So who's going to try and get a Playstation 3 tomorrow morning? :)


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
born2drv said:
at costco you can play it, say you didn't like it or the buttons are worn out or whatever... return it a year later and get all your money back.... their return policy is fantastic... no way you can get stuck with anything.

i read a post on some ps3 forums where all these people were waiting in line at a circuit city in virginia for their systems for like 3 days... then the manager comes out and tells them in the morning 2 hours before they open that the shipping company "lost" their shipment. then some of the people in line called the news stations, Fox news came out, and suddenly the store manager says they're for sale again. Turns out he and the employees were just gonna keep them all for themselves... what a greedy pig LOL I hope that guy gets fired.

if the stores were smart they would just let as many people that wanted the system to come just before they open and put their name in a raffle, and if their name is called and they don't claim it right away, they just go to the next name. that way it wouldn't encourage people to sit out there and wait for days and it would remove most of the "hype" BS that sony intentionally tried to create

what about second hand systems? sure, the original buyer can take advantage of the return policy but that doens't mean just anybody with a PS3 can return their's. These people won't know if their PS3 is defective or not. They won't open it and play it. They just want to sell it.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
I'm going to do the same thing I always do.

Wait until all the goofy stupid bullshit calms down and then buy one for a reasonable price...

There's no way in hell I'd deal with the madness of trying to get one now.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
JustAnotherVictim said:
Plus I predict crashes and bugs.
Funny how people bash Nintendo so much, I'll ask you this.
How many times has there been widespread reports of any serious system malfunctions????

and ill ask you this: when has ninetndo put out a system with anything NEAR the graphics and processing power as sony or microsoft? let alone the extras of dvd player etc built in....

bottom line is the wii's are for younger audiences...the ps3s are for the teen+ demographic.


I am the Super Devil
Jun 22, 2005
Mississauga, Ontario
Idealsupra said:
and ill ask you this: when has ninetndo put out a system with anything NEAR the graphics and processing power as sony or microsoft? let alone the extras of dvd player etc built in....

bottom line is the wii's are for younger audiences...the ps3s are for the teen+ demographic.
N64 was way ahead of its time. NES was way ahead of its time. SNES was way ahead of its tiem. need i say more? If wii's are for younger audiences? then why is everyone i know buying them, most of 21+ (im using 21 cause thats your legal age to do w/e)? its because the games are rockin. i haven't even heard much hype about any launch games from the 360 (when it was 1st released) or the ps3.


Supramania Contributor
Idealsupra said:
and ill ask you this: when has ninetndo put out a system with anything NEAR the graphics and processing power as sony or microsoft? let alone the extras of dvd player etc built in....

bottom line is the wii's are for younger audiences...the ps3s are for the teen+ demographic.
That's the point, every other company is sooo focused on graphics that they forget the games are supposed to be fun.
GC had better graphics than ps2, xbox was the best graphically.
All have good games but Nintendo has always been more consistent and not put out a bunch of crap games and a few highlights, mainly ps2 on that one.

Oh and the main point, GC had more graphic capability than ps2.
Sony always trumps up their systems then never deliver.
Anyone remember Emotion engine??


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
JustAnotherVictim said:
That's the point, every other company is sooo focused on graphics that they forget the games are supposed to be fun.
GC had better graphics than ps2, xbox was the best graphically.
All have good games but Nintendo has always been more consistent and not put out a bunch of crap games and a few highlights, mainly ps2 on that one.

you honestly think gamecube had better graphics then ps2? are you insane? you just lost all your right ot have an opinion on this subject :biglaugh:

nintendo puts out the same damn games for every system... zelda and 1000billion versions of games with mario and yoshi etc..... they have good party games and thats IT.

i will say the wii has an interesting setup and could be fun...and the red steel game looks pretty cool..... but as fun as the interface is.... if the graphics suck and its "slow" it just isnt fun to me.


Supramania Contributor
Idealsupra said:
you honestly think gamecube had better graphics then ps2? are you insane? you just lost all your right ot have an opinion on this subject :biglaugh:

nintendo puts out the same damn games for every system... zelda and 1000billion versions of games with mario and yoshi etc..... they have good party games and thats IT.

i will say the wii has an interesting setup and could be fun...and the red steel game looks pretty cool..... but as fun as the interface is.... if the graphics suck and its "slow" it just isnt fun to me.

Please man, ps2 has some of the worst anti-aliasing I've ever seen. Almost EVERY game has jagged edges. You still haven't mention emotion engine which was supposed to be sooo great.
Play RE4 on GC and ps2, Soul Calibur 2 also the GC version looks better.
Deal with it.
Ps2 had some nice looked games but they all suffered from the same problem. So you can keep your incorrect judgements to yourself. ;)

Final Fantasy anyone?? (That has been discussed before)
I'll post more if you really need me to.


May 24, 2005
Oregon -> Arizona
My brother and his friend tried to camp out for the PS3.

Attempt 1, Wednesday night / Thursday morning: They tried Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, Fred Meyer, ShopKo, etc. Either too many people were in line already or spots were being raffled off. Best Buy actually started letting people line up Wednesday evening, even though they told my brother and friend that they wouldn't start until Thursday morning.

Attempt 2, Thursday afternoon/evening: They drove to Beaverton to camp out at the Best Buy. Apparently there were about 150 people there waiting to rush for the door when they started letting people line up. However, Best Buy decided they didn't want to be sued and said they would raffle off spots instead. This spawned everyone to call all their friends on cell phones and when all was done there were about 750 people in the raffle. My brother and his friend did not get one of the 32 spots.

Attempt 3, Friday morning (you'd have thought they would have given up by now...): They entered the raffle at Fred Meyers here in Corvallis. About 500 people were in that one. They still didn't get a spot.

So in the end they both wasted a full day and more skipping classes to camp out and got nothing to show for it besides lack of sleep. I tried to tell my brother it would be a waste of time but he could only see the potential profits...


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
CryoSlash said:
N64 was way ahead of its time. NES was way ahead of its time. SNES was way ahead of its tiem. need i say more? If wii's are for younger audiences? then why is everyone i know buying them, most of 21+ (im using 21 cause thats your legal age to do w/e)? its because the games are rockin. i haven't even heard much hype about any launch games from the 360 (when it was 1st released) or the ps3.

N64 was not way ahead of it's time. Playstation one was still a better console than 64. the only thing N64 did was keep those nintendo die hards happy with a new better system.

nintendo did a smart thing by making wii a different type of console than 360 and ps3. If it just had normal controllers and the same titles as the other 2 with their normal nintendo franchise games(which are good, not hating) they would be overshadowed again...

gamecube had some really nice games, but overall it was never as competitive as PS2 or xbox.


Supramania Contributor
OneJoeZee said:
N64 was not way ahead of it's time. Playstation one was still a better console than 64. the only thing N64 did was keep those nintendo die hards happy with a new better system.

nintendo did a smart thing by making wii a different type of console than 360 and ps3. If it just had normal controllers and the same titles as the other 2 with their normal nintendo franchise games(which are good, not hating) they would be overshadowed again...

gamecube had some really nice games, but overall it was never as competitive as PS2 or xbox.
N64 should have given up the cartridges since they were dated.

Everything else I agree with you Joe.
I don't think the idea was to be as competitive as those two though.
Since for one they decided to use the 1.5gb disc instead of dvds.
They usually focus more on making a good game where the other two use a lot of hype.
Halo 2 and Killzone are two good examples of those.


Bay Area Supras
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area, CA
you guys, i just bought a ps3 for $1500 from craigslist. picked it up in person, here's pics, megga sikkk jdm drift type-r i know.


i cant wait to play it!!!!!!!!!!