stolen supra bad day....


Evil Empire
Jan 13, 2008
Your name, permanent address, age and/or an ID is the only thing you need to tell/show the police if they don't have a warrant in my state, I assume the laws are similar in your area. If they want anything else you can tell them to go pack sand. By the way if they are at your front door step, step outside and close your door to talk to them, same if you ever get pulled over. Lots of people accidentally consent to a house/car search by forgetting this one when the police are intimidating them. And if you don't want them to search, (aka "look around") always flat out tell them you do not consent to any searches. Its amazing how many people don't know their own basic rights in this country, trust me folks its very beneficial for you to go do a little research.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix,AZ, United States
Sil;1089174 said:
Your name, permanent address, age and/or an ID is the only thing you need to tell/show the police if they don't have a warrant in my state, I assume the laws are similar in your area. If they want anything else you can tell them to go pack sand. By the way if they are at your front door step, step outside and close your door to talk to them, same if you ever get pulled over. Lots of people accidentally consent to a house/car search by forgetting this one when the police are intimidating them. And if you don't want them to search, (aka "look around") always flat out tell them you do not consent to any searches. Its amazing how many people don't know their own basic rights in this country, trust me folks its very beneficial for you to go do a little research.

I refused search of vehicle. Was underage and had just bought booze at driveup for party. 4 guys in car with me, and no sooner had I pulled out of there when I get the flashing lights. Asked me for lic, why I was there? Permission to search the car? Talk about sh... bricks.


rediculous DD
Mar 1, 2007
Chandler, Arizona
its def. not a joke......putting my ass in handcuffs and demanding i show them where kenny lived is too fucking far.....i know they knew where he live because he file the damn report and had to give his adress. they just wanted to know whether or not i knew how to get there.......cunts.......i was in the middle of a title transfer with my new supra and its hard as hell to get ahold of the previous owner...he was here about ready to get it notarized NOT talking to the cops and they will stay the fuck off my property until they have a warrant.......


Feb 8, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Wow, thats harsh! Hopefully everything goes the right way...

PS: the cops in the States seem a lot more harsh then here in Canada..


Built 7M
Jun 20, 2006
jetjock;1089316 said:
^ Lmfao. It's because of the endless array of clueless punks they have to deal with. Myself, I enjoy these cops versus punks and punks versus each other threads. Made my day...

I agree with jetjock ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Sounds like this might be a cover up story!!!!??????????????
Good Luck with that.
Best of luck to you.:sarcasm:


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
I love how everyone becomes a legal adviser when threads like this show up...


Oh fuck it.... if you people can't do the homework yourself... tough. It's not worth the effort to try and explain any of this.


rediculous DD
Mar 1, 2007
Chandler, Arizona
CRE;1089321 said:
I love how everyone becomes a legal adviser when threads like this show up...


Oh fuck it.... if you people can't do the homework yourself... tough. It's not worth the effort to try and explain any of this.
its not like i didnt do any homework myself. i was aware of my rights at the time the cops were here, but i got frantic and just wanted to be a good citizen and let them search but now that yesterday is over, i can think about what im gonna do/say when they come back...


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
TooGoode;1089827 said:
i know i need a lawyer, but they cost money, and i just happen to be a supra owner......

well then

one way or another you will pay. It is better to lawyer up and pay them, than to be made to pay by the court system as they will take it from you one way or another (judghement against you and then slap on wage garnishements)!


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Ownership should be easily provable. Also, receipts for machine work on the motor you may or may not have a receipt for would probably help as well. When did this car get stolen? Can you prove that you have had the motor longer than that?

Poodles is right! You are innocent, until proven guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least I think it's supposed to still work like that. Have them get a warrant, and return to positively identify something as stolen. Hell, have them search every MKIII owners garage. We all have spare parts laying around from the last car, saving for the next car type things. My shed looks like I stole 4-5 MKIII's and a MKII. But I'm totally legit, never stolen any car part. I would say never stolen anything, but somebody would bust my balls about a piece of gum when I was 4 or something.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Portland, OR
I was waiting for the part of the story where the cops break out the music and start stripping (female cops) and this was a birthday present from some of your friends.


rediculous DD
Mar 1, 2007
Chandler, Arizona
KeithH;1090077 said:
I was waiting for the part of the story where the cops break out the music and start stripping (female cops) and this was a birthday present from some of your friends.
oh yeah forgot to mention that happened.....haha....the cops aren't interested in my supra or parts that they saw in the garage anymore, or so it seems. they want to know where the car is. i didnt reply, i stared at them blankly, after 10 minutes of that, they told me they would be back and left pissed off.


7M-GE + MAFT Pro + T = :D
Oct 24, 2005
Denver, CO
TooGoode, my last response wasn't directed at you at all. That had more to do with the post which seemed to infer that jumping out of your car when pulled over is a good idea... :3d_frown:

The best thing I could recommend for you to do is to at least try to get in and consult with an attorney. While the state doesn't have to provide you with representation (provided you even qualify) until charges have been brought against you there is a LOT that you can do now that may permanently damage any case you may otherwise be able to make in your own defense. All too often a case that could have ended better goes south in the hearing not due to the lawyer's inability or lack of a solid defense but purely due to his/her client's ignorance of their own rights, responsibilities and inability to control themselves in the presence of antagonizing police officers or even by confronting their accuser(s) inappropriately.

KeithH, if the next time my car doesn't start it's because there's a stripper in the engine bay waiting to jump out wearing a BHG banner.... well, that would be a step up. :naughty:


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Exactly. Don't say a single word outside your name and address.

As for trying to prove your innocence with receipts, etc - don't show the cops ANYTHING. Your innocence is for the State Attorney and the Courts to decide. Do not help the cops begin to construe ANY kind of case against you!


rediculous DD
Mar 1, 2007
Chandler, Arizona
Doward;1090153 said:
Exactly. Don't say a single word outside your name and address.

As for trying to prove your innocence with receipts, etc - don't show the cops ANYTHING. Your innocence is for the State Attorney and the Courts to decide. Do not help the cops begin to construe ANY kind of case against you!
yeah im not gonna show the cops anything anymore unless they have a would be a waste of time to show them hand written receipts from the parts i bought off far so good cops harrasing me, but now, i fear a certain group of friends are now turning on me.....they just happen to me the majority of the supra owners i was gonna go to silv with....