TLS Expo 2005 - May 14-15


New Member
Apr 12, 2005
Boston MA
The event will be held in Chesapeake, VA in the Greenbrier section of the city (a stone's throw from Interstate 64) with accommodations within walking distances from the site.

the dyno portion of the event has been extended (30 cars/day) and now the dyno shop has agreed to also open on Sunday. prices remain the same and a sign-up is on the website.

hotel/motel accommodations are approximately .3 mile from the show site. and approximately 3 miles (as the crow flies) from the dyno shop. there is Holiday Inn, Red Roof Inn, Best Suites, Hampton Inn, Motel 6, and a Suburban Lodge in the immediate area. (I'm making arraingements for group rates at one of these hotels. see website for updates)

The non-dyno, Show, and swap meet portions of the event will be held across the street from:
Khedive Temple (Shriners)
645 Woodlake Dr
Chesapeake, VA, 23320

With an event of this size, the local law enforcement will surely know the event is being held and I'm sure they will drop in and say "Hi". Those that wish to do burnouts,dorifto-tastic displays, or otherwise do illegal, immoral, or just plain stupid things at the meet, Chesapeake police will gladly provide accomodations for an overnight (or longer) stay. There will be other police presence there as well.

NO ALCOHOL ON EVENT PREMISES! If found, you will be asked to leave (or arrested) immediately. no exceptions!

Please pick up your trash, this includes cigarette butts. Trash bins will be provided to place trash in and placed throughout the event site.

Vendor and Sponsor Set-up: Setup begins at 7am on Saturday and Sunday. Vendors should be set up and all support vehicles off the event lot by 9am. Vendors may leave support vehicles, displays, etc overnight on (Saturday Night Only) at the event site at thier own risk. TLS Expo nor Landowners will he held liable for lost, stolen, or missing property. ALL vehicles, displays, etc... are to be off the lot by 6PM Sunday May 15 2005.

Event and Show: Gates open at 9am for the arrival of event participants.

We plan to bring in at least one food vendor, possibly two. There are many places nearby to get food of any type you like.

the show proceeds will benefit the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters:

Here's 3 easy ways to pre-register:

Looking forward to seeing everyone!



New Member
Apr 12, 2005
Boston MA
89 NA, no wait - it's it's NA-T. Dammit, it's something.

hahaha... it's turbo...

or you spilled some mighty strong super glue on my rear bumper.

BURN OUT!!!!!!! hahaha.... classic


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
hahaha.....left that damn off duty cop (or whatever he was) standing on the side of 64......I can't believe his kid yelled that after pullin me over. lol.

superglue? hehe......inno, but there might be some red paint on that bumper.

Silly G35's RX7's and a particular Mustang GT just didn't stand a chance......