The whole family was over at my house for one of the kids birthdays and I was giving everybody rides in the Z, 20~22 psi. First my brother, then a friend and so on. My father in-law has a C4 convertible and says to my friend (while we are out on a drive) "Ill bet my corvette gives him a run for his money?!?!?" My friend thought he was joking at first, and said "What?!?!". He restates that he thinks his Corvette is a little faster than my Z. My friend, says to him (very politely) "I will give you a 100yard head start and 100 thousand dollars and he will still beat you!". My Father in-law says "Huh!" in acknowledgment, not upset, just surprised. I took him for a spin and before the first corner he said "Wow this is WAY faster than y corvette, he asked, "How fast have you gone in this car?" I said Im not sure. Hes a Corvette owner not a Corvette driver.
I took MY dad for a spin and he was totally blown away. I let him drive it (he owns a Z car I built for him) and he wouldn't even floor it in first and second. Rightly so, the tires come undone in both gears at any speed. In third he wouldnt even floor it for more than 1 full second.
Its so funny watching those videos, because my car isnt in a gear that long unless its 5th.
Cant wait till it cools off and I can work on it a bit.