Things that piss me off....


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
  1. Ron Ramirez. Everything he does is perfect & kicks ass. He pays for materials & saves a ton on fabrication. He pisses me off.
  2. Cops. They speed more than anyone else on the road, yet they won't write themselves a ticket
  3. People that drive slower than you want to go. Enough said
  4. Duane. See Ron Ramirez
  5. Kwnate. He lives near Ron & Duane, and takes advantage of it too. Bastard!
  6. IJ. He's the epitome of Ron/Duane/Kwnate, all wrapped up into one.
  7. Realtors. They make an assload of money for doing next to nothing.
  8. Joe. He has a gay blue car, but it's still pimper than mine
  9. people that don't search before asking questions like "which motor should I ask my dad to buy me?"
  10. people that misspell words on purpose. Spell your words correctly quit acting like a stupid asshole

Feel free to add to the list


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Any man who's arm hair completely covers his wristwatch.
A dentist with blood in his hair.
An airline pilot with two different colored shoes.
Any woman paying for vaginal jelly with an Exxon credit card.
A pimp that drives a Toyota Corolla.
People with small teeth and big gums.
People with minivans.
Small women with SUV's and an attitude.
Assholes who drive the speed limit in the left lane.
Marta bus drivers. (ASSHOLES!)
Probably you.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Supracentral said:
Any man who's arm hair completely covers his wristwatch.
A dentist with blood in his hair.
An airline pilot with two different colored shoes.
Any woman paying for vaginal jelly with an Exxon credit card.
A pimp that drives a Toyota Corolla.
People with small teeth and big gums.

All are good to add to the list, especially the arm hair...

Ohhh, I caught you in an edit.....


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
i could write a book with all the things that piss me off. in fact i bet it could be a series, one book for each topic. my first will be driving/cars. i'll be back to post later. <runs off to type book>


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
People who run stop signs, especially when there are no car for miles behind me...
Old drivers and handicap plates...
Coupon users...
People who talk loud, because they think if they talk louder than you, then they're right and you'll believe them, even though what they say is absolutely nonsense...
Tattoos that are A: gang tats B: shitty prison ghetto tats C: absolutely meaningless tats... *if yur gunna scar your body for life, atleast know wtf you have and that it MEANS something to you*
Spoiled rich kids...
Chicks that fart/burp in public and tell you they're taking a shit... You know what ladies, I know you burp.. I know you fart... I know you shit... Ya know what, I DONT CARE... Its not lady like...
Extreme left wing loons...
Bill Clinton... And Hillary, fuck it, BILLARY pisses me off...
Crack heads...
Snobby MKIV owners...
Dull razors...
Sting rays that kill croc hunters...
Saggy pants with the boxers showin over the top...

I could go on, but that's for starters... :D:D:D


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
People who drive the speed limit or slower.
People who speed in school zones.
People who will pass a car that’s going 35, at 37mph, there by blocking both lanes.
People who don’t use turn signals.
People who use turn signals in a parking lot.
People who talk on a cell phone while they drive.
People who sit at a light while it’s green.
People who don’t pay attention.
People who take forever to change lanes.
People who stop at a yield sign when they can merge.
People who slow down on a freeway onramp because they don’t know how to drive.
People who slow down on the freeway to let people merge.
People who slow down when they see a cop, no matter what the cop is doing or how fast the person is going.
Old people driving.
99.8% of motorcycle riders.
People in huge trucks.
People in nice cars that think they are too good to race you.
People who tailgate.
People who sit in the right lane when the left lane is open, and I want to go right.
People who speed in neighborhoods.
People who go over a speed bump sideways.
People who don’t know how to deal with a four way stop.
People who stop at the last second.

This is a small list and I could bitch for hours about most of them.


is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
People who are expecting a delivery and leave their dog out
People who flip me off for turning wide in a thirty foot truck
Businesses that all want their packages at noon
People that see me running back and forth with a hand truck full of boxes but wont hold the door
Four Bangers
Front wheel drive
People that call a Usdm car buy its Jdm counterpart ( A sc300 is NOT a soarer)
Evo owners ,Sti owners, Srt 4 owners, and any "fast factory car owners"
Chain automotive stores for providing the rice paddie
Altezza style lights that are not stock
Huge pick up trucks with said lights
Mini vans with 13 inch wire rims and neon blasting circus music


a.k.a: mittens
Mar 7, 2006
boise, idaho
people who can see you comming and decide to cut you off anyway.
people who pass out of spite, and then slowdown.
people who flip you off when their in the wrong.
people who blast shitty rap music, with blown speakers.
people who people who cut you off and end up getting into the lane they were alredy in
seeing a car full of people and all of them are on cell phones.
seeing a suburban with one person in it.
bikers who bitch about how "they're traffic too", then they don't follow road laws.
bikers in the turning lane.
bikers in the road, WHEN THERE'S A BIKE LANE!!!!!!!!!!
one motorcycle in a parking place where a car could fit.
cops that don't obey traffic laws.
seeing a cop parked on the sidewalk.
cops that don't know the bill of rights.
cops that try to turn your story around.
motorcycle cops.
undercover cops.
bums, hobos, wanderers, homeless, beggers, what ever you want to call them, they piss me off.
fashon hippies.
fashon punks.
fashon goths.
guys who where womens pants.
people who disregard music befor they hear it.
bullshit arguments.

i have to stop befor i break something of offend someone.

as Slayer put it, "God hates us all!"
and slipknot, "People = Shit!"


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
Vocal uncertainty. the type that makes people sound like they're squeezing out a shit in front of you.

Lunch Trucks (a.k.a. "Roach Coach"): these guys charge $1.50 for a hotdog that's been cooking longer than the one at the back of the machine in your local 711. They charge $1.50 for a can of soda... a CAN!

People who complain about things that cannot be swayed by human powers: Like, the weather. Bitch all you want, it's fucking raining. Oh well.

People who complain about things they have full control over. I.E. their job, where they live, their lack of friends, things they want to change, but don't care enough to actually go do it.

"Fast factory car" owners. Couldn't have said it myself. These people think that their completely stock srt4/evo/sti/cobalt ss can smoke your ___________. Regardless. Case in point: my friend's uncle has an '06 STi. That thing is god's gift to automobiles.
Can it smoke a ferrari?
well, which model?
it doesn't matter. It can beat them all.
point out that it'll go 200+ mph, and he's not swayed. "Well, I'd beat him across that intersection, that's for god damn sure." ok, congratulations. always bringing up the specs that were listed in Car and Driver

Harleys. 90% of these wanna-be badasses are your typical 9-5'er at any given office. These guys are instantly transformed from average Joe to Hell's Angel with the simple addition of a genuine Harley Davidson leather jacket.
The application of a microscopic helmet to their balding skull is the icing on the cake. Nothing is more bad ass than proudly displaying "if it's too loud, then you're too old" and "if you can read this, the bitch fell off" decals on the helmet.
These guys are the ones who have the nerve to go for a ride at any time they please, not thinking twice that they're Harley is equipped with turndowns pointing somewhere away from the motor, terminating inches from the heads. It might be one thing if it sounded good, but it doesn't. It's pure, unfiltered ass sound delivered straight to you whether you like it or not. This brings me to my next point.

People who "bump" their "systems": I, like most warm blooded humans, enjoy music. I enjoy a wide array of music. Anything from Neil Young to FSOL. Minus country, and most rap.. but that's besides the point. I find that even if I like a song that's being "bumped" in traffic, I hate that person. There's no reason that oncoming traffic needs to know what music you're into. I like loud music, but in moderation. Even if I'm in a loud music listening mood, and I turn into a parking lot, I turn it down.
People who don't turn the music down to answer their phone or order food in the drive-thru simply infuriate me.

Truck-Ricers: These are the guys who think their truck is "superior" with all of it's marker lights, lund fiberglass tonneau cover with spoiler tacked to the rear of it, clear taillamps, and generally sporting most of the JCWhitney catalog.

Ricers: die in a fire. the list is far too long, and look how much I wrote about Harleys...

Highway Defenders: Those of whom that feel that the speed limit is 55/65 for a reason, and are infuriated by your passing them. These law-abiding citizens will break an alarming amount of laws to simply prove the point that YOU shouldn't be speeding. They will go to great lengths to get in front of you and keep you behind them, at 55mph, where we all belong. It's their right as a citizen, isn't it? no? exactly. I almost PIT one of these fuckers off into some swamp land because of this.

Dual exhaust on pickups: Straight out the back. Stick with what works. While you're at it, trim up your mullet and clean up the heads on your cassette deck cuz it's a wonderful life.

People who purposefully come up to you as you're just completing a strenuous task, look you in the eye as you're sweating, dirty, tired, and fatigued and ask: "Hey, you want any help?" then snicker

People who swerve to miss a chipmunk/squirrel/frog/insignificant creature only to nearly crash due to it, which would result in 4 human deaths.
"oh but the squirrel lived"
"thank fucking god"

People who stop or swerve to miss puddles. (only excusable if you're in a really nice car)

Last Minute Assholes: These are the guys who will visit you at work at :02 of the hour only to have you either
A: Perform the most menial tasks for little to no benefit
B: Have you look up the most ridiculous of things for them, only for them to say "I'll let you know"

Those of whom that go to a dealer, only to be "shocked" at the price of whatever object they're in need of, and claim that "it's only $x.xx at the junkyard!"
boy, how they get upset when you tell them "Then go to the junkyard. But it's just as old as your broken part. good luck"

People who slow down when they see a cop, regardless: You'll often wonder why the traveling speed of the highway has slowed to a paltry 45mph, then you look, and across 4 lanes of opposing highway travel, there's a police officer, with someone pulled over in the breakdown lane.
Not only is the cop DOING SOMETHING, he's also across the highway on the other side of either Jersey Barriers, or a median. There is NOTHING you can be doing right now, traveling with other motorists that could be worse than that guy did, and even if you are, chances of getting caught by said officer are slim to none.

You know when you're merging onto the highway behind someone, and they brake, and continue braking to almost a standstill, you're busy watching their bumper, but as you come closer to a stop next to 65mph traffic, you wonder why, and there he is. The fellow on the highway who was "nice enough" to let the merging motorists from the on-ramp (you and the gentleman/woman in front of you) has slowed to a near stop, as has the motorist in front of you. Now here you are, stuck in a freeway battle of
"after you"
"oh no no, after you"
"no, but i insist"
"please, after you"
"oh but i couldn't"
"please do, i insist"
"oh no, I insist"
"you're too kind"
"no, you sir, are too kind. please go ahead"
"I simply cannot."

that's all for now.