Star Trek Movie - Love it? Hate it?


Apr 4, 2005
Mesa, Arizona, United States
I enjoyed it, I'm also a long time Trekkie, the only thing that bothered me about the movie was it's history, but maybe they will fix/correct things in the next one that will be coming out...


Sep 29, 2007
Zerocool;1323278 said:
I enjoyed it, I'm also a long time Trekkie, the only thing that bothered me about the movie was it's history, but maybe they will fix/correct things in the next one that will be coming out...

Go read star trek countdown, it fills all the gaps as it is a prequel to the movie. It also gives you the entire back story to the Nero and Spock issue.


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
IMO, you can't claim to be a 'fan' and enjoy this movie - it's just unpossible.

Story? Sucked.
Direction? Sucked.
Actors? Sucked.
Dialogue? Sucked.

Gene Roddenberry would most definitely be spinning in his grave over this. They've taken a series that was about the human condition, and turned it into Die Hard in space. Of course people will suck JJ Abrams cock over this, after the let down that was Nemesis, and the dislike most people had for Enterprise (Season's 1/2 anyway), they were desperate for their next fix of 'new' trek, and would accept this steaming pile of shite instead of letting the series just go out quietly, they milked the cash cow milked one last time.

I'm not such a nerd that i go to conventions, wear the uniform and behave like one of those people you see in documentaries like 'Trekkies', but I know i'm not alone in my disdain and utter contempt for this movie. I'll admit i'm a fan of Star Trek though, having grown up with it. This movie is most definitely NOT Star Trek. It's a disgrace, and for me, i'd rather Star Trek as a franchise died off and just ENDED. In fact, i discount this movie as ever having existed, and will let its existence pale into insignificance.

If any of you actually give a crap about Star Trek, go and watch the following episodes:

TNG 4x02 - 'Family'
TNG 6x15 - 'Tapestry'
DS9 4x01 - 'The Visitor'
DS9 6x19 - 'In the Pale Moonlight'

Maybe after you've seen them, you'll realise that this new movie is a load of old shit.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Kai;1323760 said:
IMO, you can't claim to be a 'fan' and enjoy this movie - it's just unpossible.

Story? Sucked.
Direction? Sucked.
Actors? Sucked.
Dialogue? Sucked.

Gene Roddenberry would most definitely be spinning in his grave over this. They've taken a series that was about the human condition, and turned it into Die Hard in space. Of course people will suck JJ Abrams cock over this, after the let down that was Nemesis, and the dislike most people had for Enterprise (Season's 1/2 anyway), they were desperate for their next fix of 'new' trek, and would accept this steaming pile of shite instead of letting the series just go out quietly, they milked the cash cow milked one last time.

I'm not such a nerd that i go to conventions, wear the uniform and behave like one of those people you see in documentaries like 'Trekkies', but I know i'm not alone in my disdain and utter contempt for this movie. I'll admit i'm a fan of Star Trek though, having grown up with it. This movie is most definitely NOT Star Trek. It's a disgrace, and for me, i'd rather Star Trek as a franchise died off and just ENDED. In fact, i discount this movie as ever having existed, and will let its existence pale into insignificance.

If any of you actually give a crap about Star Trek, go and watch the following episodes:

TNG 4x02 - 'Family'
TNG 6x15 - 'Tapestry'
DS9 4x01 - 'The Visitor'
DS9 6x19 - 'In the Pale Moonlight'

Maybe after you've seen them, you'll realise that this new movie is a load of old shit.

You know what's funny, opinions are like assholes...they all don't look the same.


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL

I have seen EVERY Star trek: TNG episode SEVERAL times, as well as Deep Space Nine and Voyager. NOT a fan of Enterprise, but I've also seena LOT of the original series episodes and all the previous movies and I still LOVE THIS NEW MOVIE. So much I spent $10 twice to go see it in the theater.

My mom, who is 47 years old and grew up on the original, LOVED the movie as well. She was quite surprised. The only character/part of the movie she disliked was Chekov.

You keep your opionion, and we'll keep ours, thanks.


United States of America
Mar 30, 2005
Could we rename this thread 'Official Star Trek discussion'

It has a negative appearance in the list with the thumbs down and 'Avoid it' in the title. As stated, and seems, many had a positive impression of the movie and the change would make it more neutral and inviting of discussion, not leading you in with a contentious stance.

Or; We could make a new thread with a positive thread title and big smillie face icon to display in the thread listing?

What you think?


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
isnms;1323856 said:
Could we rename this thread 'Official Star Trek discussion'

It has a negative appearance in the list with the thumbs down and 'Avoid it' in the title. As stated, and seems, many had a positive impression of the movie and the change would make it more neutral and inviting of discussion, not leading you in with a contentious stance.

Or; We could make a new thread with a positive thread title and big smillie face icon to display in the thread listing?

What you think?

I motion for renaming


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Kai;1323760 said:
IMO, you can't claim to be a 'fan' and enjoy this movie - it's just unpossible

Clueless;1323818 said:
You know what's funny, opinions are like assholes...they all don't look the same.

Tanya;1323825 said:
You keep your opinion, and we'll keep ours, thanks.

Tone it down a notch Kai. It's obvious you feel strongly about this, however you are almost universally disagreed with...


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
I agree with Kai in that they left GLARING unfinished holes in the plot. Seriously, I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone, but *someone* just HAPPENS to stumble across *someone else* in the middle of the fucking UNIVERSE? ON FOOT NO LESS?

I understand that had to happen to drive the beginning of the movie into some sort of 'ooooh, that's what's going on' but damn, how much more unlikely can you get?

I loved Chekov! "Wictor Wictor!" roflmao

But then again, I grew up with TNG, not the original. Also, I actually liked Enterprise! It was nice to see humanity having to oh, I dunno - ADAPT instead of just outgunning anything they came across. They didn't have shields, and had to build a weapon from spare parts, LOL!


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
I think the plot holes are setups for future movies, but I could be mistaken. even as such, i looked past it and enjoyed it for what it is. :)


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
Doward;1323910 said:
I agree with Kai in that they left GLARING unfinished holes in the plot. Seriously, I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone, but *someone* just HAPPENS to stumble across *someone else* in the middle of the fucking UNIVERSE? ON FOOT NO LESS?

I understand that had to happen to drive the beginning of the movie into some sort of 'ooooh, that's what's going on' but damn, how much more unlikely can you get?

you do realize that one in a million chance is still one chance? I count james as really freakin' lucky


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
actually, it would be another location within our galaxy, NOT in the "middle of the universe".

I would like to respond that that whole 'one in a million" chance thing, but spoilers would be incurred which = fail.