Supramania is REALLY becoming a Community


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Over the last week or so, I am truly seeing signs of Supramania becoming a Community. I am all the sudden seeing several cases of one Supra Brother helping another, because "by God" he owns a Supra! This is a spirit I hope continues here. Check out these examples:

1. Reign Maker is nearing completion of his new monster motor when the machine shop informs him that his head is just not gonna be able to make it. Seeing that Jake has had a hell of a time with his machine work, Rakkasan steps in and donates a head to the project from across the state. Another offer was made as well but logistics weren't worked out quick enough.

2. Kwnate has clutch trouble at the PACNW meet (wish I coulda been there), and Seamus Donates a clutch and a gang of members break out the wrenches and take care of it. Go read the PacNW pics thread, it's great reading, and for those who can't read great pics too.

3. I just read Jonathon1's thread about his new tail lights. They were Donated by Weezl. And they look pretty damn good too.

4. Audioman81 has been parting a car for a while. Now he has started a post of almost all give away stuff. There's some decent parts left too. There is a rear end from an N/A. Not sure if it's LSD, but all N/A's had 4.30's (right?)

5. Boosted wrecked his beautiful car. And before he could get over it, he was offered a smokin deal on a body for the motor swap. Check out his build thread.

There are 5 quick examples of a REAL Community taking shape. I know there are plenty more. I am SO proud to be a part of a community like this one, and I hope the trend continues. I'm not suggesting that we all just start giving away everything we have. Hell, I do a lot of selling myself. But, if I see a Supra Brother (or Sister) in need, you can bet your ass I'm gonna help the best I can.


Feb 8, 2006
Kentucky (NKY)
I agree, and I to 'am proud to be part of this community. Trydrew889 has helped me work on my supra, also found a parts car in a junk yard and pulled some pieces for me without my knowledge. He's a stand up guy. I'm here for any of you that need anything. We should all give back to this community. If not for SM I don't think I would of kept my Supra. Their are awesome people in this community, and they'll continue to keep coming if we show them the door. Thanks ForcedTorque for this thread I wanted to give Drew a shout and the whole community a thanks for being here, for mine and others needs for parts and information/knowledge.


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
I don't think its "finally started taking off" but much more so its growing day by day.

Alot of us have been here for a long time, and we are very protective of our community against trolls and and IJ puts it, "Cletus mania fans." is a community even though most of us share just two common threads - A supra and an online forum.

But yes, always try and help out your fellow supra owner. As in life, help out any one that you can supra owner or not.

It all comes back in the end.

boost fiend

Jul 24, 2005
Rockford, Il
this place is a great way to meet new people. i dont kow how many people have found me on the street and yelled, "hey is your s/n boost fiend?" i always respond with a nice bov vent and say yup!!

helped a fella out with his walbro install and 12v mod too!!!

sm = FTW!!!!!:beer:

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
That is pretty cool, even in OT where we can see things very differently, in the end, we are all brother and sister gear heads!

That's what it is all about...;)


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
And we have one helluva mod squad... Admin's not so bad either, lol...

SupraForums is a profit machine, plain and simple... When you let the dollar mind the store, then its no longer a club house but a pub house... I have ALOT of "friends" on here... Mark gave me a head, its karma... I've done a few nice things here and there, I dont like to "brag" on myself, but I never expected anything in return, because karma is real... When my brother was in need, I was there... And when I was in need, one of my other brothers was there for me...

This is how it is... This is how it should be... This is what makes me proud to be a SUPRA owner...

[cartman voice] I LOVE YOU GUYS! *looks around* SCREW YOU GUYS! I'M-A GOIN HOME! [/cartman voice]


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
I like it here as well. I felt the sense of community right off the bat, and while I can be a bit of a thread jacker, ranter, and off topic whore...Im real glad I found this place after finding my 86.5

Cheers to all of you!


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Weezl, speakin of thread jackin: that vid in our sig is great, but... I dunno... Its missin somethin... I dunno what it is... *thinking* OH! You know that sound your car is suppose to make after every shift? That, PSHHHH, sound? I think the kids call it a "blow off valve sound"... Yeah... Its missin that... :D:D:D

RTA Supra

MA70 Enthusiast
Apr 1, 2005
Tampa, FL
Awesome thread! I may not have too many posts on here but I'm on reading constantly. This is a site where I can just sit back, search, and find just about anything I need right away. Hope I've been as much of a help to some of you as you have been to me!


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
I love this website, I got so much useful info from here, and there are so many very wise individuals....

I can't tell you how clueless 90% of the mechanics were when I took my car to them over the years, I just post some obsure picture and try to describe the noise and 5 people are telling me exactly what's wrong with the car. Most toyota mechanics could not figure out these things 1/2 the time. I'm just starting to get my hands dirty and make repairs on my car, I've always been scared of breaking things and I really appreciate the wealth of knowledge here.

I also love the search feature, it works so much better then SF, and it just seems like people are more peaceful here.

Good job to the admin and moderators!


Addicted to SupraMania!!
Jun 23, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
I love this website! Someone from ebay recommended when I was looking for parts for my 87 na.

Now I will soon own my white dealer package! 86.5.... that i plan to install 3 piece wing 89+ and taillights....

Oh yeah and piece together my 87.... hmmm.

Everyone has been helpful and prices have been very reasonable. I have found that everyone in this community is about helping out and not totally making a profit. Sharing the wealth!!! Sharing the knowledge!!!

I have previously posted threads to this regard....

Thanks to the moderators for keeping the peace and order here!!!

Insidious Surmiser

Formerly 89jdm7m
May 12, 2006
Reign_Maker said:
Weezl, speakin of thread jackin: that vid in our sig is great, but... I dunno... Its missin somethin... I dunno what it is... *thinking* OH! You know that sound your car is suppose to make after every shift? That, PSHHHH, sound? I think the kids call it a "blow off valve sound"... Yeah... Its missin that... :D:D:D
lol @ "blow off valve sound"

but, on topic,:bigthumb: to this entire thread :biglaugh:

edit: had to throw this in, but in all seriousness, supramania is by FAR FTW! don't think words can adequately describe how awesome this place is :)


Leather work expert
Jun 1, 2006
Corvallis OR
Reign_Maker said:
Weezl, speakin of thread jackin: that vid in our sig is great, but... I dunno... Its missin somethin... I dunno what it is... *thinking* OH! You know that sound your car is suppose to make after every shift? That, PSHHHH, sound? I think the kids call it a "blow off valve sound"... Yeah... Its missin that... :D:D:D

I hate you!

and Im looking for a Turbo now...gonna have a trifecta of perfection!


Nov 4, 2005
Oh yeah, this place is awesome. :icon_bigg

Cant begin to tell how much ive learned here.. Thank God for the mods at SF for locking out membership at the time, because I found them first, came here and couldnt stop. WO0o!

Thanks for the kind words Rob, just helpin the cause and fixin needs.