So I got new seals for my targa and wanted to do them tonight. So I hope in my car, and break the back 2 screws loose. Grand. Then I go to the front 2. Yea, they are seized on there quite nicely. Actually so well in fact that, an allen key socket connected to a rachet with a cheater pipe on it, BROKE the allen key. FML.
With rainy season coming, I need to know what can I do to get the targa off? And what can I do to prevent this seizing to stop.
Also, can the bolts that are In the front of the targa, that are inside the windsheild area be replaced? I really hope so incase some thing happens.
With rainy season coming, I need to know what can I do to get the targa off? And what can I do to prevent this seizing to stop.
Also, can the bolts that are In the front of the targa, that are inside the windsheild area be replaced? I really hope so incase some thing happens.