Vwala? Ummmm.....voila.
Sorry, I'm a grammar nazi
Yeah, I'm 16, this is my first car. Turbo Supra. I don't do tooooo much stupid shit in it. Hehehe. But nothing where I am endangering others, thats just being a selfish asshole.
And my dad let me drive the van on a cross country vacation when I had just turned 12. I've literally been driving since like 8, and I used to steer and ppush the pedals from the middle seat from long before that (on some of the other cars with no consol).
CA just raised the age for getting your license to 18 for everyone born 91 and after. This is so ridiculous. Stupid people will be stupid at 14, 16, 18 and older. The key is to get more training, more time behind the wheel supervised, etc etc etc. If they keep the permit age at 15.5, then its a half step in the right direction. I still say the number one reason why people get in wrecks is not because they are doing stupid things, but because they can't recover from a problem. Yeah, talking on a phone may be dangerous, and may cause people to start to get into a problem, but if people knew hoe to respond in situations of danger and the limits of their car and how it would respond, more than 1/2 of today's wrecks could be avoided. Then, there are some people who just plain can't drive for shit, but thats another rant. Night all!