtf is going on. LOL
I also give a little hello to every riced out Civic I see with their window down LOL
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In need of more traction
Jul 18, 2006
I'll add another vote for the DDP. I've had mine for a couple of months now and am happy with the power gains; I have the DDP, test pipe, and Blitz cat-back). The only downsides I had were 1) the exhaust leak sound at idle (especially with a cold motor) and 2) boost creep. I got used to the first, and added fuel to make up for the second. :)


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
Either downpipe will get you big power gains over stock, esspecially when used with a 3" or 3.5" catback. The standard BIC 3" downpipe with the integrated elbow will still give you big gains over stock, the DDP will just give you more. I dyno tested both and found a 28 whp and 18tq gain just by swapping to the ddp. If you dont mind a loud car when you are on the gas hard then the ddp will get you there. If you dont want to draw too much attention to your self you might want to get the standard DP.

As for the boost creep, Its a wierd thing because some people get it while most people dont. I am not sure why this is. First off every car is slightly different, and set up differently with injectors, afm's, s-afc'c, fuel pumps, wastegate actuators etc...also the altitude and ambient air temp have a big part in the air density, which is what causes fuel cut, the air density not the amount of boost. A port job of the turbine housing will do the trick, you can take off almost 1/8" around the hole and blend the entrance to promote more flow, which will keep the boost down.


Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
Loki said:
I love my DDP, if I had to pick again I would get the DDP. It's not like it's loud all the time, I can drive around all day and not hear the wastegate once but really, where is the fun in that? :D

I never had creep problems with my DDP, I put it in the car and my boost went up but I've never had boost creep problems.
once again.. what exhaust are you running?

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
becauseican said:
Either downpipe will get you big power gains over stock, esspecially when used with a 3" or 3.5" catback. The standard BIC 3" downpipe with the integrated elbow will still give you big gains over stock, the DDP will just give you more. I dyno tested both and found a 28 whp and 18tq gain just by swapping to the ddp. If you dont mind a loud car when you are on the gas hard then the ddp will get you there. If you dont want to draw too much attention to your self you might want to get the standard DP.

As for the boost creep, Its a wierd thing because some people get it while most people dont. I am not sure why this is.
as i said before... i know for a fact my issue is that I have just a 3" muffler bolted to the ddp.... nothing else... i still had creep issues w/ the full cat-back (3") on the car, but it would never creep till cut... now, it does it almost instantly, but it;s not something that can't be fixed :)


2jzget comingsoon!
Mar 30, 2005
I ran my BIC DDP open with no exhaust for a while. I never had creep. I would suggest porting your wastegate, making sure the flap is not hitting the ddp, making sure you don't have a hole in you vac line.... I would also suggest grinding out a little bit of the weld inside the ddp on the flap hole. My flap was hitting my ddp with my turbonetics 62-1 bolt on. I fixed that, but still got creep with that turbo(but never on a ct). Turned out to be the WG hole in the turbo was too small... (3/4 of an inch)