Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated yet, Had a big sunday, also because the timezone changes generally just get me confused I thought I would wait until sunday evening Aust time for everyone that was still in to pay etc.
I ended up not updating last night because I had a bit of a set back. My finished screen tore on me!

I have a couple of other screens, so I will expose a new one tonight/tomorrow night and get some shoots of the final print up

So the new screen will be ready for when the shirts arrive.
As for the list, I'll be updating that tonight. I'm at work atm and have no access to my email or paypal. Heavy duty on the website blocks here. :|
I've also been asked by a couple of people for an extension so I'll contact them now and see what I can do.
As for the amount that ended up paying and joining in on the GB, I'm kind of in the mind that when you do these GB things you can count on 50-75% of people that say they are in actually going throught with it. Its no always that they are leading the organiser on, sometimes things crop up. I can understand that money isn't always available when you need it. SO don't be to hard ont he guys that didn't end up going through with it. I'm still happy that there are as many as there are that have joined!
Anyway expect an updated list in about 7 hours-ish when I get home from work, and I'll let you know once I have ordered the shirts and have a new screen ready to go