Supra is rattling like crazy when I rev near 3k RPM


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Brampton, Ontario
Okay guys so I posted my problem on another thread but I decided I shouldn't hijack it so I'm making my own. I'll just copy and paste my post from there.

I saved up a lot of money and bought this car because I've always wanted one and it was in really good condition but unfortunately I have a really stupid father. He took my keys one day and just started to rev the car and I heard the noise once I was out of the shower. I ran outside and there was smoke EVERYWHERE and my mom told me he was doing it for over ten minutes and when I heard it it was realllllly loud too so I'm guessing it was at high RPM too. Then I took a look at it after the smoke was gone and the big thick hose on the radiator was off and it sprayed coolant all over the engine bay which I had to clean off. Since then I hid the keys from him but now I have another problem. After that it has started and idled just fine so I haven't really worried about it but I JUST started it today and revved it and the second it gets close to 3k rpm it rattles like crazyyy. Does anyone have any idea what this might be or is there a good chance that its rod knock? I;d appreciate any input that you can offer and feel free to comment, it'll help bump the thread. I'll be getting my camera tomorrow so pictures will be coming then but until then can you guys just tell me if you've experienced similar problems or if you know what it is?

Ohh and I forgot to mention that since it sprayed everything out I refilled it with water so would that have anything to do with this?

Ok heres the video but I have to say it's not doing that thing anymore. I checked it three times yesterday and once this morning before school and it did it but I checked now after school and it sounds fine. Maybe it's not totally fucked up then. Expecting the worst hoping for the best. About all I can do right now lol. Well guys let me know what you think it may be. Why would it be so loud yesterday but be fine today?:1zhelp:


And this is a video of when I revved it before this whole incident.

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New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Brampton, Ontario
yea bro I thought the same but I know for a fact he's not gunna give me shitt. He's just gunna say no that was last week it was fine how did it break now. He'll find a way to deny it so either way its going to be me who ends up paying for repairs or replacement. Any ideas on what it could be?


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Brampton, Ontario
yea I have no idea what he was thinking I mean he wasn't even driving it. Just sitting on the driveway revving it for as long as he could. So do you have any idea what could be the problem?


Aug 8, 2007
Syracuse, New York, United States
Your dad sounds as bad as my mom, but she hasn't tried anything on my car yet.

You need a new engine. From what it sounds like, it ran low on coolant and spun a bearing or developed rod knock. Revving the engine in the driveway, probably while the engine was cold, was a HORRIBLE idea. You will not be able to drive it, and selling it won't happen either. Basically your dad owes it to you to fix the engine, get a new engine, or get a new car. Please don't let him get out of this...if he does, what next?


Aug 13, 2008
New Berlin, Wisconsin
hmm. thats how my engine was when it spun a rod bearing. What color was the smoke, was it white/blue? White would indcate you're burning coolant and blue would be oil. Kinda sounds like you blew a head gasket, burnt/leaked some oil, and your engine starved for oil.

First thing you should do is check the oil level, because if it's super low chances are your engine didn't like that torture your dad gave it.


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Brampton, Ontario
oil is still full and the smoke was white. and yeah sidewinder maybe it did run too low on coolant but unfortunately I know he won't give the money for repairs so I'm just trying to find out what I can do about it at the moment. I'm going to college next year so I'm not exactly the richest guy around. Just wanna find my options.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2005
It's not that it might be rodnock, it IS rodknock. 3K rpm rattles are one of the legendary signs of this. Of course I could be wrong, but I'd really bet my own money on this. Did you ever ask him WHY he did this? I mean, If my buddy got a cool, high revving car, yeah- I'd rev it up(with permission) to hear it, but not for 10 minutes! It's like he wanted to blow your motor. Is he mad at you for something? Did you steal his Penthouse or what? If it is RK, there's no cheap fix. You can either roll the dice and buy a JDM motor and drop it in(or pay someone to do it), or you can get this one rebuilt. Option#1 might cost $1,000-$2000, depending on if you do the install yourself or not, and they usually only come with a very limited, short warranty. Option #2 will still cost you close to a grand, if block and head are machined, and done right, even if you install. Option 2 however, will most likely give your motor a longer lifespan of course.

I hope for the best for you. Most of us have been there- I've had RK myself.


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Brampton, Ontario
ah crap this suckss. Yea he jus decides to do stupid shit for some reason I have no clue why. funny thing was he denied ever doing it too when I saw him with my own eyes. He wouldn't admit he was revving it hard. I actually think he was trying to recharge the battery but no matter what he was trying all I can say is it was a REALLY retarded idea. I think it's going to be sitting for quite a while then. This pisses me off soo much. Well guys thanks for the info at least now I'm expecting the worst. Keep the comments coming though I will make a video tomorrow and I'm having a friend of mine who is a mechanic come by to take a look at it. Really appreciate all the advice guys.


Jan 6, 2007
mine would do that too (shake real bad @ 3000), especially after we put solid motor mounts in, it felt like the dash was gonna fall off around 3000. But it doesn't do that anymore, and we found that my balancer tends to come loose so when we tighten that it's all good. But that was I while back, I don't remember if tightening the balancer directly fixed that or not.


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Brampton, Ontario
ohh actually mine isn't as loud as you're describing yours but its loud enough to hear and its very irritating. I'll post the video tomorrow so everyone can see it and tell me what they think. I'm prepared to deal with an engine rebuild though but on the bright side at least I'll have an excuse to do one. I've always wanted to just not so soon.


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
Brampton, Ontario
ohh well at least it wasn't rod knock in the end. I'm praying that its not rod knock but everyone seems pretty confident that it is. Shit my moms gunna be soo pissed off about this I told her the car was reliable n six months later here it is needing a rebuild. I've never been this stressed about anything before.


Supramania's Parts Man
Sep 2, 2008
Great Lakes State
If I were you I would find a way to make sure you have a new engine, it's not like the motor mounts broke and you have a nasty rattle, your engine went through a severe hard acceleration and it was at start up which means oil was not even to the crucial parts that need to be lubricated. You're looking at huge problems ahead, I would just get a new engine.

shitty times man..


rediculous DD
Mar 1, 2007
Chandler, Arizona
92TealSupra;1121026 said:
Will assist you, 17mm socket
haha who else is with me?!?! he should cough up $1000 bucks for you at least.....for just some parts/machining.....thats just unfair.....basically if you went a threw his truck in a wall, all you would have to say is you didnt do least thats his theory.


Oct 11, 2007
gsmokez;1120976 said:
ohh well at least it wasn't rod knock in the end. I'm praying that its not rod knock but everyone seems pretty confident that it is. Shit my moms gunna be soo pissed off about this I told her the car was reliable n six months later here it is needing a rebuild. I've never been this stressed about anything before.

Let me get this strait... Your mom is going to get mad at you because your dad broke your car... This has nothing to do with reliability. Blow a hose off a brand new car like that and watch the same thing happen. Thats like saying your car isnt reliable because you have to put oil in it to make it work. I think your family needs to go to some counseling before you put any money into this haha.