so I was walking out to my car...


I build planes... yeah...
May 27, 2005
everett, WA
after work on saturday, and I see these two people satnding by it, I slow down, and walk as quietly as I can, as I get closer, I see that one is kneeling by my drivers-side door and arguing furiously with his companion, as I get yet closer, I can tell that they're obviously some homeless people that live in the shelter down the road. finally, when I'm like 4-5 feet away from them I say:"ya know, the key broke off in that lock, you'd have better luck with the other one." they look up w/ the "deer in headlights" look, then take off like a coulpe of old, crippled lightning bolts. as they're hobbling away at a surprising clip, I grab a couple of the biggest rocks around an chuck them half-assedly in their genral direction. I then heard a thump, and one of them fell onto a car parked on the side of the road, thus setting off the alarm. he got up and stumbled drunkenly away. I chuckle to my self quietly as I get in my car and drive off.



sad part is that all of this is true, and not just extremely creative writing...


Tallest MK3 driver ever!!
Mar 30, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Ya, just like segal in Exit Wounds!. Then fought some gange members, and paired up with dmx to fight crooked cops.


Breaking In - in progress
Mar 30, 2005
Northern California
Lol...funny story.

Speaking of hobos I see this hobo outside Seven Eleven all the time and most of the time I give him my spare change....But other times I do not because I see him smoking cigarettes. I mean if he was so desperate for money why does he waste his money on cigarettes?..



Supramania Contributor
hobo! hahaha, i haven't heard that word in a long time! yeah, i hate that crap. hobo's, and not so hobo people alike asking for money.

everybody around here in new britain asks for money, lol. usually at gas stations and bus stops. grown men come up to me and ask me for a dollar. "yo, you got a dollar" my response: "yo, you're a fucking grown man out here asking me for money, give me a dollar, wtf!" i even had a conversation with this dude. he laughed when i told him to give me a dollar, and he said, "i know man, i don't know why i'm out here. i need to go find another job blah blah blah." i was like yeah, that might be a good first step. this guy wasn't a bum either. he had on nice looking lothes and everything, lol. i was like look at you, what are you doing with yourself, lol.


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
fairfax VA
hahaha good stuff.

you guys dont know hobos untill you hang out in richmond. theres this street down by my dorm, in the space of a block three different bums asked me for money. i then go into a restrant to get food, when i come out two of the same bums from before ask me for money again.

my friend came up with a good thing to say to the hobos though:
hobo: "can i have some money"?
friend:"how far into debt are you?"
hobo:"i dont have any debt"
friend:"well i'm $40,000 in debt because of student loans, i should be asking you for money"

aye mate

Hiatus over.
Mar 30, 2005
I tell em to get a job. McDonalds is always hiring. It a better job than the one they have now(none)


Supramania Contributor
Pan handling is a crime. It's also annoying.

It's been going on as long as people have been on the planet however. (Beggars and theives, or whores and the world's "oldest" profession did not just start yesterday.)

At least the whores are intertaining. (Yikes, flame on!)

A few years ago, I was selling radio advertising. (Like 15 years ago.) Anyway, this one account I worked with owned hotels in the area. I had noticed a family of vagabonds living out of a van, and pan-handling for money with signs at busy intersections. (You know the ones, "Help us, we are from *Whereever* and need to get home, your money will help buy us gas and food for the trip home" or whatever the latest plea of the day is.)
They would sit there with the mom holding the dirty little kids, the dad holding the sign, and all of them looking forlorn and near death...

So, I pull into the hotel parking lot, and see the van there... Wow, how nice of these people to give this family a place to stay over night...

So, I go inside and meet with the gal who owns the hotels, and mention how nice it was of here to offer them a place to stay....

She starts laughing, almost falls off her chair and tells me they paid cash for the hotel room, and that she can't wait till they leave.
Says for me to follow here. She looked outside, and says, "OK, they are gone, so we can take a peek..." She grabs the master key, and we walk over to the room where the van is parked....
She looks around again, says "Housekeeping" loudly and then knocks on the door. No body answers, so she opens up the room, and waives for me to enter while she watches the door.....

The room is a disaster. There are cans of food open on the floor, partially eaten then dumped into piles with plastic forks and spoons still sticking out of them. Flies are everywhere. It stinks beyond discription. She says that cleaning the room will be nearly impossible, she might have to replace the carpets and beds.
There are watermellons split open, and only the hearts eaten out, the rest was scattered around the room, or smeared onto the walls. It was disgusting, and clearly these people were well fed, and not shy of cash either.

We left back to the office, and the owner told me they had a nice Caddy they drove when they were not dressed in rags and begging for food/money. These people had been in this hotel for 3 weeks. It was only getting worse every day she said. (More dirty food, and the room was being trashed.)

Said the worst part was she told them that to stay, they had to pay her a 500.00 cleaning deposit, and she hoped they would leave, but NO, they just whipped out the money and handed it over!!

Short on cash? Starving? Nope, this is how they make money, and from what she could tell, they made quite a bit of it.

So much for the needy...

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
I have seen the undercover video of "pan handlers w/ signs" work all day raking in cash on a certain intersection, then after rush hr. walking 3 blocks to get in their bmw and drive home... granted this guy was a scammer, and is not the typical homeless..
I cant say i agree with tossing rocks.. but i wasnt there..
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Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
kids and theives steal cars, the bums may have just wanted to get warm? it is winter imo..
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
... ^^ reread that and tell my why that is the dumbest thing u have said, joel your smart, i like you, but that is on the scale of "uhhh, uhhh" brain fart? LOL

come on its a car, why not go into o say a building, or under a bridge, i can name 400000 more places than a car that hasnt been started and it is cold inside it.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
ill give you that one d34, (it may not have been my smartest statement here.... lol) but like i said in my first post here, i wasn't there, so i dont know his neighborhood or conditions. Its my opinion bums dont actually steal cars though..
but i dont have that probblem here in the sticks so ill leave it be..

EDITED.. im sure all his change and cd's and anything of value or warmth would probably be missing from the car in the am, but i'd bet the car would still be there..
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
thats prolly true they wont steal one, unless he was a professional.

Cusin lives in memphis, TN.
he owns his house and bunch of stuff in it he is a decorated art student, awards all kinds of crap.
well this "bum" had been hanging around his house, for about a month. always asking for money or food, cusin told him where a soup kitchen is. still hung around the house.
well one day my cusin went to class, from 7am-10am, he gets home at 10:20
within this time everything in his house was stolen, only things they left were the fridge and stove, both were bolted to the wall. they took his carpet and left the staples in the floor. they even stole the food in the fridge, yes thats right stole food, he is a broke college student and they took over 40lbs of rice also(rice is cheap and good). now, when he moved in it took me, him and his 2 brothers almost a whole day to move in his stuff, this isnt including his stuff that slowly makes it into the house after 3 years of living there, all of it was cleared out within 3 hours, now thats a professional
he got a nice check from the insurance company tho, but still it sucked.

Joel W.

Just A Jedi
Nov 7, 2005
ya that sounds more like a professional thief "possing"as a bum for cover to me.. thats sucks though, in and out in under 3 hrs?, it sounds like teamwork..


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
^^ yep, had to be, i bet he was a damn "spy" watchign the house figuring out my cusins schedule, hes still waiting for some of his art work to show up online.
It had to be more than 10 guys and a freakin huge truck. i mean it looked BARE man, like when u go to look at a house for sale thats how bare it was, took everything, beds, washer dryer, tv, comp, phone, lamps, desk's, EVEN THE FREAKIN WINDOW BLINDS, WTF!!!