Things that piss me off....


More than Regular Member
May 1, 2005
Black Diamond Wa
kwnate said:
People who ride bikes on the street. They want to be treated like a car... fine, that means go the speed limit. Holding up 5 cars is illegal, you must pull over and let people pass.

I especially hate it when I'm driving a semi truck in Seattle and some granola eating peace lovin bike rider won't let me pass. Once I finally get in front of them and stop at the next light they ride through the cars and to the front of the line. Now I have to start all over again.

Here's what I'd like to say to them.


I also hate rakkasan for ditching the 7m.

Oh, and Duane.

I HATE bike riders in Seattle... if you are walking down a path, all of a sudden you hear "to the left" from way back, then they get right behind you and scream it expecting you to move to the otherside of the fucking path so they can fly past...

Oh and how they ride DIRECTLY to the LEFT of the white line would it be so hard to ride just to the fucking right of it?!?! If they moved 2 inches over they wouldnt make me have to go 7mph in a 50 zone!!!!!!!!!

Oh and i also hate Duane and his fancy valve covers...