Supra Shirt, (SM approved)

HAHA Nice one Gildorf ;) I'd like to say like people in general, myself included. Its what Makes life what it is... but then thats a bit heavy for car forum talk! lol

Just a quick note, The price I was quoted to ship - and there for based my price on - was sea freight, which can take up to 3 months to deliver!! Thats WAY too long so I have chipped in the extra to make it Air Freight, which kinda means I'll probably be loosing money on this, which is my own fault etc, but I'm just letting you all know that - depending on the currency exchange, - I'll probably have to put the price up by a $2-3 on the next lot of shirts if/when I do them. Sorry guys!

Haha nah sorry man, the minimum it would cost on postage for reg, ins & tracking is about $19! no one would buy a supra T with nearly $20 in postage on it! :p If anyone has any problems getting their T they should contact me and I'll see what I can work out :)

Thanx IJ :)

Guys the white ink shirts have been heat treated, I'll pack them up tonight/tomorrow night and get them off on the weekend. Then I'll finish off the last stragglers :)

Wow thanx for the kind words guys! I'm glad you got them so quick!

I've got a batch of white inks ready to send;
Supra Andrew

I've also got a few over prints that I'll sell at the original price if anyones interested in one of the following PM me! :)

Large Black Ink on White Shirt
X-Large White Ink on Red Shirt

The remaining 5 or so shirts I'm aiming to have printed and sent by the end of the week. Thanks for your patients!

SWD Fredester 3

Supramania Contributor
Apr 25, 2008
baltimore maryland
Got my shirt today! Leigh you do really nice work, thanks again for your
efforts on this. I would definitely but another one if you are going to make
another run anytime soon.

Glad you liked it Fred! I have a few shirts left over that I might print up with this design to sell, but past that I probably wont print any more. I'm thinking about starting on a new one with the pre 88 supra as a few guys requested... on ward and up ward I guess ;)

Hey guys, got a few more shirts done so including the ones already mentioned the following will also be going;


So the ones left to go are;
Mk3Les -One done
Davismj711 -One done