today I finally got the vacuum lines figured out the only question I got is the one way valve in the picture that is screwed into the manifold does that go to the map sensor? the map sensor was originally hooked up to the port above it so I switched them around cause in the vacuum diagram it looks like the one way valve suppose to go to the map sensor. I also hooked up the boost gauge to a port on the backside of the manifold and it now reads correctly thank god! currently running 10psi till I hit this stupid cut.
I also opened up the ecu and looked around and it looks great no leaking caps or anything. the IGF pin looks like it is secure and connecting right. My next step is definitely swap out the igniter for a known good one just got to find one around me. Also the ecu is a m/t not a a/t. Does anyone else think of anything I should check besides the igniter I think that is the last step to check before the full wiring.