The (old) Official Gun Thread.

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Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
outofstep;1020259 said:
Don't take advice from someone that wanted to CCW a P22...

what's wrong with that? add a silencer and you can get rid of the pesky stray cats without alerting the neighbors. I would never get a pt92...a buddy of mine has it and you can't shoot the broad side of the barn with it, it shoot extremely low to the far left.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Clueless;1020628 said:
what's wrong with that? add a silencer and you can get rid of the pesky stray cats without alerting the neighbors. I would never get a pt92...a buddy of mine has it and you can't shoot the broad side of the barn with it, it shoot extremely low to the far left.

I wouldn't trust my life to any 22lr ammunition (both reliability issues and terminal ballistics issues), much less a platform know to have horrendous reliability issues. There is something very wrong with CCWing a P22. A P22 is fine for a range/plinking gun. But if your life is on the line, you're much better off having purchased a wheel gun in a real caliber for the same price.

My main problem arises when someone seeking gun knowledge gets answered with conjecture and bias. Discrediting the most prevalent firearm in police and tactical circles with the best reliability record, simply because you don't like it; is intellectual maleficence at it's finest.

The reply to someone's question asking about a CCW should have been to list known reliable brands that are widely carried and then to try them out and see which they are the most accurate with and the most comfortable with. So here is a proper reply:

"There are a lot of different routes to go with this. In 9mm, the following manufacturers or specific models are all very reliable and make great carry guns. Any of the Sig line particularly the 226, 229, 225, and their Poly carry models. Glocks are the most widely carried CCW gun, you'll be looking at the G19, G17, and G26 for the 9mms. The CZ75 and it's smaller variant (i forget the model number.. maybe 8Xs)) work great. HK has several carry pieces, but are on the pricey side. The XD9s and M&Ps have been getting great reviews since their releases. M9 (92 series) are carry able. If you want to go outside the 9mm field, Makarovs are tanks, but you'll need to source good 9x18 ammo. Pretty much any wheel gun will work.

The right holster makes all the difference for daily carry. So after you've tried out the gun that works best for you, try out several different holsters"

My CCW rotation list includes Glocks, 1911s, H&Ks, and Sigs. I would love to add a CZ and a Hipower to that stable. My $400 Glock shoots just as accurately as my $800 H&K or my $1200 1911. But discrediting an entire product line and spreading erroneous bias, is simply unfathomable to me. If there is a legitimate reason to say not to buy something, that's fine. But damn, that was just some koolaide right there.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
outofstep;1020774 said:
I wouldn't trust my life to any 22lr ammunition (both reliability issues and terminal ballistics issues), much less a platform know to have horrendous reliability issues. There is something very wrong with CCWing a P22. A P22 is fine for a range/plinking gun. But if your life is on the line, you're much better off having purchased a wheel gun in a real caliber for the same price.

My main problem arises when someone seeking gun knowledge gets answered with conjecture and bias. Discrediting the most prevalent firearm in police and tactical circles with the best reliability record, simply because you don't like it; is intellectual maleficence at it's finest.

The reply to someone's question asking about a CCW should have been to list known reliable brands that are widely carried and then to try them out and see which they are the most accurate with and the most comfortable with. So here is a proper reply:

"There are a lot of different routes to go with this. In 9mm, the following manufacturers or specific models are all very reliable and make great carry guns. Any of the Sig line particularly the 226, 229, 225, and their Poly carry models. Glocks are the most widely carried CCW gun, you'll be looking at the G19, G17, and G26 for the 9mms. The CZ75 and it's smaller variant (i forget the model number.. maybe 8Xs)) work great. HK has several carry pieces, but are on the pricey side. The XD9s and M&Ps have been getting great reviews since their releases. M9 (92 series) are carry able. If you want to go outside the 9mm field, Makarovs are tanks, but you'll need to source good 9x18 ammo. Pretty much any wheel gun will work.

The right holster makes all the difference for daily carry. So after you've tried out the gun that works best for you, try out several different holsters"

My CCW rotation list includes Glocks, 1911s, H&Ks, and Sigs. I would love to add a CZ and a Hipower to that stable. My $400 Glock shoots just as accurately as my $800 H&K or my $1200 1911. But discrediting an entire product line and spreading erroneous bias, is simply unfathomable to me. If there is a legitimate reason to say not to buy something, that's fine. But damn, that was just some koolaide right there.

no offense, but that sounds like a typical redneck response..."if it ain't a big v8, it's not a real motor!"....give me a break, a gun will always be a gun no matter the size. They all shoot projectiles, they all can kill.

As far as the glock deal goes, each to his own. You can't please every living soul on earth, so neither can to MDC and myself personally, I hate holding the glock and the looks of the damn thing regardless how awesome you may think it is.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Clueless;1021002 said:
no offense, but that sounds like a typical redneck response..."if it ain't a big v8, it's not a real motor!"....give me a break, a gun will always be a gun no matter the size. They all shoot projectiles, they all can kill.

That statement is just purposefully ignorant of the past 30 years of terminal ballistics science. Sure, a BB can and has killed people. So by your reasoning, I can pack a pellet gun. It shoots a projectile and it can kill.

However, based on numerous terminal ballistic studies the defacto standard adopted by the entire defensive industry is a minimum of 12 inches of penetration to be considered a viable defensive round. I don't know of a single 22lr that will meet that standard. Not to mention that rimfire ammunition, even the high quality rounds, have less than stellar reliability.

I'm sorry, this can't be equated by some asinine attempt to equate it to a common "child of the earth" colloquialism. It's an unreliable round in even it's best form, that doesn't meet minimum standards to be considered a defensive round. Yeah, 22lr is better than a pointy stick, but not by much.

Here's an idea, go here: and let them know your views on 22lr and it's viability as a carry round.

I can't believe this shit is even being argued...

As far as the glock deal goes, each to his own. You can't please every living soul on earth, so neither can glock

I didn't say it was. That's why I recommend many different brands. Re-read what I posted, you must have missed it. This actually is where a proper use of redneck vernacular simile could be used. MDC pulled the equivalent of "honda is crap cuz it aint got no v8."


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
Talk more about the 17, the CCW topic is over.

What kind MOA are you getting out of it at 100 yards? Have you taken shots longer than that with it yet? What's the drop like at 200?


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
i haven't been able to find a 150-200 yard range close by, but have a lot of friends with land in the country so i'm looking forward to a 200 yard shot pretty soon :)

going to try and head to the range tonight if the weather holds, and ill get some pics of the grouping when i move the scope out to 100 yds.

had it sighted in for 50 yards, took several shots at 100 yards and here's what i ended up with:


the lowest four (excluding the flyer in the 9x9, i rushed that shot) i was holding dead center to get an idea of the drop (each box is 1 inch). the farthest two top i was holding the first mil-dot down on the bull, and then the middle three (two in the bull and one dropped right) i had the top of the dot on the bottom of the bull.

didn't get any pics at 50 yards but all were in the orange :)


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
So, I've got a ATS-4 Paintball gun that Im about to sell for around $650, its a replica of an AR-15. I don't use it so I was thinking of getting a real AR-15. I've heard bad things about the .22lr's what should I get? Any suggestions O gods of weapons?

O and Ninja edit:
ok fat ninja edit: Where is a good place to buy from online or should I buy locally?
Last edited:


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
.22s are a great rifle, the ammo is cheap as hell and you can't beat them for plinking and hunting small game (squirrels, rabbits, people) at close ranges.

if you want to step up, anything centerfire will probably be close to $500 alone, then you've got a scope and ammo to think about. i was thinking about getting a .22-250 for varmints (almost 5000fps from a .22 caliber bullet) but went with the much cheaper 17 HMR (still blisteringly fast for a rimfire - 2500fps). i spent about half as much and am happy with my purchase.

shop locally so you can get a feel for what you like, it's VERY personal when choosing a firearm. go to gun shops, sporting goods stores, look around in the classified ads.

if you're dead set on a .223, then you'd probably be happiest if you custom built one. upper and lower receivers, barrels, and anything else you could dream of is online somewhere. only restrictions are on the lower receiver (IIRC), you have to have a FFL to purchase one.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Clip;1021710 said:
.22s are a great rifle, the ammo is cheap as hell and you can't beat them for plinking and hunting small game (squirrels, rabbits, people) at close ranges.

if you want to step up, anything centerfire will probably be close to $500 alone, then you've got a scope and ammo to think about. i was thinking about getting a .22-250 for varmints (almost 5000fps from a .22 caliber bullet) but went with the much cheaper 17 HMR (still blisteringly fast for a rimfire - 2500fps). i spent about half as much and am happy with my purchase.

shop locally so you can get a feel for what you like, it's VERY personal when choosing a firearm. go to gun shops, sporting goods stores, look around in the classified ads.

if you're dead set on a .223, then you'd probably be happiest if you custom built one. upper and lower receivers, barrels, and anything else you could dream of is online somewhere. only restrictions are on the lower receiver (IIRC), you have to have a FFL to purchase one.

the .22s just seem like a glorified .22 rifle....I was thinking something with a bit more of a bang. Even if it does cost me .50c a round.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
the .22lr isnt a glorified .22 rifle, it's the rifle.

anything else in .22 (the .223, the .22-250, and so on) is centerfire, so it'll have a lot more bang.

if you want an all around rifle that you can bring down deer with (with good shot placement), look into a .243.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Clip;1021736 said:
the .22lr isnt a glorified .22 rifle, it's the rifle.

anything else in .22 (the .223, the .22-250, and so on) is centerfire, so it'll have a lot more bang.

if you want an all around rifle that you can bring down deer with (with good shot placement), look into a .243.

.243 huh?
I shall do this! Thnx for the info. I'm not a big gun buff, I love them but know very little when it comes to info about them.

I see a lot of .223s for sale, I'm guessing those are standard 5.56 rounds going in these guns, something I can get from any gun store.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
D34DC311;1021730 said:
the .22s just seem like a glorified .22 rifle....I was thinking something with a bit more of a bang. Even if it does cost me .50c a round.

I had a 7mm rem ended up costing me around $.85 a shot or so and has a very large bang. I would highly recommend getting a swiss k31, you can find em at gun shows for less then 200 and surplus ammo can be had online( and sometimes at pawn shops and gun stores as well.


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Clip;1021573 said:
i haven't been able to find a 150-200 yard range close by, but have a lot of friends with land in the country so i'm looking forward to a 200 yard shot pretty soon :)

Have you tried Hite Hollow up near Staunton? they have 150 yards. Free, public range. (Donations accepted, tho) and they even allow full auto. Some of the guys on AR15 go up there every now and then.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
Squid699;1021868 said:
Have you tried Hite Hollow up near Staunton? they have 150 yards. Free, public range. (Donations accepted, tho) and they even allow full auto. Some of the guys on AR15 go up there every now and then.

thanks for the tip:) just got back from the blacksburg range, also go to the potts mountain one in catawba.

as promised, pics (groups of five shots) :

first group, 100 yards


second group, up 4 clicks (1/8 MOA)


third group, up another 4 clicks


brought it down 2 clicks, set up at 50 yards to see if i had any noticeable arc



then the rain came (one shot on the last pic) and i packed up. looks like its shooting a little left (didn't adjust windage) but that's easily taken care of. i'm happy :D


not so sad 10psi
Apr 1, 2008
Cleveland, MS

I figured I would post up a pic of my Kimber. I have a pretty nice long range rifle to, in 308win. With the right ammo it gets groups about a 30cm or better at a km. Its easily under 1/4MOA at 100m. I don't have a picture of the rifle though. Its an old Ruger M77 that was accurized by a police swat sharpshooter then traded in for another caliber. Its got a blueprinted action, lightened trigger, 1 in 10" six groove target barrel, and other bells and whistles.
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