So my sister is pregnant...

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"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
ummm, there are 2 options for me: one is "skilled worker immigration" or something but I dont get enough points for that cos I dont have the work experience and number 2 would be if someone (common law partner) would sponsor me... but that doesnt work either

and no, i'm not gonna get married just to get citizenship :p


Offical SM Expert: Turbochargers
SM Expert
Mar 31, 2005
Indy 500
Well I erased my comment because it was "insulting".

Needless to say, sometimes the truth hurts.

Don't candy coat what your sister did or what she is.

As for getting citizenship, why don't you try for some place really cool like the Bahamas, Austrailia or New Zealand?


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
GrimJack said:
Some advice from a long time ago in my life - you can't give out advice about other people's love lives, at least not until long after the fact, and sometimes not even then. All you can do is be available when she needs support.

Yeah, it's like on "The Wedding Singer"

"That's right, Robbie. You have to let it out, man."
"Let what out?"
"Your feelings, you know, about what that lousy bitch did to you today."
"Don't call her that 'cause we're gonna get back together and then there's gonna be weirdness between you and me, so just watch it."


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
CtSupra said:
my step-mother obviously has power of attorney over all his shit, and i know he has some papers from when i was younger with all of my personal info on them. so who knows what she could be doing with my social and what not. she's just that kind of person.

eh, sorry for the high-jack.

If you don't care about them and worry about identity fraud, how about having your name and social security number legally changed?


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
MDCmotorsports said:
Well I erased my comment because it was "insulting".

trying to tell me the word "slut" is not an insult?

MDCmotorsports said:
Needless to say, sometimes the truth hurts.

Don't candy coat what your sister did or what she is.

so you would appreciate it when some random person comes up to you and calls your sister/ brother/ mother/ father/ wife a "slut" or "bitch" or "faggot" or "son of a bitch" or something to that effect? I doubt it.

Also... you do know my sister, right?
You know that she had 2 long relationships... one 7/8 years, the other one 6 years?
You also know that she did not sleep with more than 5 men in her whole life?

See, I know she made a mistake... a big one IMO but the fact that she is in love with some guy and got pregnant does NOT make her a slut.

If you wanna call people names and be cool, move your ass to SF OT... people will love you there.

MDCmotorsports said:
As for getting citizenship, why don't you try for some place really cool like the Bahamas, Austrailia or New Zealand?

cos my bf is canadian and canada is quite a nice country


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
drunk_medic said:
If you don't care about them and worry about identity fraud, how about having your name and social security number legally changed?
Don't care is perhaps too extreme. What happened may be wrong, but even so, it's still your family - well, your dad anyhow. Human beings are odd creatures - we can still love people who don't really deserve it, or people who have done some very bad things. It's a whole lot easier to live with once you realize emotionally as well as intellectually that our relatives are not only not perfect, but they are often even less perfect than we thought they were.

This isn't my only example, you don't make it to my age :) and not have a fair bit of experience like this.

My wife and I have this girl friend - we've known her for years, since she was about 15, I guess. She's smart, damn good looking, and a wonderful person. When she was about 17 she got into cocaine... when she turned 19 she got a job as a stripper, found a boyfriend who is also on cocaine when she was 20, married by 21, by now she has had 4 children, which social services have taken away from her, been in and out of jail about a dozen times, her husband is abusive, he beats her and trashes their stuff (he's been in and out of jail about as much). Through all this, we still care about her a whole lot, but the only thing we can do is listen when she calls... there literally isn't anything else we can do. You can't send her money, because she'll just spend it on cocaine, or buy things that her husband will break. You can't tell her to quit the cocaine, because that need *has* to come from inside. You can't tell her to leave him, because that decision has to come from her as well.

So, we take her calls, even when they are collect calls from prison, we sympathize about her kids and how she only gets to see them every month or so, and we congratulate her every time she manages to get clean, even if it only lasts a little while.

It breaks our hearts... but what can you do?


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
GrimJack said:
It breaks our hearts... but what can you do?

well, I know this goes against everything you just said, but (to me) if you truely cared for that person, being there is great, but sometimes people need more than that. they need a good kick in the ass to set their life back on track. it needs to be a 30/70 thing, the 30 is from you kick starting them again and the 70 is them continuing with the help of that kick start.
you have to help them open their eyes and show them that what they are doing to themselves and to others is a horrible path to follow.

now as for this girl, you know the guy is bad for her, get that in her head first, (i think) some people need to here it from others before they are able to carry out what they have been feeling inside for so long. Cocaine is a bad drug yes, but she still can come clean. try and show them that their life is still worth living. sometimes all it takes is a nudge in the right direction for the whole train to start moving towards the right destination.


Jul 10, 2005
None of your fucking business
TopSecret said:
I think what really bothers me (besides the fact that it is a turkish guy... sorry, i know i sound like a racist)

Well it could be worse, he could be a Canadian :barf:

Be supportive in her company, there will be a day where you can express yourself in the future. You'll either say, "at first I thought it was a bad idea, but know you have this beautiful child" or When she says, man I fucked up you'll say "Yeah I wanted to tell you so much how stupid you were but "love" will blind you sometimes". I say let it play out, as long as that turkish guy isn't in the picture she should be ok.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
kwnate said:
Well it could be worse, he could be a Canadian :barf:

That actually made me laugh pretty bad... :biglaugh:
I shouldnt laugh tho.... :biglaugh:


Supramania Contributor
drunk_medic said:
If you don't care about them and worry about identity fraud, how about having your name and social security number legally changed?

Heh. I have the name change papers. Costs $150.00, and you have to stand in front of a judge and tell him why you want it changed. LOL. That should be no problem for me.

I also thought about changing my social, but I don't feel like memorizing another nine numbers and starting from scratch with my credit.

Grimjack: I understand what you're saying, but if I told you what he actually did, you'll know why I don't need anything more from him.


....i nominate this for the lamest thread evar...

TS i understand you're being upset that MDC used the word slut, but if you aire your dirty laundry on a public forum be prepared for the public to have less than pleasant comments to throw at you. its like if i post a pic of my car as say "aint it beautiful!" i can't get pissed if someone says no, if i post a pic of my a gf, and someone says they think she's ugly, they're allowed to say it, and i'm allowed to be pissed, but the best response is to ignore it, if RPK hadn't edited and MDC deleted his post, i would have left it alone,

what would you expect us to think? you didn't give any background info about long term relationships, and how does that change anything you said yourself it was immature and stupid to sleep around so quickly unprotected...thats candy coating it for ya.


The Future is Unwritten
Mar 30, 2005
Prince George, B.C.
I call most of my friends sluts :dunno: they don't seem to get mad at me, I'm pretty sure I've called Lanky a slut a few times.
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