So this is why we don't drive under busses.


If all else fails-Kick it
Aug 28, 2005
and jeepers. whats with all this animosity towards mass transit?

My animosity grows every time I leave tire marks on the road from slamming on the breaks when a bus pulls out to close in front of me. i wouldn't mind, but it happens far to often. It's the same animosity that I have towards people who make right turns into my lane and I have to slow down for them.

and last time i checked, police cars/fire trucks/ambulances can already do just about anything they want when theyve got their lights flashing.

In the US, ambulances cannot do anything they want. Even when an ambulance has it's lights and sirens on it does not have the right of way. An ambulance is simply requesting that you get out of the way as a courtesy for the dying person they may have onboard. Fire department paramedic rigs on the other hand, do have a right of way because they are fire fighters.



Supramania Contributor
I must be drunk? LOL you obviously don't know me, I don't drink alcohol... LOL

Nice that the RCW says you must still yield to existing traffic, but how then do you feel you have the "Right" to just pull out into traffic since it's going to slow you down if you have to wait like everyone else would have to do if you wanted to enter traffic again?

From my perspective, and it is the right perspective to be sure, is that if you pull out of the flow of traffic to pick up someone from the side of the road, or to drop off a passenger, you must obey the laws of the land, and only proceed back out into traffic when it is clear to safely proceed, yielding to any and all existing traffic.

I belive that's how it should be for emergency vehicles too. Just because your a police car does not mean you should be ignoring red lights, and running stop signs etc. just because your lights are on, and you have somewhere to go in a hurry.

I agree with the law that when an emergency vehicle has the lights on, the traffic near that vehicle needs to safely proceed to the shoulder of the road, slow down, stop if need be, and allow the emergency vehicle to pass.

These are all reasonable laws.

Any law that allows a bus, or any other "official" vehicle to just ignore the law, or gives them special powers to break the law is a very bad idea. It sounds like the law according to the tranist employee allows the bus to just pull out into traffic, and that traffic has to make room for the bus to proceed.

IE: Above is an example of a bad/stupid law, generally made by inept liberal morons who think that mass trasit is a "good thing" for society, and thus, we need laws like this to allow buses, a critical aspect of mass trasit, to operate in a timely manner. (Could be a Nancy Pelosi quote, but then again, she may have never said this, but sure wished she'd though of it....)

Yes, it's proven time and time again, that mass transit is a terrible way to get around large areas. (Like any area larger than 4 square miles.)

Most of our cities have a downtown about that size. Hurray Mass Transit! Please stay in that 4 square mile downtown block where you can actually do some good. Stay the heck out of everywhere else. (I'd gladly trade off my ability to drive downtown, and give over that block of land to mass transit if you would agree to never drive your rolling road block busses out in the suburbs again..... Deal?)

Europe was mentioned. Why has the USA not adapted the busses, trains and other nifty ways of moving the masses? (Easy on this, the French are pretty testy now that the Muslems are rioting there. I'm supprised they have not surrendered the country to the immigrants yet? Just a few more days, and I bet "Jock Strap Cherock" declares they can't fight any longer, and France is once again in need of our help to be free of outside influence.)

Back on mass transit.
You are aware that a train ticket in Holland is more expensive than even the overpriced/taxed gas to fuel an average car the same distance? Yep that's right, you can ride the train, and be miles from where you want to end up, or you can drive right up to where you want to go for less money. Mass transit at work for you.

In England the same is true, but even more extreme. You can buy a used sedan plus the gas needed for LESS than the price of a train ticket from London to Manchester. (To go see the Manchester United win one for "Big flappy ear's" himself, the Prince of Wales.) TopGear proved it could be done with not one car, but THREE of them. And they had a great time doing it. (Sounds like mass transit is not everything it's advertised as eh?)

Amtrack here runs in the red all the time. They loose money always. It's never going to change. Let's throw more money at it... Or not. (I choose not.)

Same with busses. I don't know of ONE local transit authority that covers all operating costs from riders fares. All of them can't operate without serious local, state and federal money being spent to subsidize those buses. Most are completely run off money other than that collected from the fares. (Last numbers I saw were than 98% of the funds are non fare sourced, that means your taxes ladies and gentlemen are paying for these rolling road blocks to be out there for the few riders who have no other choice, and must use the bus to get around. It would be cheaper to hire a limo or taxi for each and every rider of the bus to get around if you actually do the math. Busses are not cheap. Facilities and service crews, not to mention the fuel and wear and tear on our roads adding to the costs of operating these "mass transit" experiments. Nothing like a 2% return on investment.... Leaves me warm and fuzzy feeling.

So, I'm not angry with you. I'm happy your employed. But, I really hate seeing my tax dollars spent by idiot liberal politicians on fruitless projects like mass transit.
Please spend the money on better roads, more of them, and tax the hell out of trucks peole use like cars so we can reduce the second most annoying source of view blocking road lice, pickuptrucks that are not hauling anything.

LOL, have fun discussing this one.
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Sep 27, 2005
Seattle, Wa
So where do you claim to get this information, those numbers seem exaggerated and false. Just becuase you are not liberal or left in any nature does not mean you should bash on them, and although i do not have evidence that your information is incorrect you do not have any viable evidence supporting it, I personnaly believe that mass transit is a very good idea, and there are no laws that pardon EV vehicles or Mass transit vehicles from wreckless accidents, so provide evidence of your information, tag it with a source -do something, or your info is about as usefull as a 5yo childs


Supramania Contributor
Lived in Holland.
Read TopGear. Magazine. Complete article in there on the three cars purchased, licencsed and everything cheaper than the three train tickets to Manchester and back again.
The 98% figure was in an article IIRC, Car and Driver, Patrick Beddard quoted it from figures he got out of a government report on Mass Transit. (Basicly it was an article noteing that Mass Transit is a total failure to save energy, money or provide a service that really works for the customers they'd like to have.) I don't doubt it works for the folks who have no other choice, and have to ride the bus. It's the only choice they have. Offer them a limo or taxi, and they would jump at it, and we would spend less money per rider volume. Of course, everyone would then want a limo or taxi, and kaos would follow. Another idea is providing cheap alternate forms of transportation, like scooters, but many who ride the buss can't legally drive, so that's not always possible.

I bet you like "Global Warming" too? Read "State of Fear" by Michael Crighton. very interesting book with ton's of reference material you'd like. He's pretty liberal, but the facts are very interesting, and his book was excellent.

I don't have the time to look up the C&D sources, but your welcome to do so.
Travel to England or Holland and do your own reasearch. (The rest of Europe sucks just as much, so have at it.)

Also, don't just say I hate busses. I like mass transit in the downtown areas of major cities. IT works as long as your dealing with areas where parking is a problem, and you can mostly walk from place to place inside of 10 min. There buses, monorails light rail or whatever works great. I also think some light rail works in very congested cities where large blocks of people live in one area, and work in another. I don't think our tax money should be spent to build the rail system, but if private companies want to build a rail, and then price it competitive to the cost of driving to work every day, good luck to them. I don't live in a city where any form of mass transit is remotely effective. I also work in 8 states, so I fly quite a bit, but that's private companies selling me a seat on aircraft, not me riding a bus or train paid for by tax dollars. (I suppose if I fly United, or Delta, or any of the airlines who are going out of business due to poor mangement and high pension costs that ultimately the tax payer is supporting those flights, but I like Southwest and Frontier best, and they are actually making money selling me air flights to where I'm working to make money. When I get to where I'm working, I get a rental car. Never even thought about using a bus or light rail to do my job. It would be totally out of the question, and make my life a living hell.

So, I ask you, show me a bus system in any city in the USA that makes money, and opperates solely on fares collected from it's riders. I'd love to see it, and I'll personally write Beddard and let him know his article was incorrect.

Southwest makes money on fares.
Frontier makes money on fares.
Many other "innovative" airlines make money, and are profitable on fares charged for flights, even in this time of high gas prices.

Also let's get our politics correct.
I don't hate liberals. I hate socialists. (Most "liberals" are socialists, so go figure.) Socialism has not, and will never work. Look at Russia. Look at other fallen great societies. As soon as the people figure out you can just "vote" yourself money, they lose the will to work, and the government fails. In Russia, they said everyone was employed, and equal, That basicly setup everyone to be poor as church mice, and a few powerfull people in government lived like kings while the masses barely existed.
It's happening in Europe right now. And to some extent here in the USA. Tax the rich, give to the poor, and we are all better for it is the cry of today's socialists. (Liberals.) Does not work. Look at Katrina. Those who for generations have been living on Welfare lacked the ability to think for themselves as a result of not having to think for themselves, and then bleated like lost sheep when the storm hit, and nobody was around to tell them what to do anymore. Where is my government was the cry of the day. I ask where is your brain dumbass? Get off your butt and walk out of town, help is just down the road, and thousands never even tried to go find it. (BTW, where was mass transit at this time of need? Parked in the bus barns of course, nobody in government told them to go get/rescue anyone, so the busses sat around and were flooded with the rest of the city v/s being used to help tens of thousands to escape when they should have left the dangerous areas.)

Is Mass Transit responsible for Katrina? Heck no. Should LA's government used better judgement in asking Mass Transit to help? Absolutely. I think it's Bush's fault you know. He hates LA residents. (LOL now that's funny.)
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Sep 27, 2005
Seattle, Wa
Never trust clad figures, error is always too high, but if thats what it said then too a degree its gotta be true, i dont claim to know if its true or not i havent done any research ( too tired) but i do infact believe in measures to decrease harmfull gas emissions, but, i do believe we are in a period of gradual warming which was also seen in the pleistocene (before 150,000 years ago) so maybe our efforts are useless anyways, sorry is i seemed offensive but i needed proof, and i might pick up that book ( after my midterms :( )


Level 2 Rythym Rogue
Apr 2, 2005
Eugene, OR
Adjuster said:
So, Supra hit the bus, or did the bus pull from the stop into the Supra?

LOL Have fun adjusting that one. I would not want to be either driver as both of them are negligent IMNSHO.

The Supra should not have been passing, but he was clearly up beside the bus.
The Bus should have looked to make sure it was clear to proceed before pulling from the curb.

Don't know your local laws, but where I work, the person pulling from the curb has the greater duty to yield right of way to existing traffic. (And clearly the Supra was existing, since he ran over the right front wheel/fender/door with the left rear wheel/bumper of the bus.)

As I said, good luck.

This happened 4 years ago, but yes, the bus was stopped at the curb with 4 way flashers on loading passengers. Also, here in Oregon, busses have switchable neon yield signs and you must yield to them if that sign is on.
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Level 2 Rythym Rogue
Apr 2, 2005
Eugene, OR
And additionally, I don't have any problem letting bus drivers pull away in front of me. I used to mind a lot more, but I know what they have to deal with day in and day out now.

Furthermore, I happen to ride the bus to and from work every day. Why? Because I practically get picked up in front of my house, and I get dropped off closer to my office than I could park my car.

And even if it is a bunch of "liberal" "commies" that run transit (it's not) who cares? I wouldn't even have a job if it weren't for them.

Mk3 TurboS

No not a "Turbo A"
Mar 31, 2005
LOL tried to read this whole post, to this page and stopped wasteing my time. Of course a bus driver is going to stick up for his job, so he should. But yeah here in Aus they like to pull out sometimes at unappropriate times. But hey if you you get angry just ram it! lol


Supramania Contributor
Mar 30, 2005
Twin Cities, Minnesot-ah
i see it both way

though i have seen people try and cut other cars off. So why shouldn't the big hunking slow accelerating piece of metal ohave the right off way? I mean i have asshole cutting me off. I put my blinker and there is some yahoo that insists that he won't let me in. If this is the norm (which it is having driven in more states than i care to recall) i can only imagine what the big trucks have to put up with. Either force themselves in or stay on the side of the road indefinetly.

The way i see it

13,000lbs v. 4000 lbs

you do the math.