The official 'I hate christmas' thread...

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
D34DC311 said:
^^ WOW u guys just railed on her for, her dislike in christmas and not liking children, a kid is a lot of work and money, until you are willing to accept this burden (because thats what a kid is) its best for you and the child, to not have a kid. maybe she doesnt want kids, so what i know plenty of people who didnt want kids until they felt they were ready. she didnt say hey "i'm not going to have kids" she just said she doesnt like them. I dont blame her, I cant stand kids that cry all the damn time, or are just noisy. I want to have a kids one day, but right now, HELL NO. as for her christmas coments, ok she doesnt like the holidays again i dont blame her if she dis-likes her family. I'm not very "close" with my grandmother, in my 20 years of life, i have yet to talk to her for more than 20mins, just not to close with her, i would prolly dread spending christmas with just her and my family(imediate(sp?)).
you guys need to lay off just a bit, the feces comment wasn't nessary.

Top Secret if you think I wailed on you I am sorry. The feces comment was not neccessary and I didn't see that when I quoted it. Please accept my apolpgy.

I am not meaning to put you down or critisize you. I just wanted to share my experience with the situation. Please don't take my post the wrong way, I didn't mean for it to sound mad, angry or belittling.

I really and truly hope you can find happiness in the holiday season whether it be with family or your boyfriend in Canada. :drink1:


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
D34DC311 said:
^^ WOW u guys just railed on her for, her dislike in christmas and not liking children, a kid is a lot of work and money, until you are willing to accept this burden (because thats what a kid is) its best for you and the child, to not have a kid. maybe she doesnt want kids, so what i know plenty of people who didnt want kids until they felt they were ready. she didnt say hey "i'm not going to have kids" she just said she doesnt like them. I dont blame her, I cant stand kids that cry all the damn time, or are just noisy. I want to have a kids one day, but right now, HELL NO. as for her christmas coments, ok she doesnt like the holidays again i dont blame her if she dis-likes her family. I'm not very "close" with my grandmother, in my 20 years of life, i have yet to talk to her for more than 20mins, just not to close with her, i would prolly dread spending christmas with just her and my family(imediate(sp?)).
you guys need to lay off just a bit, the feces comment wasn't nessary.

thank you, you pretty much got the point :)
supra blues: i didnt find your post offending but thank you for apologizing.

let me explain some things: actually i dont want much in my life, just the usual nice house, nice job, nice car and nice bf thing... therefore i am rather easy to please. i am not into material things like clothes or jewelry or whatever. i have a plan in my mind and i want that plan to come true, lots of people think i am an asshole cos i can get very selfish cos of it but hey, i dont really care... i am working hard to make my dreams come true, even tho things are going rather slow atm which sucks ass but well. anyway, if people and even my own family cant see or understand it... that is not my problem really, cos there is a dream that is waiting to come true and NOW, right now is just the best chance in my life to fulfill it.
once that is done, once i feel all happy inside of me, i might be able to enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

i am a (rather) normal gurl that just doesnt like the holiday bullshit and all the pseudo love during it.

i also just simply hate everything that has to do with family in general... i do not have a close relationship to them... at least not right now or for the last 2 year or so, plus they are rather boring as i've said... no fun to be around.

i am also a loner, i like being alone... it can cheer me up actually. i do not like hanging out with anyone really. after a certain time everybody is getting on my nerves... just the way i am and always have been.

yes, if i was with my bf, christmas would be way better, cos then i would be with the person that i love and care about the most at the moment (which doesn't mean i don't love or care about my family... i do love them with all my heart... it is just a different way of caring) and he is the only one that i can stand more than 2 hours or so, lol. i also would be in the country i love.
plus i wouldnt have to deal with all the family ass kissing bullshit... i wouldnt even have to deal with his family.

my point on having kids and marriage is pretty much the same like D34DC311's... some time in about 10 years or whenever i feel ready but now... oh my dearest god no. kids are kinda cute, yeah but most of the time they are just annoying.

if that stuff makes me hard to please, a spoiled brat, an asshole or what the hell ever... fine.

you, aye mate... grow up and get over yourself... just cos i have a different opinion/ point of view on things, doesnt mean you can be a repectless asshole, mmmkay. it makes you seem like a sad and weak person... someone that can't have a conversation without becoming offending when things do not go the way you want them to go... someone that cannot repsect another person's point of view but if it makes you happy, if you feel better about yourself now *shrug*
SF OT, that is the right place for comments like yours.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
i agree with IJ, its all about how you look at it. i dislike the commercialism of xmas, yes, but i still enjoy giving someone a gift that i either made or put some thought to it. I almost lost my mom due to a heart attack a few years ago, so now every xmas is a bonus with her imo.

EDITED!! PS, i used to be like you, now when im down on xmas, i watch these movies.. usually not by choice.. but it works..
1) a christmas story
2) a christmas carol
3) its a wonderful life
4) miracle on 34th St
5) christmas vacation
Last edited:


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
I didn't feel like reading the whole thread, I'm lazy and just got home from work. I kind of dislike christmas, but I like getting presents.....soo....I guess I like christmas.

R.I.P Bunny, he has all kinds of feet to hump in bunny heaven :icon_surp Bella is a girl, I have pics to prove it :biglaugh:

Oh and I don't like little kids either, well some or ok but I find for the most part they annoy me. I know that'll change but right now that's how it is.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Same here...Christmas is great and I like seeing families having a good time and I give gifts to people to make them happy.

But as for me I dont know why I just feel like this, but I'd rather enjoy Christmas on my own...just relaxing and stuff. I always do this every Christmas.
Guess I used to being alone and doing things of my own and hardly asking others for stuff. Not a loner in a weird sense but more like the LONE RANGER.

I have been doing that from a very early age and its become a fixed part of me.



New Member
Apr 21, 2005
SP 7M said:
Way to think of yourself instead of appreciating the real meaning of Christmas, TS. That really doesn't surprise me, though.

Statements like this crack me up. You think that because people get together on Christmas it is because of Jesus's birthday. Sure they have the obligatory prayer at the dinner table, but there is none of that feeling. If you and your family do otherwise, I am happy for you, but that is not how it works everywhere. I hate Christmas for what it is for me, not what it should be. That doesn't mean I'm against it, or that I don't want anyone to celebrate, it just isn't especially fun for me. For every person there is to tell you season’s greetings there are ten to tell you to F-off. The crowded stores, the general incivility in public, this whole mad rush for the sake of everything that isn't Christmas. The whole season is just like any other time of year, except amplified. It also helps if you live in an area with shitty weather this time a year, like HI perhaps, oh I mean MI, sorry. (j/k)

Honestly folks, just because you might enjoy time with you're family once a year to get together and enjoy each other, doesn't mean it is like that for everyone. The hating kids thing is hilarious too. It's not that you hate kids, you hate other people’s kids, and if you don't, you haven't been around enough of them for extended periods of time. It's easy to disagree with someone when you have no idea where they are coming from, but that doesn't mean you have to make personal attacks.

This year I will spend Christmas with a family that does nothing but argue and talk shit about other people. Their kids will be there running around making all sorts of damn noise, and in general annoying the shit out of me. That is because I see them too much already as it is. There is never any peace, and just when you think you get a break because of the holidays, you actually end up shittier for having to deal with shitty people. (I know I sound like the Grinch at this point but trust me you're opinion is all based on who you have to deal with.)

Before anyone makes the obvious assertion that all of this is by my choice, I will get this out of the way. I will do all of the above, because as much as the other people in my life can make me miserable, for some reason they love me. So I will show up, and I will smile, and I will allow them to be happy and not disappoint them by telling them how I feel about them. (You know, like if I wanted to change the subject to something I wanted to talk about perhaps.) I will have a miserable Christmas for the sake of others, and that is the gift I give on Christmas, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Also this is The official 'I hate Christmas' thread..., not the tell me why I am wrong and am a bad person because I don't enjoy the holidays thread.


Use your GUY instinct
Apr 6, 2005
Oceanside (for now), CA
Lanternman-First of all, I'm not naive enough to believe that everyone celebrates Christmas because it's Jesus' birthday. I know that there are plenty of atheists and member of other religions out there that also celebrate Christmas because it's a tradition. Why they celebrate is doesn't exactly make total sense to me (I'm a member of the Christian faith), but I respect the fact that they do celebrate it and don't wish to silence it.

The other thing I wanted to touch on was the "personal attack" thing. This isn't the first time I've been accused of doing such on this forum, btw. If you really consider what I said in my last post to be a "personal attack," then you must not know how people interact in our society. I'm not turning this on you in a negative way, but come on, man. That was nothing near a "personal attack."

Good day to you, sir, and please try to have a Merry Christmas.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
SP 7M said:
Way to think of yourself instead of appreciating the real meaning of Christmas, TS. That really doesn't surprise me, though.

how come it doesnt surprise you?
do you know me, do you know my family, do you know anything about me or my life and how it is on christmas? i dont think so...

how can you make a judgement without knowing anything?
cos i do not believe in god, jesus and all that tradition crap? cos i do not have a close relationship to my family, cos i do not like kiddos? what is it?

i'm rather curious.

supraman18, how come you thought i was a guy, LOL?

aye mate, i do have humor... but i didnt see a smilie or a 'j/k'... therefore how am i supposed to know it was a joke?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I wouldnt have thought the feces comment would have come from aye mate, cause he is normally easy going on this forum, so i beleive him when he says it was ment to be a joke, maybe it was all that drinkin hes been doin. :wink: :wink:


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
lol, i know.

the other day i heard that story that churches in america wanna boycott shops that just wish 'happy holidays' instead of 'merry christmas'... weird weird weird...

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
TopSecret said:
lol, i know.

the other day i heard that story that churches in america wanna boycott shops that just wish 'happy holidays' instead of 'merry christmas'... weird weird weird...

Yeah its kinda funny, but they do it because we are, for the most part, "not allowed" to wish anyone a "Merry Christmas" anymore because of the religious undertone and that it may offend someone.

Except when I am at work and talking to clients, I say Merry Christmas.


New Member
Apr 21, 2005
SP 7M said:
Lanternman-First of all, I'm not naive enough to believe that everyone celebrates Christmas because it's Jesus' birthday. I know that there are plenty of atheists and member of other religions out there that also celebrate Christmas because it's a tradition. Why they celebrate is doesn't exactly make total sense to me (I'm a member of the Christian faith), but I respect the fact that they do celebrate it and don't wish to silence it.

The other thing I wanted to touch on was the "personal attack" thing. This isn't the first time I've been accused of doing such on this forum, btw. If you really consider what I said in my last post to be a "personal attack," then you must not know how people interact in our society. I'm not turning this on you in a negative way, but come on, man. That was nothing near a "personal attack."

Good day to you, sir, and please try to have a Merry Christmas.

I realize that I quoted you, but if you thought everything I typed was directed at only you, I apoligize. Most of my comments were directed at everyone in this thread for the sake of understanding. I used your quote because I thought I could address it, and I thought I did in my first paragraph, everything after that was just talking in general. However, when you address someone directly, call them selfish and then state that it doesn't surprise you, it sounds kind of personal to me.

To reply to your first paragraph, I didn't mean to insinuate you are naive, but you still don't get what I was saying. This isn't an issue of non-christians celebrating Christmas. I am a christian too, and so is the rest of my family. My uncle is a pastor, so I've seen all sides of the church and what it is all about. My point was, even with all of that, my family still gets together and does all the things I wrote about before. It is the hypocrisy that gets to me, as well as my general feelings for certain family members. You are right in saying those people are selfish and don't celebrate the real meaning of Christmas. By me saying I don't enjoy the day, it is not me saying I don't care about the true meaning of the holiday, it means that I don't experience it, and that is why I thought your statement was a little out of line.

Hopefully I explained myself a little better this time. As I stated before, I am not against Christmas, and if you love Christmas I am happy for you. I only posted because I could understand what the original poster was saying, and saw that many people didn't. I appreciate your response, and I will do my best to have a Merry Christmas.


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
TS, I think I kinda get your point.....
even though I'm in the lucky situation of having a pretty cool family ("family" being my mother, sister, brother and niece), I'm not much of a family guy myself. but somehow I became more attached to my family in the last couple of years, I don't know why exactly. I think there's a point in what SupraBlues said, but it probably depends....
I'd propose to not waste your energy on thinking about how bad christmas sucks. instead, just think of how wonderful it will be when you'll meet your boyfriend again. let christmas pass by and try not to get too involved with it :)

oops, this is a "I hate christmas" thread, so... umm.... I hate the rush, the music and all those phoney people kissing everyone's a**es.... :p
OTOH, it's sad to see that some people need a certain event like christmas to get along with each other at all, at least once a year.


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Being in the military has soured me a little on Christmas and the holidays. As a kid, Christmas at home was always great. My first Christmas in the military, I was in technical training and we were allowed to take leave to go home. I did that, so it was nice.. but the next Christmas I was away from family in a foreign country, a girl I was interested in broke things off over the phone with me, and I didn't really have any friends. It was a new world for me. Now, it's been almost 7 years since that first lonely Christmas, and I have only been home to spend it with my family once more.

In conclusion - I think that Christmas is nice if you are able to spend it with family or friends who care and are really in the spirit. If you are lonely, you might turn into a bit of a Scrooge.


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
encomiast said:
OTOH, it's sad to see that some people need a certain event like christmas to get along with each other at all, at least once a year.

Christmas time once again, time to be nice to the people who you can't stand all year :3d_frown: