My Panasport G7 C5C2s. The ones that I smashed (read back in my thread, or check out the photo album in my profile from my crash)... the center was twisted up so badly, that I had to get entirely new wheels... for parts. Here is the finished product! The paint color that I chose is a factory Mercedes Gold - I believe it is 895 with a sparkle pearl topcoat.
They have been rebarrelled, painted, and refinished by WheelKraft Northwest.... so much more affordable than I ever imagined! Changed the offset in the rear, and the fronts are now my former rears.... definitely had some issues getting home after I put them on... good thing I am somewhat decent at body work :-/
This will all be hidden with fender flares anyways, but still pretty stoked with how it turned out!
Then last weekend, had a Supra work party with Bird and Shawn! Bird has been working on getting everything hooked up on his 7M since the rebuild, and Shawn just seems to provide the great dry location (during a rainstorm) and oversees people's various projects. We also had a Corolla needing the head off, and an Eclipse that needs the motor pulled... wood burning stove going, passing beers around, life is good!!
Shawn has a sweet fender roller, and let me borrow it... thankfully!

Definitely helped with the cruise home and that steep, gravel driveway!
And some shameless downtown pictures from Valentine's Day, because, well, I love her. <3
Bumper is off because I am in the process of fixing a couple of cracks, and also installing my Turbo-A duct. Should be finished at the end of next Toyota Tuesday shop night, so perhaps if I remember, I will post a few more photos for your amusement!!
I have been chasing down a coupe of issues, and... well.. both are related, I believe.
1 ... is that I have a slight mis at idle. Very slight, but I can hear it, feel it, and see the motor rock when it happens. This is slightly more than your typical 7M misfire that I could never seem to get rid of with my old engine. Because of this, she often wouldn't idle perfect, and would take a couple tries to start up in the morning. My (temporary) response to this was to bump up the idle, so she idled at around 1100 RPM for a while.
2 ... is that she is running quite rich, although she throws a lean code. To combat this, I hooked up a fuel pressure gauge, and ... well, it was really hard to read, but seemed high, and not consistent, so I purchased and installed an Aeromotive FPR, which helped a bunch, though she still runs just slightly rich, though reads really lean on my Wideband.
My thinking is that the slight mis is causing unburnt fuel in the exhaust, thus, not being read by wideband, so even though its rich, it thinks its lean, then throwns a bunch of short-term fuel trim at her, making a bad problem worse.
Tried to figure out what the hell is causing this.
After pulling a vacuum line off of the intake manifold... my idle didn't change much. I smoke checked for vacuum leaks and found my EGR vacuum valve smoking... is it supposed to do this? If not, who has a spare?
I feel like this shouldn't happen, but when I connected the lines, or plugged the lines, nothing changed. Hmm...
Then, I thought maybe the timing was messing things up. I decided to drop my idle back down to 800 rpm and re-time. When I put my timing light on #1 cylinder, however, I noticed that the light was making a weird pattern... like it wasn't sparking like I would have expeced. I swapped the timing light to #6. The light flashing consistently, and bright. I swapped back to #1... totally different. Sporatic, dim, then bright... interesting. Then, I started pulling plug wires to see if Cylinder #1 was to blame for my mis, even though it is not strong enough to be a dead cylinder. Sure enough, although every time I pulled the #1 wire, there was a significant change in idle, it did not affect the engine running as much as the rest.
I tested resistance in the coilpacks. Everything tested great. To be sure, I swapped coil packs around. The misfire stayed in #1.
I freaked out and compression tested. All 6 are perfect across the board. THANK GOD.
I pulled the plugs. In this picture, you can see the difference between cylinder #6 (top) and #1 (bottom)
And here is #1 again
Just seems like its not getting spark it needs.
Wires are new-ish, I replaced them a few years back. But fuck it, I bought new wires and plugs. I have swapped plugs 3 times now trying to figure out what the hell she likes. In the pictures, you can see she does not like what I have now and how they are gapped. These are NGK BCPR6's gapped to .022. Yuck. Swapping to 7s and gapping to .028 per recommendation from Shawn.
So far, swapped the #1 wire just to see, and it hasn't made much of a difference.
Aside from the inconvenience of the slight mis, after the AFPR and re-time, not much is being affected in terms of how she starts up, runs, and performs. Just my annoyance with her not being perfect.
Will report back once I have swapped all of the plugs and wires, replaced that EGR vacuum valve, and re-timed again once I have dropped the idle further down to reach 800.