Sports Bike....I have questions.


New Member
May 1, 2007
iwannadie said:
Why do you think the katana is junk? I own and love mine so Im just curious what you think is wrong with them?

A few of my buddies had katanas and they were constantly breaking, not to meantion they were really heavy compared to other 600s. The suspension (for a sport bike) is super mushy. I don't know maybe i'll take back the "junk" comment, and leave it with "hefty and i would not recommend someone to get one as their first bike".. I worked for a dealer for a while and I don't know how many times i saw first time riders buy them and wreck them, some even that same day. I was in a bad mood during the earlier


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
rocksdasox said:
A few of my buddies had katanas and they were constantly breaking, not to meantion they were really heavy compared to other 600s. The suspension (for a sport bike) is super mushy. I don't know maybe i'll take back the "junk" comment, and leave it with "hefty and i would not recommend someone to get one as their first bike".. I worked for a dealer for a while and I don't know how many times i saw first time riders buy them and wreck them, some even that same day. I was in a bad mood during the earlier

I agree it is hefty(top heavy to make it worse) and not a good starter bike, but the rest I dissagree ;p

The motor is as bullet proof as you can get, detuned oil cooled gsxr motor. The only known weak point with the bike is 1st gear. It fails due to poor shifting along with the bike being hefty. Its funny the number of people who upshift with no clutch also are the ones with failed 1st gears. Im on a very active katana forum and have gotten to know the bike very well.

Suspension is fine for what the bike is supposed to be. I think alot of people see the katana and full fairings and thing its in the sport bike class. Its not, Its a sport touring bike, its ment for long distant rides and spirited fun. Its not and all out super sport so it doesnt have the suspension of one. Although, Ive bolted up an ohlins SU801 rear shock and soon to be ohlins front springs that will rival alot of SS bikes out there ;p

Not to rant but I hear people putting down my bike all the time and just want to vent. Oh, you can bolt a banding 1200cc motor into with no mod needed.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
my new helmet!! Very excited, can't you tell?? :icon_bigg



New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Clueless said:
surely you're being sarcastic! :biglaugh:

No, did you have someone at the shop help fit the helmet? Check out they have online sizing guides.

When I have a helmet on there should be no room to get a finger between the helmet and your forehead. The cheek padding should really squeesh your face up, its that snug. You should be able to grab the front of the helmet and jerk it around without the helmet moving on your head at all.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
iwannadie said:
No, did you have someone at the shop help fit the helmet? Check out they have online sizing guides.

When I have a helmet on there should be no room to get a finger between the helmet and your forehead. The cheek padding should really squeesh your face up, its that snug. You should be able to grab the front of the helmet and jerk it around without the helmet moving on your head at all.

It's pretty almost sorta give me a headache(probably not used to it). No way can you get a finger between the padding and my forehead, it ain't going anywhere. :icon_bigg


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Clueless said:
It's pretty almost sorta give me a headache(probably not used to it). No way can you get a finger between the padding and my forehead, it ain't going anywhere. :icon_bigg

Maybe its just the light/shadow in the pics makes it looks loose ha. I dunno I just like my helmets really tight rather than loose. Once you get up to a decent speed and feel the wind ripping the helmet off, makes you like it on tight.


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
iwannadie said:
No, did you have someone at the shop help fit the helmet? Check out they have online sizing guides.

When I have a helmet on there should be no room to get a finger between the helmet and your forehead. The cheek padding should really squeesh your face up, its that snug. You should be able to grab the front of the helmet and jerk it around without the helmet moving on your head at all.

1. no tight spots that cause pain discomfort, will cause fatique and discomfort not good on long rides

2. when moving head side to side should not feel relative motion snug but not tight. usually you can get your helmet with different cheek pads.

3. when moving your helmet around your noggin it should be snug enough to move the skin around your skull but not tight enough to cause pain/pressure points. and definatly not loose enough to slide.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
Clueless said:
Yup...$100 to bring it home

well thats the reason you have a headache.

You bought a cheap helmet.

their is LOTS of value in a high quality helmet in terms of comfort and weight. I have an HJC-12 IIRC, kind of a middle of the road helmet, its better then my old icon.

Never buy a cheap helmet


I love all your sounds.
If you learn to stop with both, one at a time, you will see how much more useful the front is.
Ideally, you will use both, but if you need to stop, think front.
edit- I use my front brake 90 percent of the time when I'm stopping. Wet and sand or gravel is when I lean toward the rear. Dry pavement, I'm all front.

Edit again. Take the time to take the Motorcycle Safety Course. I think it's free in every state, and most everyone leaves feeling like they gained something. You will do panic stops there. I missed a small deer on my first brand new bike by inches because I learned how to stop.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I spent alot of time at a local helmet shop when a friend was getting his first helmet. I learned, cost doesnt equal better fit helmet. Each helmet brand has its own shape and fit. Some people just cant stand certain brands due to fit issues. My friend went in with money as no issues, the sales guy knew that and still had him try on every single helmet they had.

The pricey helmets will be better quality but if they dont fit theres no thing you can do about it. From what Ive seen, the more you spend the better features you get. They are all just as safe, look for fit then if you can afford it get the features you need.

As far as braking, I use both brakes every time when I want to stop. Its nuts to use front only when the front is only what 70% of your stopping power? Theres situation when you need one or the other yes. I see alot of sport bike guys never touch the rear brake, they say its not needed. Well when the difference between plowing into a dump truck is a foot, youll want to be familiar with that rear brake. The only way to be good at something and have it kick in as instinct is to do it all the time. If you never use the rear brake that one time you really need it you wont have it locked into memory.

If your scared of locking your rear brake and thats why you dont use it, then you need to learn to use it correctly. People would never use the same excuses for not using 30% of the motors power, but stopping they do?


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
iwannadie said:
The pricey helmets will be better quality but if they dont fit theres no thing you can do about it. From what Ive seen, the more you spend the better features you get. They are all just as safe, look for fit then if you can afford it get the features you need.

Very true. It's been proven money doesnt=protection. Although money does = lighter weight. It might not feel like much in the shop but on your head after a long ride, youll feel it.

I highly recomend selling that 100 dollar excuse for a lid and getting something better.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
Ckanderson said:
Very true. It's been proven money doesnt=protection. Although money does = lighter weight. It might not feel like much in the shop but on your head after a long ride, youll feel it.

I highly recomend selling that 100 dollar excuse for a lid and getting something better.

Ya forgot to mention weight is a big factor. A few ounces really adds up when its stuck on your head! Also, vision if a huge factor. If a helmet limits your vision at all its not the helmet for you.

One of the big things for me with helmets is wind buffeting. I hate when a helmet moves around on my head at high speeds and winds.

Would I feel safe in that 100$ helmet, prolly so yes. Would I use it, no unless it was the only helmet that fit me lol. Spend the money or plan to spend it soon on a better helmet. I like icon and shoei, they fit me well and have good vent setups and all that.