so it is winter...


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
and my skin is pissing me off!!!!! :icon_evil

It is itchy, it is dry, it feels like sandpaper... my whole damn face is seriously turning into sandpaper. The rest of my body is itchy as hell...
It is a skin disease, called Neurodermitis in german... no clue what it is in english but yeah. Dry skin in general and an outbreak of ND on top of it... :cry: :3d_frown: :cry: ... winters suck!

For those who suffer from something like this (itchy, dry skin... sandpaper like), does anyone have some 'recipes', household remedies against it?
Yes, I know the majority on here is male but still...

I already bought creme but it doesn't seem to help... also tried baby oil... didn't help either. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH...

aka Kactabigun

New Member
Aug 13, 2005
Newcastle England
My forearms get really itchy, been like that for 6 months now. Theres no flacky skin or rash. They just get anoyingly itchy.
Has anyone had that before? im 43 now and dont think its age related.
Im a clean, fat health dude, so it aint down to beeing a dirty bastard.
Is there a Doctor in the hoose.

On a serious note though when i think about it more it gets worse.
Could i be going mad. (hope not)
Also my arsehole sweat gland thing is giving me some jip.
What is that called. Any sugestions please.:1zhelp:


Jul 22, 2005
Typically what I do Is get a lotion rich in vitamin E, does the trick if you use it daily, but then again things do work diffrently on other people and it's just a matter of finding what works.


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
americanjebus said:
sure it isnt soriasis?? is it flaky? or just itchy.

buy some lotion, and dont touch it.

it feels like sandpaper and itches and after 3 days or so of using creme against it the skin is flaking off and the new skin is usually healthy...


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
lanky189 said:
ew again.

spare me comments like that... seriously it is unnecessary.

having dry skin and/ or skin diseases on top of it isnt really funny... if you would have it you probably would understand but obviously you dont, so please GET THE HELL OUT!


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
I too got neurodermatitis (that's the english term), it's annoying as hell.
got the same symptoms like you have, but my skin doesn't change throughout the year, it's just always rough and dry, and more or less all body parts are affected. I got the peeling-off thing only from time to time though.
I'm using Nivea lotion directly after the morning shower for everything except the face, that's keeping the skin from drying out too much (otherwise it does dry out really bad after a shower or after swimming etc.).
for the worst parts of the skin like the hands and forearms, I'm using a product called "Dr. Kaufmanns Haut- und Kindercreme". you can get it in Germany at Schlecker.... maybe you can get it somehow, otherwise I'd send it to you if you want.
it's the only really helpful prescription-free creme I came across so far. that Nivea stuff et al. is pretty much useless for my skin.
another really good creme is called "Amciderm Fettsalbe", but you have to get a prescription for it (at least in Germany). the latter one is also helping a bit with the itchiness, I'm not sure what the ingredients are as I don't have a tube of it at hand right now.

oh well, it's always the good people who have to suffer the most :D

Jeff: lucky you!


"Fudge you, butthole!"
Sep 4, 2005
encomiast said:
I too got neurodermatitis (that's the english term), it's annoying as hell.
got the same symptoms like you have, but my skin doesn't change throughout the year, it's just always rough and dry, and more or less all body parts are affected. I got the peeling-off thing only from time to time though.
I'm using Nivea lotion directly after the morning shower for everything except the face, that's keeping the skin from drying out too much (otherwise it does dry out really bad after a shower or after swimming etc.).
for the worst parts of the skin like the hands and forearms, I'm using a product called "Dr. Kaufmanns Haut- und Kindercreme". you can get it in Germany at Schlecker.... maybe you can get it somehow, otherwise I'd send it to you if you want.
it's the only really helpful prescription-free creme I came across so far. that Nivea stuff et al. is pretty much useless for my skin.
another really good creme is called "Amciderm Fettsalbe", but you have to get a prescription for it (at least in Germany). the latter one is also helping a bit with the itchiness, I'm not sure what the ingredients are as I don't have a tube of it at hand right now.

oh well, it's always the good people who have to suffer the most :D

Jeff: lucky you!

i'm in germany at the moment... will go and have a look as soon as possible :D

i got a creme called bedan from the pharmacy, was good too... also pretty good is 'menalind' and 'eucerin'... you can get all of them without seeing the doctor. i also used 'advantan fettsalbe' a while ago, worked like a charm but also a prescription thing.
actually most cremes work good, they only take a shitload of time to actually start working.


boosted kraut
Mar 31, 2005
here's a pic of the can, it's just so much easier to find when you know what to look for :D
pretty oldschool, huh....
you should find it where all the baby care stuff is, since it's originally intended for children. let me know what you think about it when you try it out.


Needs a new username...
Apr 1, 2005
United States
My dad has the same thing..... turns out he was allergic to something... He stopped eating breads and whole-grain crapp..... uhh.... I think it's called a Gluten Free diet, or something like that (glue - ten). Anyway, his was mostly with his hands and forearms, they would get so dry they would crack open and bleed, then if that skin fell off, or he picked it off (whichever the case was) skin would take forever to grow back (compared to normal anyway). But after he started that diet his hands steadily got better, and now he can even do stuff with them that he couldn't before and the bitching has subsided as well. Obviously, my SN isn't mkIISupraman18 M.D., so you may want to check with a dermatologist if you haven't done so already. But if you need an X-Ray, I can do that. :icon_bigg

Dad used all kinds of lotions and the like..... I think his favorite was called "bag balm". It's kinda got the whole old-school looking can also. I doubt it's available in Germany though. :icon_conf


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
Oddly enough, I use this stuff called (I think) udder creme - it's originally made to treat sore udders on milk cows. The container is even splotchy like a cow.

It's the best of the non-prescription ones I've tried.