Things that piss me off:
People who think that the only opinion in the world that matters is thiers. I mean, I see it and hear it every day. People argue the stupidest shit like its life or death. And then they get all personal and think just because I happen to disagree that I somehow must be a "insert negative stereotype here". Get over it and get over yourself. Your self importance and egotistical rantings only make me realize what a retard you are even more.
Women who yell at their kids in a public place and call them names generally put their abuse on display for the rest of us...I just want to grab them and shake them senseless! Then I wanna take em out to the front of the store and stand on a checkout counter and publically humiliate them by calling them stupid, and telling everyone what a horrible parent they are, and tell them that they dont deserve have children. Then I wanna take their kids away from them and find some real decent parents!
People going slower in the left lane than the right lane, and when you come up on them real fast and flash your headlights at them, they act like you dont even exist in thier world. And its not like its that hard to change lanes, but why should I. There is a reason the signs say slower traffic keep right. At least the germans got that shit down. Try that shit on the Autobahn'll end up in a body bag!
People who get pissed off at me for asking them to do their jobs. Ya know, like fast food workers, gas station attendants, receptionists, etc. You know what? I know you have a shitty job, but its not my fault you got pregnant/busted/dropped out or whatever landed you in your meaningless existence, and quite honestly, unless you make me want to care by being hide and go fuck yourself for all I care.
politicians...'nuff said.
Bill collectors. the ones that try to put you down and think that by being an asshole to me its gonna make me want to give you a single fucking penny. I done told you people 12 years ago, I was gonna pay that back fucked with the wrong guy...I will never pay you a penny, can take it out my chapped white ass when Im dead. Until then I'll just keep dodgin ya!
Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, and other professionals. Yeah, ok, you spent alot of time going to school and paying for a long tedious education. Now you wanna treat me like Im some inferior because Im not in your "social circle". Guess what pal, I got an IQ over 145 and 2 college degrees. I drive a Regan era car because I want to. I live like a vagabond because I want to! I dont own a suit because..I DONT want to! Have fun with your mortgage, SUV payments for the soccer mom wife of yours and remember, your kids are already doing drugs because you dont have time in your life to actually spend time with them. So while your busy looking down your nose at me, Im busy thinking about sleeping with your wife, then telling you about it just before I dump her ass!