Alright, here it is:
Predictably, the voters of SanFrancisco passed a law that does not allow the military to recruit in any schools in the city. (High school, or universities.)
So, the military has been told to leave, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
The Liberal pundits love it. I see this spreading in other bastions of the far(t) left.
Here is the problem.
If you don't participate, how can you expect to be protected by that same military?
If you don't participate, why should the rest of the country spend money on your safety? (Or state.)
If you say "No way" I say that's fine, it's your choice, but I hope when the dam breaks, an earthquake happens, or some towel head Terrorist blows up your city, I say "No way" is my money or time going to help you out of your problems.
They say the law will protect their children from going to Iraq. They say we should get out of Iraq, and come home. This is the wrong way to voice their opinion.
You don't bite the hand that feeds you, and I hope the Bay Area learns quickly that you don't also bite the hand that defends your freedoms. If I was the military, I'd put everyone within a 500 mile range of San Francisco on orders they are NOT to spend one penny in that area. No travel there. Cancel any and all orders from any goods or services from that area. Find other sources of anything being bought from there. Close the gates, and send all the civilians home with pink slips who work on the local bases. Your FIRED would be the order of the day. No troops would be allowed out on leave in the city. I also think they should start the process of closing down every base in the bay area right now. Don't give the land to the local government, just close down the bases, weld the gates shut, and let the locals really know how you feel about this law. IF we need the bases later, they still have them, but no local money should be spent untill this law is repealled.
Even better? RE INSTATE THE DRAFT, but only do it in SanFrancisco.
Yippie, your a Hippie, now your a grunt, so get to it soldier, and get you ass over to Iraq doubletime!!
I have to say, I'm ashamed to even say I've lived in that area before. It's been a few decades, but I don't think I'll ever go back now. They don't get my tourist dollars. Ever.
What do you guys think?
Predictably, the voters of SanFrancisco passed a law that does not allow the military to recruit in any schools in the city. (High school, or universities.)
So, the military has been told to leave, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
The Liberal pundits love it. I see this spreading in other bastions of the far(t) left.
Here is the problem.
If you don't participate, how can you expect to be protected by that same military?
If you don't participate, why should the rest of the country spend money on your safety? (Or state.)
If you say "No way" I say that's fine, it's your choice, but I hope when the dam breaks, an earthquake happens, or some towel head Terrorist blows up your city, I say "No way" is my money or time going to help you out of your problems.
They say the law will protect their children from going to Iraq. They say we should get out of Iraq, and come home. This is the wrong way to voice their opinion.
You don't bite the hand that feeds you, and I hope the Bay Area learns quickly that you don't also bite the hand that defends your freedoms. If I was the military, I'd put everyone within a 500 mile range of San Francisco on orders they are NOT to spend one penny in that area. No travel there. Cancel any and all orders from any goods or services from that area. Find other sources of anything being bought from there. Close the gates, and send all the civilians home with pink slips who work on the local bases. Your FIRED would be the order of the day. No troops would be allowed out on leave in the city. I also think they should start the process of closing down every base in the bay area right now. Don't give the land to the local government, just close down the bases, weld the gates shut, and let the locals really know how you feel about this law. IF we need the bases later, they still have them, but no local money should be spent untill this law is repealled.
Even better? RE INSTATE THE DRAFT, but only do it in SanFrancisco.
I have to say, I'm ashamed to even say I've lived in that area before. It's been a few decades, but I don't think I'll ever go back now. They don't get my tourist dollars. Ever.
What do you guys think?