kwnate said:I can't wait to see!!
as usual, going with typical internet warriors, without having the facts everyone jumps to conclusions.
Kwnate, from our last PM, i told what was the hold up and why i havent had time to look into it, But since i am repling here i will be glad to let eveyone know. I had/have put up a prize bag for the winner of the ROTY, since then i have been on the road with the race team leaving on Thursday most of the time and getting back on Sunday. when i am at work i have not had time to check on why from the package being sent out it came back to Titan. as i explained this to both parties. it is my fault for not looking into it, i will send it out on monday for you, it is not my intention not to. I have just not had time. If you see, i do not come on the site anymore, and if i do it is only to come and see how one of my friends cars is coming along.
What will be included is:
TMS cam gears, Tshirt, Stickers, and a Lic plate frame.
Like i have told you several times before, do not PM me on here, because i hardly ever come on here, so i will get it weeks if not months later.
The only reason i am here is because Jake emailed me and told me about this. Right now i am in Alabama when i get back to orlando i will email you.
I will love to hear responses...

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