So this is why we don't drive under busses.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
of course it will buff out, ya just gotta find the "easy" button on that thing.

had that been me, the busdriver would have died from a head injury from flying forward and hitting his face on the steering wheel, alot.


Yes, I play Halo
Apr 2, 2005
Merced, CA
Reign_Maker said:
That is a sad site to see... But I will say this, Supras are TOUGH! Had that been a Honda, it would've ripped in half or somethin... lol... Poor Supie... Poor poor Supie...

If it had been a Honda the bus wouldn't have any battle scars, it would probably look pristine. The Supie left a mark.
Apr 1, 2005
first off, i am a bus driver. all these coments about bus drivers constantly beeing dicks on the road and not careing who they hit is total hogwash. i for one take pride in being a safe proffessional driver and ive had only 1 minor preventable accident in the 5+ years ive been driving. i know not a single bus driver that purposely drives wrecklessly. think about it. if you get in an accident, you screw up your car. boo freakin hoo. if a bus driver gets into an accident, he could potentialy lose his job. its in our best interest to drive safely.

now, having said all that, i admit we can be a bit agressive sometimes. but thats only because most other drivers on the road give us no other choice. in my state, we have a law requireing drivers to yield to a bus thats pulling out of a bus zone. noone. and i mean noone obeys that law. so we have to get a bit agressive, or we would be sitting in one spot all day. sure, i understand that noone wants to be behind a bus, but cant we use some logic here? if a bus is merging back into traffic from a offroad zone, doesnt that mean the next zone will also be offroad? around here, most bus zones are only 2-3 blocks apart. so if you stop and let the bus in, you might lose 10-15 seconds. then the bus pulls off the road at the next zone and you can pass and speed up as fast as you want..... to the fraken red light that you were going to be stopped at anyway.:3d_frown:

anyway, on to the topic here. first, the guy said the bus was stopped. if the bus was stopped, how could it be the bus drivers fault? second, that supra must have been going really fast to cause that much damage. third, although it doesnt look like much, ive never seen a car inflict that much damage to a bus before. its possible it was just a lucky angle and point of impact, but daaammnn makes me glad i drive a supra and not some tin-can honduh. fourth, the gillig phantom is a POS! we use them as well as several models of new flyer and i can tell you, the gillig has aptly been given the nickname "K-Mart bus" that last part was just FYI.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ tottaly agree, if its bigger than my car, it can cut in front of me all it wants, buses, semi's, large moving vans, i give them all the damn space in the world, i even slow down for them alot to let them into a lane, people get pissed, but guess what my supra doesnt look like that up there.


The Magnificent Seven
Oct 16, 2005
i know what happened...he saw that purple teddy bear lookin at him and got spooked, hit the gas and blam.


Supramania Contributor
Wow, so some dumbass in politics passed laws allowing the busses to just ignore traffic and pull out into anything out there?

I'm speachless. (And that's saying alot.)

Well, not totally speachless, If some bus pulled out into me, I'd sue. Make it go to court, then let a jury decide if ANYONE including busses should be able to just pull out into traffic. (Makes perfect sense right? Let's let Police cars put out into traffic, or how about Fire trucks? Ambulances? Doctors in a hurry to save lives, late for a golf tee, or just in a hurry to catch the latest re-run of ER, I think it's reasonable they should have unlimited immunity to any responsibility for their actions....) Makes as much sense as allowing buses to just pull out into traffic anytime they want because heaven forbid, they might be LATE, and violate their schedule by waiting for traffic to clear before pulling out from the curb.... You know how many people ride busses...? Not very many, and the ones that do either can't drive, won't drive or have been told never to drive again under penalty of law.

Sorry, but busses clog up the roads worse than anything else in this world, at least they are not as prolific as jackasses in full size pickup trucks communting to work every day in a F350 lifted 8" and riding on 24" Bling-Bling wheels... (End rant.)

Hey, why not let those trucks pull out when ever they want too? They really deserve to have unlimited ability to ignore any common sense, and just pull out into traffic.....

What a stupid fucking law. Where do you live? I'd move, and I'd move quickly before some bus runs you over and you get a ticket for being there when the bus wanted to occupy the space you were so recklessly driving in.... You law breaker...

LOL what a screwed up world we are all spinning around in. Do me a favor, go to your political leaders who passed these laws and just kick them in the groin. (If it's a woman, give her a titty twister...) Then ask them to repeal stuipidity and make ANYONE repsonsible for yielding to existing traffic like it should be.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Well, to tell you the truth, the USA spends hella on road work, what gets me is that mass transit systems like in europe and asia(Japan mainly) havent been popping up yet.
Apr 1, 2005
Adjuster said:
Wow, so some dumbass in politics passed laws allowing the busses to just ignore traffic and pull out into anything out there?

No. i think youre a little confused.

“Nothing in this section shall operate to relieve the driver of the transit vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the roadway...” (RCW 46.61.220)

for more info on our widely ignored law in washington:

and jeepers. whats with all this animosity towards mass transit? clog up the roads? you must be drunk. and last time i checked, police cars/fire trucks/ambulances can already do just about anything they want when theyve got their lights flashing.