The (old) Official Gun Thread.

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Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
Dunckel, my friend has the compact sw .40, and it fit my hand perfect. I haven't gotten to shoot it yet, but it is on the short list.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
45 auto's is what I probably always will carry as the mail concealment...I've thought about picking up a sp101 .357 Magnum while gunbroker still has black talons for sale.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2007
Spokane, WA
foreverpsycotic;1013989 said:
Dunckel, my friend has the compact sw .40, and it fit my hand perfect. I haven't gotten to shoot it yet, but it is on the short list.

If you get the chance, do. I bet you will like it. The way the palm grip is designed, your hand rides up close to the slide, minimizing recoil. Very accurate. You can practically drag the gun behind your car to the firing range, and it will work just fine. A few weeks ago, I went to the range and fired close to 400 rds through it with no troubles. The weekend after, I fired 600 rds with no malfunctions. After a good cleaning, it still looks brand new. I have fired many glocks of all generations, berettas (sp?), H&Ks, Sig Sauer and Mauser, and in my opinion the MP is the best. Just my .02. Happy hunting.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
went to the range today despite the stupid rain, fire 151 shots in all. First 72 shots I fired I recorded how many jams I'd have to those that functioned properly and this is what I got...


...So 72 recorded shots, 10 malfunctions(feeding) which equates to 62 properly functioning round so:

62 divided by 72 = 86.1 then subtract 86.1 then subtract that from a hundred and you'd get 13.9. what is means is my gun has a 13.9% failing rate.


Are U Here 2 take My Baby
Clueless;1014457 said:
went to the range today despite the stupid rain, fire 151 shots in all. First 72 shots I fired I recorded how many jams I'd have to those that functioned properly and this is what I got...

...So 72 recorded shots, 10 malfunctions(feeding) which equates to 62 properly functioning round so:

62 divided by 72 = 86.1 then subtract 86.1 then subtract that from a hundred and you'd get 13.9. what is means is my gun has a 13.9% failing rate.

Im not expert about this stuff but is that good, bad, or so-so


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Fuzz420;1015619 said:
Im not expert about this stuff but is that good, bad, or so-so

Clueless;1015634 said:
Well, normally that's bad especially if your using as a carry piece, but doesn't matter too much id your just plinking around.

I'd go so far as to say HORRID. For example, my daily carry piece has had, literally, several thousand rounds through it (well over 5,000). It has jammed about 6 times total, all in one weekend several months ago. I narrowed the failure down to one bad magazine that has a weak spring, this magazine will only mis feed with a hollow point, never hardball range ammo. I cycle my carry ammo regularly so I found this out quickly. Since I carry daily, and I carry in Condition 1 (round in the chamber, hammer cocked, safety on), this magazine has seen a lot of time with 8 rounds compressing the spring all the way.

Needless to say, this magazine has gone the way of the dodo and I now am cycling three mags through for carry so the springs have time "at rest" so they don't fatigue like that one did.

A gun that doesn't fire when you need is worthless. You'd be better off with a club.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Supracentral;1016132 said:
I'd go so far as to say HORRID. For example, my daily carry piece has had, literally, several thousand rounds through it (well over 5,000). It has jammed about 6 times total, all in one weekend several months ago. I narrowed the failure down to one bad magazine that has a weak spring, this magazine will only mis feed with a hollow point, never hardball range ammo. I cycle my carry ammo regularly so I found this out quickly. Since I carry daily, and I carry in Condition 1 (round in the chamber, hammer cocked, safety on), this magazine has seen a lot of time with 8 rounds compressing the spring all the way.

Needless to say, this magazine has gone the way of the dodo and I now am cycling three mags through for carry so the springs have time "at rest" so they don't fatigue like that one did.

A gun that doesn't fire when you need is worthless. You'd be better off with a club.

Yea, I just need to figure wtf is wrong with my gun...I installed some wolff springs and it eliminated 98% of the stove piping, but now it seems the slide doesn't grab the round right. If you noticed the rows and columns of cases, the top has less primer side up then towards the bottom...maybe that signifies that the ammo I'm shooting(winchester ball point white box walmart special) get's too dirty as time passes by. So what I'm gonna do is get some more of the same ammo, shoot the same amount and halfway thru I'll clean the gun completely and we'll be able to tell if ammo is at fault.

Shytheed Dumas

For Sale
Mar 6, 2006
Louisville, KY
Clueless;1016240 said:
Yea, I just need to figure wtf is wrong with my gun...I installed some wolff springs and it eliminated 98% of the stove piping, but now it seems the slide doesn't grab the round right. If you noticed the rows and columns of cases, the top has less primer side up then towards the bottom...maybe that signifies that the ammo I'm shooting(winchester ball point white box walmart special) get's too dirty as time passes by. So what I'm gonna do is get some more of the same ammo, shoot the same amount and halfway thru I'll clean the gun completely and we'll be able to tell if ammo is at fault.

Instead of working on figuring out what's wrong with the gun, I would seriously consider trading it off, Clueless. From an ease of carry perspective, I really liked my KelTec, but when I started getting light primer strikes after a few hundred rounds, I used it to help fund my current pistol in the form of a trade. I'm pretty sure that a new recoil spring would have taken care of it, but seriously, a gun I need to depend on that can't go even 500 rounds without needing replacement parts? Not a chance... reliability is just too important.

Supracentral;1016132 said:
I'd go so far as to say HORRID. For example, my daily carry piece has had, literally, several thousand rounds through it (well over 5,000). It has jammed about 6 times total, all in one weekend several months ago. I narrowed the failure down to one bad magazine that has a weak spring, this magazine will only mis feed with a hollow point, never hardball range ammo. I cycle my carry ammo regularly so I found this out quickly. Since I carry daily, and I carry in Condition 1 (round in the chamber, hammer cocked, safety on), this magazine has seen a lot of time with 8 rounds compressing the spring all the way.

Needless to say, this magazine has gone the way of the dodo and I now am cycling three mags through for carry so the springs have time "at rest" so they don't fatigue like that one did.

A gun that doesn't fire when you need is worthless. You'd be better off with a club.

Rotating magazines has been weighing on my mind, too. How long do you keep a mag loaded? I hope I might find a deal at the NRA meeting this month in L'ville. If not, Bud's Gun Shop will be getting an order for 2 more. :)

As for cycling carry ammo, what is the recommended time to keep self defense ammo? I figure any round that hasn't been cycled through the chamber should be good for at least a year, but hollow points take a beating when they are fed from a magazine into the chamber. Even the occassional trip to the range means the top two rounds get beat up after a while and end up in the garbage. Rotating magazines on a regular basis would mean more $$$ ammo getting tossed.


Pure Street Racing
Mar 24, 2008
I will try and find a pic sometime after I wake up later, but I have twin Desert Eagle .50 Cal's.

Surprisingly enough, they are very manageable, as far as shooting and recoil. I expected the damn thing to fly out of my hands, but to no avail. Very reliable, easy to maintain, etc. You could run this over a few times, drag it behind a dump truck, and throw it in mud, and it will still fire, no problems.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Shytheed Dumas;1016386 said:
Instead of working on figuring out what's wrong with the gun, I would seriously consider trading it off, Clueless.

hypothetically, if I were to decide to trade my gun off for another one what would be some of your guy's suggestions?

NOTE: No glocks, never have liked the looks or feel even if it's ultra-reliable.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Clueless;1016785 said:
hypothetically, if I were to decide to trade my gun off for another one what would be some of your guy's suggestions?

NOTE: No glocks, never have liked the looks or feel even if it's ultra-reliable.

One that feels good in your hands, you can hit with, and is reliable.

Personally, take a look at the M&P line, Walther P99, or the Sig 220 or 250.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
MDCmotorsports;1018941 said:
One that feels good in your hands, you can hit with, and is reliable.

Personally, take a look at the M&P line, Walther P99, or the Sig 220 or 250.

hmm...I'm gonna need to hit up a gun store really soon. Oh, ordered some 7.5mm swiss ammo, so this is gonna be fun.


Supramania Contributor
The original magazine that came with my PT-92, has had years, and years of being fully loaded with 15 rounds, and when I got to the range, I empty the magazine of the teflon coated, hollow tip and nickle plated case'd rounds, and I load it up with whatever I bought cheap for the "plinkin" that's going to ensue!

It's a rare day that I get a stovepipe, or failure to fire.. And generally it's the crappy Wolf ammo more than anything else.. The WalMart stuff feeds great, never a failure to fire. (I've stopped buying Wolf stuff, both in 9mm and .223, it's just that crappy...)

I do have a few extra mags.. A 17 round from Butler Creek IIRC, and it fails to feed from time to time, depending on the load.. but the 30 round mag feeds anything. (And it's a kick in the ass to boot..) I bought it a Cabella's, but I have no idea who made it..

I've considered buying a new spring for the stock magazine.. but it has never failed me yet. (Shooting the stuff I carry, it feeds flawlessly...)

As for age.. That Black Talon ammo has been out of circulation for a few years, and then some.. But I can't see it going "bad" from age..

Any thoughts on that? I don't keep the gun dirty, or in high humidity.. Mostly it is in a fast access box, or at my lower back. The pistol is kept clean, and lubed up with a chain wax type lube.. (Dry, so it does not attract dirt, yet works very well..)

Anyone think these rounds will not fire in the heat of the moment? I've never seen one fail to fire when I've tested a random round from the boxes I still have.. (Bought before they were banned to public sale...)


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
MDCmotorsports;1013924 said:
Just what ever you do, don't buy a glock.

Just my $.02, but I hate them. Ive shot some custom Glocks that I like, but stock Glocks well... suck.

Don't take advice from someone that wanted to CCW a P22...
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