So who's going to try and get a Playstation 3 tomorrow morning? :)


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
I'm gonna hit up Sam's Club first tomorrow, they open 7AM for Business Members and 10AM for normal folk, and I got the business membership ;) Hopefully they have some. I know Costco does, they open 10AM for everyone so I'll be sure to be there at 10AM :)

Hopefully I come out of one of them with a Brand new PS3! They're going for like $1500-2500 on ebay! Holy Hell!

If I can manage to buy 2 of them I'll make a cool $2-3k for 1/2 a days work! ;)


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
I live like 2 miles away from Costo, just went there and no line yet ;) I'm not gonna wait in line, I'll get there at Sam's Club at 6:30 and Costco probably around 7:30 and if that's too late then too bad, I'm not that desperate :)


Jul 5, 2006
My girlfriend works at toysRus and see was telling me there was a nice size line around the building today but the funny part is they don't have any extra PS3s lol They have 1 extra over the preorder and thats the display. They told the people that too and no one left at least half the people don't have preorders but they still don't leave lol. Its insane lol i think its also funny there is a big stack of wii's sitting in the floor with a sign that says not for sale until sunday lol


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
paying more than retail for a PS3 is really stupid. Good thing for you sellers alot of people are willing to make that stupid choice and buy them for that price second hand.


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
well i just drove by the sam's club and walmart (they're side by side) ... the security gaurd says sam's club only has 1, walmart has 8. there's 3 people in line at sam's club and about 30 at walmart.

i then drove by costco and the security gaurd told me he doesn't think they have any... and that if they do sell it will be a surprise. apparently costco is trying to discourage people lining up because last year people got hurt trying to get the xbox.

BUT my girlfriend works at costco and she told me they have 14 sitting up in the steel and that "supposedly" they have to send them back so they can be sold online (orders start at 12:00 midnight), however that makes no sense to me, why would they still be sitting there now? wouldn't they want to ship them out the same day? so that's very fishy if you ask me. plus she said it's not the first time management has lied to them about these sort of things LOL. so i'm gonna just show up at costco at 7:45AM (they open at 8am for business customers apparently but you have to go through the back door shipping/receiving). my g/f is also working the night shift tonight for stocking, so if she gets word of anything i'll be there quicker then quick in my 3.0GT ;)


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
well i was at sams club at 15 mins to open and i was #2... everyone else just left cuz they posted a sign saying they only had 1... i thought maybe they were lying, or maybe the guy who was #1 (waiting since tuesday) would have his credit card decline... no such luck, and they really only had 1.

now my g/f is stocking costco as we speak, 2 hours 15mins to open, but she says now all the playstations they had are gone... and they were shipped to the people who were lucky enough to have bought them online. ... so i guess i get no playstations :(


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
post I made on SF

OneJoeZee said:
I'm with GTR33 on this one right now. I went to visit my friend standing in line last night. Only him and maybe one other guy were there to actually buy and keep their PS3. It's the same everywhere else I've seen. See what happens when every tries to be greedy? An overwhelming majority of people only got PS3s to resell them. Now there's way more sellers than potential buyers willing to pay thousands of dollars for the damn system.

Ebay bids don't mean shit. anyone can have their friends bid on their auction to drive the price up to try to every greedy freakin dollar out of the system. I hope people that REALLY wanted the system really see what happened and send a big 'fuck you' to the majority who bought PS3s to sell them and hold their money for the next shipment. Having multiple 2400 dollars in PS3s that you can't move must feel cool. I'm not totally against people buying to resell, but when EVERYONE does it, what's the point. Way to go. :ugh2:

I hope Sony floods the market with PS3s in the near future(~Jan-Feb) and people are stuck with multiple systems they don't even want .

If all those fucks who got PS3s today to resell them were smart, they would have bought Japanese PS3s on the 11th and sold them before launch here. PS3s are not region locked. If those people who bought PS3s to resell on ebay or anywhere else for insanely inflated prices can't move them, they deserve it for thinking they'd get away with this.

It worked for 360 when a small amount of people did this, but now everyone thinks they're a wise guy. It's useless. Good job smartasses.


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
JustAnotherVictim said:
You still have 30 days to return unopened products at most places. :)

I'm going to assume people will have too much pride and confidence that they can move these things. They won't take them back that easily. Especially after going through such a hassle to get them. Doing that would admit defeat to the real video game enthusiasts they are trying to hustle. If I was a store manager, I would have made a policy not to bring those things anywhere near my store once they leave. I feel really bad for the workers at any store with PS3s on sale. They have to go through so much shit today cleaning up peoples trash, breaking up fights, stopping people from stealing. It's like the caveman days again... Really sadening...

They weren't smart enough to see this market flood of jackasses selling secondhand PS3s, I doubt they will be smart enough to take them back and get their money back. At least they'll have a PS3 for every TV in their house :ugh2:


Nov 1, 2005
Burbank, CA
at costco you can play it, say you didn't like it or the buttons are worn out or whatever... return it a year later and get all your money back.... their return policy is fantastic... no way you can get stuck with anything.

i read a post on some ps3 forums where all these people were waiting in line at a circuit city in virginia for their systems for like 3 days... then the manager comes out and tells them in the morning 2 hours before they open that the shipping company "lost" their shipment. then some of the people in line called the news stations, Fox news came out, and suddenly the store manager says they're for sale again. Turns out he and the employees were just gonna keep them all for themselves... what a greedy pig LOL I hope that guy gets fired.

if the stores were smart they would just let as many people that wanted the system to come just before they open and put their name in a raffle, and if their name is called and they don't claim it right away, they just go to the next name. that way it wouldn't encourage people to sit out there and wait for days and it would remove most of the "hype" BS that sony intentionally tried to create