^^^ MY waterpump swap!

(Well... ONE of them, anyway!)
I show some pics in there of the AISIN pump, and discuss impellers, etc...
ALSO! are a couple of my CURRENT T-stat neck condition, and my opinion of TOYOTA RED coolant...
^^^ No doubt, using distilled water, and ESPECIALLY avoiding WELL water, is key with ANY coolant, but the Toyota RED is superior by design in my opinion. I can't cite specifics, but my understanding is there is a lubricating property which is necessary for the water pump. Can someone else confirm?
At any rate, I'm pleased with how my "innards" have held up in both these shots, AND the shots with the LIMEY stuff in my link.

(I changed it out quickly after that, but it had done no "harm" in the meantime. I believe I was using PRESTONE, but always otherwise use TOYOTA RED.:biglaugh:
Sounds like you have some pretty "aggressive" stuff down there in Australia!:icon_surp