So heres how we play. I will tell you what happened, and describe the symptoms, and you guess what broke while I go tear it down and find out what happened.
Winner of the contest will receive mad props.
Engine is internally stock 102,000 miles. T04B turbo, Ron R FFIM, with supporting fuel mods, stock ECU with MAFT-Pro, ETC.
Okay, so last night at about 2:30 am I pull onto the freeway on ramp in 1st gear and stay in it all the way to redline, go to power shift into second but I miss it and bounce it off the rev limiter about 4 times. At this point I hear a metallic clank, and then what sounds like pices hitting the underside of the car and falling onto the road behind me. Instantly there is a nasty vibration related to engine RPM and I pull over and turn the engine off.
Get out, check the obvious with my cel phone for a light, fan is good, pulleys are good, belts all on, no oil spilling out on the ground. Get back in the car and start it up. Runs normally, no more noise or anything abnormal except for the vibration, which starts at about 1500 rpm and gets worse as RPM's rise. Drive home about 20 miles without incident.
Winner of the contest will receive mad props.
Engine is internally stock 102,000 miles. T04B turbo, Ron R FFIM, with supporting fuel mods, stock ECU with MAFT-Pro, ETC.
Okay, so last night at about 2:30 am I pull onto the freeway on ramp in 1st gear and stay in it all the way to redline, go to power shift into second but I miss it and bounce it off the rev limiter about 4 times. At this point I hear a metallic clank, and then what sounds like pices hitting the underside of the car and falling onto the road behind me. Instantly there is a nasty vibration related to engine RPM and I pull over and turn the engine off.
Get out, check the obvious with my cel phone for a light, fan is good, pulleys are good, belts all on, no oil spilling out on the ground. Get back in the car and start it up. Runs normally, no more noise or anything abnormal except for the vibration, which starts at about 1500 rpm and gets worse as RPM's rise. Drive home about 20 miles without incident.