Supra Age limit

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
The Supra was my first car. I lost control a few times being stupid. I guess I just got lucky. After spinning out a few times and getting 3 speeding tickets in 2 years, I have learned respect.

Metrosexual = Gateway to Homosexual

Turbo. Targa. Life.

SupraMania Shirt Slinger!
Apr 16, 2005
O'Fallon, MO
TANYA said:
guys with pink shirts should not be allowed to drive supras
WTF? How do you figure? I think someone else already said it but, just because we have a level of fashion sense means we aren't manly? That is the most bulshit thing anyone has ever said...

aye mate said:
Metrosexual = Gateway to Homosexual
I wish there was a "STFU" smiley just for this. It's actually the complete opposite. We are comfortable enough with our sexuality to wear pink, purple, or whatever the hell color we want; others are too worried about "ohh that guy might think Im a douche bag" WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT OTHER GUYS THINK!? IT'S THE LADIES WE WANT!!

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
Nah bro, if you wanna pretend to be gay thats up to you. ;) Personally I think chicks like a guy thats manly. The extent of my metro-ness is cutting my fingernails, cleaning my ears of wax and showering once every few days. I work an outside job so looking nice has no bearing there plus I get a nice tan every year and a get a nice workout without ever stepping inside a gym.
Plus chicks like telling their man what to wear.

Turbo. Targa. Life.

SupraMania Shirt Slinger!
Apr 16, 2005
O'Fallon, MO
Tanya: :icon_razz

Aye_Mate: Acting gay? How is it that you figure? You strike me as an intelligent person, yet your comments on this subject have been very ignorant of fact. I work at a print shop making t-shirt...I leave every day covered in ink and smelling like lacquer thinner. I don't wear nice clothes in there, but when I get off I like to put on my good duds and look sharp. Long story short, I > You. :iconbigg


Supramania Contributor
aye mate said:
Nah bro, if you wanna pretend to be gay thats up to you. ;) Personally I think chicks like a guy thats manly. The extent of my metro-ness is cutting my fingernails, cleaning my ears of wax and showering once every few days. I work an outside job so looking nice has no bearing there plus I get a nice tan every year and a get a nice workout without ever stepping inside a gym.
Plus chicks like telling their man what to wear.


Mar 30, 2005
Wilmington NC
I didnt even begin to read any of this hibba jibba lol... first post only

IMO mk3's stock or lightly modded / heavly modded .... are not fast enough to really make it where they are to dangerous. cause if you think about it mk3's are not expencive so mostly its a teenager car cause there so cheap and people want the supra name but they also want Turbo and RWD. If you look at the rich kids at 16-18 there in vette's and sti's and stuff like that never in mk3's lol I myself wrecked my Mk3 at 16 cause I was young and dumb, Now if I woulda had say my mustang or any of the various cars ive driven in the past 4 years I would of killed myself EASLY.

To put age limits on cars lol, Anything that runs 12 seconds or faster 18+ should be how it goes imo. :p


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
thx for backing me up turbo. targa. life. obviously the vast majority of this site is a bar croud, not a nightclub croud.
"metrosexual = gateway to homosexuality" wow man, get out more.

if you are a guy and you are threatened by (or dont like) pink you must have a problem, some of the nicest things in the world are pink. ;):naughty: