Are you getting a knock sensor code? If so, the ECU retards timing a max of 10 deg. If the knock sensors are disconnected, a code 52 is generated and will cause the timing to retard...there is no way to easily get around this that I know of.
The knock sensors "listen" for a 7 khz frequency. The info I have is not specific, but for "strong" knock it pulls timing "a lot"...for weak knock it pulls timing "a little". However, there is an ECU minimum advance angle based on initial timing + basic advance + corrective advance/retard. The minimum is -10 deg to 0 deg. Based on this, I would say the max your knock sensors could cause timing to retard is 10 deg. Keep in mind this is cumulative...the other corrective advance/retard values the ECU looks at also have an effect.