The (old) Official Gun Thread.

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i recently got a CVA Buckhorn .50 cal muzzleloader..

basically the cheapest muzzleloader I could find, since I'm going to start hunting deer and turkey this season..

Squid does your dad ever shoot any of those civil war error black powder guns?


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
no. those are purely for collecting, but he does restore them all as he gets them so they are 100% operational.

I still need to shoot my .50cal muzzleloader my Granddad willed to me - black powder day sound good?


New Member
Jun 2, 2005
North Carolina
hmmmm....I've shot:

22mag that hits 4 of 5 thumbtacks at 100yds

357 "peacekeeper" revolver that was horribly innacurate

tec9 (a lot like the one pictured but without the vents over the barrel) with a laser sight that was completely useless. Anybody who's shot one would understand. Although you can litter a target with 32 rounds very very quicly.

those are just the amusing guns.

A friend of mine just picked up a beretta 92FS 9mm when he started the police academy. I shot it and it was nice. I think it's brushed stainless, has a nice feel. He shot marksmen in the airforce and the academy...but I outshot him. does that make me a marksman??? haha


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
Here it is, my $100 Russian Makarov IJ70-18AH 9x18mm w/ Adjustable sights and 10 rnd. High Capacity magazine. Not a bad find for $100 me thinks.



This is my first weapon.


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
I havent read this thread at all really but I thought Id ask. Im looking to get a Glock 9mm or something like that in a few months after my cars back on the road. Im curious as to what people think I should get, I want it for home protection and maybe weekend practicing sometimes. I know they cost upwards of $500. Where should I go, whats the best, what to look for?


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
Iv had this question for a while and have asked many people what they think so im going to ask you guys

as most of you know the 9mm is a pretty usless calibar for taking some one down( as a military example) what do you think the US and or canada use and a standerd sidearm

10mm auto

or anything else you might prefure


Supramania Contributor
9mm is not a problem if you use the right ammo, and put two rounds center of mass, then finish off with one to the head. (allways train double tap, then final tap... LOL)

I've owned a Tarus PT92 in 9mm for years, and it's a great gun. Have a stock 15 round mag, a larger 17round mag and just bought a 30round mag for fun plinking. (I've put about 1500 rounds through this gun over the years, possibly more, and never, ever had one jam, or fail to fire.)

I've shot 9mm glocks, the GAP45 glock and the 40 cal version too.

My brother just bought the FN5.7 and it's a kick ass weapon. 20 rounds in the mag, awesome accuracy and that bullet is pretty wicked to body armor. (Heck, you can't buy the teflon coated bullets anymore, but they will go right through most kevlar based personal armor.)

Best part of this gun is the recoil... what recoil? (One of the things I like about my 9mm is you can learn to shoot it quickly and accurately due to the controllable recoil v/s say a 45 or other large bore pistols.)

I'm not saying you can't become accurate with larger guns, it's just not as easy to put 3 rounds into a target when the gun is bucking in your hands with every pull of the trigger.

Few years ago, I was shooting with a friend of mine at the dump.. (I love parts of Idaho, the dump is open year round, and there is NOBODY there after hours, so you can shoot up whatever is there that day. TV's, washers and dryers, old fridges and other cool stuff to shoot. Anyway, we were shooting this old fridge, and had just used a marker to outline some targets on the thing. I could put double taps into these 3" rings very quickly, but he was not because his 1911 was jumping all over the place.. we swapped guns, and suddenly I could not hit shit on the second round, but he became very accurate..

So, the 45 will only do it's job if you can keep it on target... LOL (Or hope to stop the bad guy with one round... good luck on that.)


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
I didnt say i didnt like it but for takeing someone down its not very good iv seen guys take 3 shots like they were nothing mind you this guys were huge.:aigo:

oh shit just looked up the FN5.7 wow


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Nothing wrong with 9mm - especially a Glock. No caliber will work if you can't hit the target. ;)

Can't go wrong with a Glock 17 or Glock 19 for range work and home defense. Either will run around $550. The 19 is just a little smaller than the 17.

If you want to look into a bigger caliber, look into the Glock 29 (10mm), Glock 30 (45 ACP), Glock 22 or 23 (40 cal) or Glock 37/38 (45 GAP). All are good guns and are either full sized or just one step down. Try as many as you can and pick which one you like the best!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I still prefer my .45

Low velocity with a lot of mass. They are sub sonic so there's rarely an overpenetration problem. Makes for a great self defense weapon. I'm using Gold Dot hollow points.

They have great expansion:


Makes for a massive wound cavity. A double tap center mass with these and there's nothing that's going to keep coming towards you.

Big Wang Bandit

You Can't Quit Me Baby
Feb 21, 2006
San Ramon, CA - 925!
.45 > all. Stupid mistake to phase out teh .45 with the M1911.

I believe the US army should use .40SW. First off its a supereasy round to control. Will let the womens and the scrawny guys shoot well. 2nd its a bit more of a punch than a 9mm round.

3rd. Its badass.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
10mm > *.*

  • More energy at 200yards than a 45 has at the barrel.
  • Largest average recovered diameter of any handgun in real life shootings (larger than even .44magnum and .45acp). As in it leaves the biggest deepest holes.
  • Increases effective engagement ranges to over 75m.
  • True magnum ballistics (more powerful than 357mag) in an autoloader handgun.
  • Larger magazine capacity than .45acp
  • Largest grain range and loading velocity of any auto cartridge. 95gr to 240gr, medium game hunting loads to two legged predator loads.
  • The FBI determined that it was the “perfect” bullet, passing all of their tests at almost 100% every time. It stomped the shit out of the 9mm and 45acp.
  • The bullet was too powerful for FBI females and limp wristed little males.

Over penetration has never been an issue for any caliber, nor has it ever been a legitimate safety concern. First; an over penetrating CNS shot is still a CNS shot, the perp is dead. Over penetration simply leaves two holes to bleed out of. If over penetration occurs with a good expanding bullet, the wound channel is just that much larger. Also if a bullet over penetrates in ballistics gelatin, it simply means it can overcome intermediate barriers and still perform. Through the car door and still fuck up the baddie. There has only ever been ONE case where a police shoot out where over penetration harmed a bystander (went through the bad guy and hit an innocent), but it was not with 10mm. The innocent hit was not killed or even seriously wounded.

Under penetration however kills hundreds of police officers and civilians every year. This includes situations where the bullet lacked the energy to reliably and consistently score a CNS shot. Either being fragmented by denser muscle tissue, or deflected off of bones, or simply lack of energy required for penetration.

Under penetration will kill you, over penetration will not. Wanting a bullet to “stay in the target” and “dump energy” means nothing. You want the largest and deepest wound channel you can get. Simply, you want to take the biggest chunks out of a badguy as possible. You need velocity, mass, and a good quality bullet for that. 10mm has the best in all of those fields.

The only drawback of 10mm is it requires a larger frame size than 9mm. Recoil is comparable to 45, the same with price. It will never be as cheap to shoot as 9mm is, but then again neither will 45.

Is 10mm a good round for the military or police in general? No, because with PC bullshit you have to accommodate for the lowest common denominator. Women and small guys can’t handle the 10mm. They can’t handle the 45 either for that matter.


AKA Slient_sniper
Apr 24, 2006
i wouldnt say size just ability to shoot it my dads best friends wife is about 5' and can shoot a 45 better then most guys I know including me and my dad it doesnt matter about size just the ability of the shooter


that's it!
Sep 30, 2006
Salem, Oregon
I personally want to get an AK47 or a US M3 "grease gun" but the damn gov't here in Japan wont let us have any sort of firearms.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
My dad carries a Colt 10mm Delta Elite. Nice pistol.


And amazingly the old man is still one hell of a shot at 68 years old.


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
well. the 36 is now confirmed as my carry gun. I've almost got my dad converted to a tupperware man too.

Glocks definitely had a corner on the market at the range today. 3 G30s, G23, G17 (my friend's), G36 (mine), and a G27.

No one quite knew what to make of my 1187. "Why does this guy have a shotgun on the rifle side?" BOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!! "What the hell was that........"
I just giggled and kept firing.


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
I was always a big fan of 10mm but I read that .40 cal was a bit more practical. I like the idea that 10mm is used for Big game hunting though...that's damn impressive. :D

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
My 1991A1 will be my carry gun when Jim Doyle gets replaced by Mark Green for governor in Wisconsin next month. Friggin Doyle vetoed concealed carry twice since he's been in office.Retard!:3d_frown:

My black powder pistol is an 1850 Colt Army replica but it is real fun to shoot anyway.:biglaugh:

Long guns from top to bottom:
8mm Turkish Mauser W/Redfield scope
Remington 1100 12 ga. semi-auto
Stevens 30-30 clip fed (killed 4 deer with it so far)
Ruger 10-22 for my son to learn shooting with.

I really want to add an FAL 308 to the arsenal as well as a Kel-Tek PLR-16 .223 pistol. Does anyone have or know someone who has a PLR-16? I have never owned any Kel-Tek products but owners on gun forums say they are good quality and lifetime warranty.


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