Supramania Ride of the Year Winner of 2006 kwnate - Nathan



kwnate said:
I can't wait to see!!

as usual, going with typical internet warriors, without having the facts everyone jumps to conclusions.

Kwnate, from our last PM, i told what was the hold up and why i havent had time to look into it, But since i am repling here i will be glad to let eveyone know. I had/have put up a prize bag for the winner of the ROTY, since then i have been on the road with the race team leaving on Thursday most of the time and getting back on Sunday. when i am at work i have not had time to check on why from the package being sent out it came back to Titan. as i explained this to both parties. it is my fault for not looking into it, i will send it out on monday for you, it is not my intention not to. I have just not had time. If you see, i do not come on the site anymore, and if i do it is only to come and see how one of my friends cars is coming along.

What will be included is:
TMS cam gears, Tshirt, Stickers, and a Lic plate frame.

Like i have told you several times before, do not PM me on here, because i hardly ever come on here, so i will get it weeks if not months later.
The only reason i am here is because Jake emailed me and told me about this. Right now i am in Alabama when i get back to orlando i will email you.

I will love to hear responses...

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Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Dont stay in Alabama too long, you might get trapped... I drove through there, and five years later, I escaped... :D:D:D

Ona serious note, thanks for replying Sean... I hope you guys understand Sean's position... It was rather impromptu, as I threw this at him and he didnt have much time to prepare... I was like, ROTY is coming, you think Titan can do somethin for the winner? He agreed... However, there has been ALOT goin on around Titan HQ lately: TX2K7, Moroso, Alabama, and a few other big events that have been pretty consuming... I deal with Sean alot, and even I have a hard time contacting the guy because they have him running all over Gods green earth... Im not trying to make excuses for the guy, Sean is a grown man, but I hope you all understand, and this will get worked out...


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Well when I first read this threads last couple of pages I had originally got the impression that no one was really "worried" about Titan not coming through. I think they were all just a good time ribbing one and all. Thats usually what these threads are for, congrats and teases. I really dont think anyone can fault Sean for being busy.

The only thing I have to say to Sean and all the guys who work at Titan is: Damn you for finding a way to make money doing what you love! lol :naughty:

So back on topic for this thread now. May the sucking up to Nate continue! :biglaugh:


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
So what the hell is going on in Alabama????

BTW........Sorry Sean, I should have known there was a good explanation. You did take good care of me with the Exhaust Depot Catback a while back. It was the slightly dented one I bought at SF (under the name suprapartsguy)

ON TOPIC.............I can't say much about Nate's car.........he's in stealth mode! Updates Damn it!


What we are doing in Alabama right now is testing the Supra. Im sure most of you guys know that we havent run that car in sometime, and threw it together last minute to race boostlogic's car. Well there has been some talk that we have fell off the supra game so we are testing the car getting it setup right now. Shortly you guys will see the supra go Mid to Low 7's at 195+mph..

This is where the car has been sleeping since Texas becuase the Driver Gary White lives here.

On the Topic of the parts shipping out, again i apologize, and i am not making excuses, but the bottom line is, i have been extremely busy, either working on my own car, or traveling with the team, and honestly the last thing on my mind when i get to work is this situation. But like i said i will have it sent out on Monday. congrats to kmnate again..


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
So what yur sayin is that Boost Logic pretty much scared Titan? Yeah? A little SERIOUS competition make the guys step back and say DAMN! ;) Hey, that BL car is no joke, but you guys will get it back... :D:D:D BTW, you know you drive right by my house on the way to/from alabama... You wanna stop by and get my car on your way back? ;)


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
I'm just glad to see something going on in the great state of Alabama besides a woman getting a DUI while riding a freaking horse.................:nono:

2jzmk3, do you guys have a shop in Bama? I need my cams degreed and can't find anyone willing to work on it. I"ve been told to do it myself, but would rather have it done right if at all possible.

Sorry for the OT.


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
suprahero said:
I'm just glad to see something going on in the great state of Alabama besides a woman getting a DUI while riding a freaking horse.................:nono:

2jzmk3, do you guys have a shop in Bama? I need my cams degreed and can't find anyone willing to work on it. I"ve been told to do it myself, but would rather have it done right if at all possible.

Sorry for the OT.


naughty by nature
Staff member
Aug 26, 2005
Roll Tide
ForcedTorque said:
Ooooo...............A rift amogst the blews! (mis-spelled for humor) There's always dissension before collapse. 3E5 is taking over!!!!!!!!

3E5 can't even take over the white supras yet, how are you going to take over the blues?..................:biglaugh:

As for the GTFO, I think it's only because he hates to see my sig in his thread. It makes him feel uneasy and threatened...............;)


parts shipped today. sorry, i forgot about it yesterday again.

no we do not have a shop in Alabama, just doing some testing in a "secret" track i guess you can call it.

Jake: No my friend not scared. just have set the record straight as to who is the fastest supra. dont forget this car is still setup from 1999, while all the other cars are setup from 2007 spec. alot has changed. we could start over and build a badass car, but who would we race? SP and Boostlogic are the only two really fast shop cars that would compete..

AEM EMS.....they've done studies you know, 60% of the time it works everytime.....


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Nope, delivery truck had a 2jZ and a big single, so it went from 0 to lose your license in 3 seconds and the driver is in jail and the truck is impounded.