Well, prelim numbers are in. I need to head back for a real run. Since the start of the motor its been running goofy and would not idle less than a 13.0. Well, number 4 injector was taking a shite, and became evident on the third dyno pull when it went full open.
So with a map thats a bit rich, (low 11's) and low timing, the car made 460/422 on 91 pump at 14.5psi. I imagine once the injectors are right! thatll pick some and since were just getting into the turbos good part, power will increase alot from here.
So with a map thats a bit rich, (low 11's) and low timing, the car made 460/422 on 91 pump at 14.5psi. I imagine once the injectors are right! thatll pick some and since were just getting into the turbos good part, power will increase alot from here.