So my sister is pregnant...

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"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
lanky189 said:
....i nominate this for the lamest thread evar....

why do you waste your precious time posting in here then :D :p

lanky189 said:
TS i understand you're being upset that MDC used the word slut, but if you aire your dirty laundry on a public forum be prepared for the public to have less than pleasant comments to throw at you. its like if i post a pic of my car as say "aint it beautiful!" i can't get pissed if someone says no, if i post a pic of my a gf, and someone says they think she's ugly, they're allowed to say it, and i'm allowed to be pissed, but the best response is to ignore it, if RPK hadn't edited and MDC deleted his post, i would have left it alone,

what would you expect us to think? you didn't give any background info about long term relationships, and how does that change anything you said yourself it was immature and stupid to sleep around so quickly unprotected...thats candy coating it for ya.

see, I dont care what you people call your friends/ family or whatever... I also don't care if you guys think I'm overreacting or something...

I also think there is nothing wrong with being upfront and honest and all that BUT I will never accept or ignore someone (no matter if its in real life or in a forum or wherever) calling anyone from my family "slut" or anything to that effect... I just won't. Period.

You can be honest, you can be upfront, you can be funny and sarcastic... but the word "slut" (for example) has nothing to do with being honest, up front, funny or sarcastic... especially not in a forum where no one knows "Is it funny? Or was that serious?"...

If they don't have anything nice to say, they shouldn't say anything at all... ever heard about that? Also you have rules, not that anybody really cares... but whatever...

That is my point... accept it or don't, again I don't really care.


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
I would feel the same exact way if I was in your position Bella. But just keep in mind that there are a lot of worse things that could happen.

This part kind of threw me though...

TopSecret said:
You know that she had 2 long relationships... one 7/8 years, the other one 6 years?

So if she's only 28 now that would mean she started her first long term relationship when she was 14/ 15... if that's right then that's interesting/ impressive/ not very common. I didn't even talk to guys when I was that age... but maybe I'm weird.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
LOL, I know she started early... but at least she was loyal and didn't fuck around and stuff.

Oh well... can't change what happened, so I guess I have to deal with being an aunt some time next year (just hoping I'll be in BC so I don't have to deal with the baby... me doesn't like babies)
It makes me feel kinda old tho. *shrug*


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
you have the opportunity to be the cool aunt that corrupts the kids mind by buying him/her R rated movies and teachign the kid all the stuff mom is to affraid to teach yet.

kids are ok for short periods of time, and atleast she's keeping it.


TopSecret said:
why do you waste your precious time posting in here then :D :p
because you clicked the little linky in MDC's post that reported it, and this thread to my mailbox, that's why.

I also think there is nothing wrong with being upfront and honest and all that BUT I will never accept or ignore someone

Good luck with moving on in life with that mindset.

You can be honest, you can be upfront, you can be funny and sarcastic... but the word "slut" (for example) has nothing to do with being honest,
Um..he HONESTLY thinks your sister is a slut?

If they don't have anything nice to say, they shouldn't say anything at all... ever heard about that?
Freedom of speech, ever heard about that?
This is the real world, not some candy ass fantasy playground where everybody is sure to pad the walls and not offend someone, you asked for an opinnion you got it.

That is my point... accept it or don't, again I don't really care.

Ten bucks says you care enough to reply to what i have said again,

then again...thats MY point...accept it don't i don't really care.

This is the same attitude you take towards mod'ing your revival which is why i don't bother with it anymore, if something doesn't go the way you plan "thread-wise" you just whine and piss and moan, we're grown ups here Bella, even the younger members among us know life aint all peaches and cream you deal with the shitty stuff cuz you know theres alot more nice stuf out there. if you don't want to hear the bad opinnions of things you post, DO NOT POST!


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
lanky189 said:
because you clicked the little linky in MDC's post that reported it, and this thread to my mailbox, that's why.

Good luck with moving on in life with that mindset.

Um..he HONESTLY thinks your sister is a slut?

Freedom of speech, ever heard about that?
This is the real world, not some candy ass fantasy playground where everybody is sure to pad the walls and not offend someone, you asked for an opinnion you got it.

Ten bucks says you care enough to reply to what i have said again,

then again...thats MY point...accept it don't i don't really care.

This is the same attitude you take towards mod'ing your revival which is why i don't bother with it anymore, if something doesn't go the way you plan "thread-wise" you just whine and piss and moan, we're grown ups here Bella, even the younger members among us know life aint all peaches and cream you deal with the shitty stuff cuz you know theres alot more nice stuf out there. if you don't want to hear the bad opinnions of things you post, DO NOT POST!

I love you too lanky baby :biglaugh:

But anyways, close that thread before you get a heart attack, k?!?!
Thanks, bye.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
1/. Well if you call friends or people who joke with you sluts its kewl. But if you call some girl you do not know a slut she would get pissed off. And even to when you are insult another person's parent or sibling.

2/. I think its time for some tough love. You do know that only your sister can make the choice to dump that turkish guy or stay with him.I think what you get easily goes away easily and love does not happen in just a few weeks. It is not only about that warm feeling in the heart or that spine tingling feeling. You have to see whether that person is caring, flexible, honest, whether the person will work hard to give you a good life...No use having a guy or girl who will always say "I love you" but will not lift a hand to work to help pay the bills. Love does not buy breakfast,lunch or dinner. It work.Lots of things..To find out about a person takes time.

You know your sister...But you do not know much about this turkish guy or his intentions...Maybe he just wants us citizenship...or not..who knows...Would be a good idea to persuade your sister to get him to fly over to USA for a visit...that way he is on your soil and you can wage your war on him...not a war war...but a test his intentions...example get your friends whom he does not know to flirt with him and see how he
Will take a few months to find out the truth unless he cheats earlier on then you know.

Be a detective...Like I say "When it comes to the game of love there is not excuse for mistakes." When he/she is out, she/ he is definately out! 3 strikes and you are out business.

But support her..because if you argue with her alot, you will push her away and I am sure that guy is being smooth and nice to her...and she will go over to his side more and listen to whatever he says.

Hope that helps...



May 1, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Meeeh women are crazy and apparently easily wooed by shit heads from other country's!

maybe its the whole more "exotic" thing??? maybe its the Internet to blame - in the past it was not so easy to "fall" for someone so damn far away and continue to communicate easily??

I don't know why but I have seen two close female friends with promising jobs opportunities get trashed into kitchen bitchs by guys from other country's, bitter pill to swallow but thats life I guess!

Good luck with your sister, you dont have to approve of it but you should be there for her if it turns to shit, so dont give her tooo much of a hard time about it.

Allan (Dr Love all round wise man)

...ohhh fuck i own a supra maybe not so wise!


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
Allan_MA70 said:
Good luck with your sister, you dont have to approve of it but you should be there for her if it turns to shit, so dont give her tooo much of a hard time about it.

Very well put.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
Loki said:
I don't think I have any of your face though :biglaugh:

BWAHAHAHA, then hurry and search for this gf thread cos there you can see my face... for the first time (?!?!?!) :aigo:
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