Hello, sorry if this is in the wrong section but I couldn't think of anywhere else to put it. I plan on buying this 91 mk3 targa turbo with 80k original miles only real issue is the bumper could be replaced because it has a little damage from a bumper bump/scrape from another car that ran a stop sign or something. He is asking for $3,500 but I plan on trying to talk him down to $3k because I want to change the head gasket and put in ARP studs ASAP. He also said there is some very light smoke coming from the motor after long drives, probably the head gasket right? Anyway I could use some advice before buying this car, I had an 88 mk3 N/A but the head cracked from overheating, again probably the head gasket since it was original. Anyway the car is in excellent shape except for the small bumper damage and a small ding on the rear quarter panel that can probably be pulled. Thanks in advance.