The Suspension Setups Info Thread


Supramania Contributor
HommerSimpson;1054629 said:
I was rebuilding lawn mowers when i was 10
I was 14 when I started pushing a broom for 1.50 hr.. 2 weeks after i started I was working on his late model...
My boss has run New smyrna speed way for past 15 years...Ive built several custom cars in my time and worked on quite afew...
Because i think way out of the box by no means .. means im an idiot...My IQ happens to be in the high 140's but im uneducated as far as school goes as i droped out to turn a wrench because i was making more money at age 15 then the teachers were...I do what other say cant be done... :} just pay attintion you just might learn a few things from me..

And soon as shes ready to take to a track and im sure theres one in central fl someplace... i will find out if i did good or bad.. as im not one to baby ANYTHING.. i grew up in the hills of clearmont florida on the dirt roads... Ive spent more miles going sideways then going strait when i wad young :}

not being a hardass eather... im just not use to people thinkin i have no clue.. most that know me personaly call me McGyvier.. :]

I don't think you realize what you're doing with that. This isn't one of those "let's bash Hommer's dumb ideas" post, this is a "that's not a good idea and could very possibly break if you drive on it" post.

What you're doing with those arms like that is overconstaining the suspenion. I bet that if you connect all the arms and disconnect the shock/spring and try and cycle the suspension through it's range of travel, it will be hard and probably bind.

The double shear/single shear thing is another concern, but I'm more concerned about everything binding and then something has to give.

So don't take this as me saying you're stupid, but in my professional opinion, it's not a good design and will cause problems for you at some point. You mentioned something about how spherical bearings work, look at how you constrained the 4 bearings.

And wasn't McGyver known for making stuff work out of crap he could find on the floor, not for properly designing stuff for an application?


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
Not to be a dick but we have a section specifically made for this sort of information.

The parts review section has been around for a while and would be easier to access here than to have it in some random thread that will get buried behind new ones as time passes where people just wont have the patience to read through page after page of irrelevant opinions.

Good info nonetheless I will try to post up a pic later with a review but i'd just hate to see your effort get buried away in the wrong place.


Supramania Contributor
Feb 26, 2006
It's fine in this section because most people are too stupid to even find that section.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
Ma70.Ent;1056425 said:
It's fine in this section because most people are too stupid to even find that section.

Ouch, but pretty much true considering how old those threads are. In that case why have it if its not going to be put to use or hidden away the way it is. I knew of it and it still took me a bit to dig it back up because of where its placed.


Feb 8, 2006
Battle Ground, Wa
wow why does it matter where it is if some one knows of it and wants to find it there is a great thing called search that don't take very long to use or even find what your looking for. i think we should all stop the bitching and actually talk about what was meant to be talked about on the forum. im done peace.

3rdgen Guy

New Member
Feb 12, 2008
Queens NyC
hey guys. i havent read through this entire thread. However im having issues with my suspension. I have TT wheels with H&R springs. Who has this set up? i cant turn my wheels all the way because they seem to rub against the springs pretty bad. Anyone else have this issue?


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
Neat thread, didnt see the H&R Koni combo in here
I run this setup with tanabe sways and cusco strut towers.

I dont know what my koni's are adjusted too(stiffness), but i believe its on the softer setup. Car is kind of bouncy at low speeds with uneven concrete, you feel every bump in the road. High speeds on the interstate /e-way its smooth.Car is stable at high speeds, and stable in high wind situations on the highway as well. On the twisties i havent pushed it too hard but hit handles great. No body roll just kind of sticks. On balding tires i would slide a lot when pushed some, but it was real predictable.

This spring i may pull the shocks off and check the settings and try different stiffness's

Its dark now but ill get pics up tomorrow


Supramania Contributor
Mar 14, 2006
Oshawa, ON, CA
3rdgen Guy;1235141 said:
hey guys. i havent read through this entire thread. However im having issues with my suspension. I have TT wheels with H&R springs. Who has this set up? i cant turn my wheels all the way because they seem to rub against the springs pretty bad. Anyone else have this issue?

This is a wheel offset issue, not a suspension issue. You need to add spacers or adjust the stops on your steering. +50 offset wheels don't play nice on the Supra.

3rdgen Guy

New Member
Feb 12, 2008
Queens NyC
so everyone with TT wheels put spacers? do you know what the offset should be?..thanks for your help, it was really freaking me out.


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
3rdgen Guy;1235735 said:
so everyone with TT wheels put spacers? do you know what the offset should be?..thanks for your help, it was really freaking me out.

Not everyone uses spacers....all depends on the springs used, tire size, ride height, etc..

It's not a big deal